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A large number of resource agro—waste have been produced each year in recent years around the world. According to the statistics of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the annual amount of various crop stalks produced by planting was up to17million tons. For instance, a total of700million tons resource agro—waste were produced in Western Europe from1998to2001. And in1995-2006, the annual increment was about365million tons in France. Besides, in Germany, the amount produced only in2000was more than175million tons. In last years, about700million tons of crop straw and100million tons of vegetable waste have been annually produced (Sun Zhenjun et al,2004). And the amount of animal manure is about17.3×108t, which by2020will annually increase to4.244billion ton. As Experts predict, with the development of production and population, agricultural waste will annually increase at an average rate of5%-10%. Most of the agricultural residues, under the current technology, capital and labor level, could be used as raw materials of byproducts in agriculture or agricultural products processing industry. Therefore, agricultural waste is a huge resource library.
     However, not only fail to achieve efficient conversion and utilization, current extensive agricultural waste disposal methods even cause serious environmental pollution. For example, the burning of manure and straw will generate a lot of N2O, SO2, CH4, and smoke and dust, seriously polluting our air environment. Except organic matters, animal manure also contains many pathogens, parasite eggs, heavy metals and so on. Not properly handled, a large number of agricultural residues have been directly discharged into water, leading to serious contamination of groundwater and surface water systems. Incorrect handling is also a waste of resource agro—waste. For example, burning straw in the field can make only one-third of its potassium be reused, while other nutrients rich in straw all lost, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, organic matter, and heat. As a fuel, only1/10of the energy can be used, and most of the energy, mineral salts, fats and crude protein, etc. are wasted.
     Facing the waste of resources and ecological environment destruction caused by agricultural residues, effective utilization of agricultural residues will become a major change in agricultural development concepts and patterns, which is also the inherent need of sustainable development of agriculture and rural economy, having raised great attention in government departments at all levels. This year, in the12th Five-Year Plan of China's national economy and social development, agricultural waste generation and emissions was required to be controlled from the source and in the whole process.
     The object of our research is resource agro—waste, and is based on theories and definitions related to agricultural waste recycling. Through the empirical research and analysis on spatial and temporal variation of its value, we further clarified the time variation, spatial distribution characteristics, as well as the temporal and spatial characteristic of its potential value. And we further confirmed the huge resource potential and explored the factors influencing the value in the empirical exploration of its direct, indirect and potential value in use. Besides, we analyzed agricultural waste management behavior in developed countries, and summarized their successful experiences of conversion and utilization of agricultural waste, making it clear the possible policy trends of conversion and utilization in our country. The main research work and conclusions are as follows:
     Using macro-statistics and micro-survey data, we estimated the stock of agricultural wastes resources and its temporal and spatial characteristic, getting the following new cognitive:
     (1) In1978-2011, the resource stock and increment presented volatile growth trends. In view of the stage characteristics, the stock and increment of agricultural waste based on crop straw and animal manure grew with weak fluctuations in1978-2002, increased rapidly in2002-2004, showed a'downward-stabilized-downward'trend in2004-2008, and steadily increased in2008-2011. On the whole, there is a large resource stock in China's agricultural wastes and is unbalanced and relative concentrated in distribution.
     (2) From the view of resource agro—waste spatial and temporal characteristics,there are great potential in agricultural waste, a rapid growth trend, and unbalanced and relative concentrated in spatial distribution. From the view of resource agro—waste regional differences, potential value exist large regional differences on the whole. The potential value of resource agro—waste in Henan Province is the maximum, reaching303.1292tons per square kilometer, while that of Tibet autonomous region is the minimum, only0.676736tons per square kilometer. From the regional distribution of its potential value, it is unbalanced in different provinces, gradually decreasing from east to west overall.
     (3) Improving resource agro—waste recycling behavior is effective way to improve farmers' perception of resource agro—waste. Among farmers'personal characteristics factors, participating in agricultural associations or other cooperative organizations significantly influences the farmers'perception of its direct value in use, while factors like age, gender, education level, cadre, owning professional skills have no affect. In the external environmental factors, significant important factors include regional economic level, distance to the nearest agricultural products wholesale market, the road grade near residence. Developed economy, close to agricultural product wholesale markets and higher level of the roads are helpful to improve farmers'perception of it.
     (4) Resource agro—waste has enormous indirect use value.Cyclic utilization can effectively improve the anti-risk ability of agriculture. The study found that, agricultural waste recycling can reduce traditional industries rely on agriculture, improving anti-risk capability. Agricultural wastes recycling can reduce waste emissions and improve production efficiency. In traditional industries, most of the resource agro—waste are discarded directly or used as fuel only, which is of low economic value, resulting in not only a waste of resources, but also the environmental pollution. While recycling can make full use of resource agro—waste, not only producing more surplus value and minimizing waste, but also promoting resource conservation and waste reduction. Agricultural waste recycling can help to enhance industrial ripple effect. It can greatly improve its role in the development of the national economy, and better accept the pull of the national economy and other industries
     (5) the majority of farmers recognize the potential value in use of resource agro—waste, and is willing to pay for it.Compared with commercialization, the respondents are more willing to recycle their own resources to achieve its economic value. Farmers'payment varies in different species of resource agro—waste. In details, they have higher willingness to buy livestock manure than crop straws and prefer to recycle their own straw than livestock manure. In the total sample, which includes Shandong, Hubei and Shanxi province, the average willingness to pay for straw is186Yuan per person per year, and total economic value of it is9.38x109Yuan per year. Similarly, the average willingness to pay for animal manure is310.8Yuan per person per year, and its total economic value is1.54×1010Yuan per year. Factors such as farmer's age, educational level, family income, cognition on external diseconomy of resource agro—waste all affect farmers' willingness to pay. Younger age, higher educational level, higher family income and more profound cognition can improve farmers' willingness to pay. And gender and whether or concurrent business have no significant effect.
     On the above studies, we propose the following suggestions:①We should Coordination Multiparty and definition the functions of main part.It means we should build a "Four in One" development mechanism, which means Farmer-led, government guidance, enterprise participation and NGO assist.②We should speed up the construction of economic policy system by various measures.For example, strengthen the fiscal policy, Improve the tax policy, accelerate to draw up the financial policy inorder to advance resource agro—waste conversion and utilization.③We should build a sound legal system, perfect legal gaps, strict law enforcement about resource agro—waste conversion and utilization.④Market mechanism should full play the role of self-regulation. We should accelerating resource agro—waste "commercialization" and "industrialization" process. And building long-term development mechanism of resource agro—waste⑤We should accelerate the development of Long Term Development Plan of resource agro—Waste.There are plans and steps to improve agricultural production, rural economic development and ecological environment.⑥We should improve farmers' awareness of recycling resources. Raise the participating subjects'awareness of environmental and recycling resources.⑦We should speed up the technology innovation, strengthen technology promotion, accelerate scientific and technological achievements of resource agro—waste conversion and utilization.
     The main innovation is reflected as follows:
     First, the concept of resource agro—waste was defined, not only enriching and further developing the theory of agricultural wastes, but overcoming the fuzzy concept of agricultural waste, which is a theory innovation.
     Second, Research methods application has innovative. By input-output analysis methods and CVM methods, this text analysed the economic value of recycling of resource agro—waste. By input-output analysis methods, this text comparative analysed the industry related degree and industrial ripple effect, reflects the economic value of resource agro—waste. By CVM methods, this text surveyed farmer's acknowledge of resource agro—waste, the willingness to pay of resource agro—waste and estimated the total economic value of resource agro—waste.
     Thirdly, research content has innovative. In the first place, by scientific methods this text studied the stocks and temporal-space differences of resource agro—waste. In the second place, this text fom direct economic value, indirect economic value and potential economic value three aspects studied the resource agro—waste economic value.The conclution show that recycling of resource agro—waste has potential economic value. In the third place, this text clear the main problems in the process of resource agro—waste recycling.This is an important factor which restricted the realiz of resource agro—waste economic value.
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