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Objective:Through theoretical and experimental studies a more comprehensive interpretation of different loads on the stability of the spine, we hope for the backpack to recommend a more reasonable location of the backpack and the backpack load. Methods:(1) surface EMG;(2) FEA;(3) the experimentation for TFL and COP. Results:under0%BW、5%BW、10%BW、15%BW、20%BW、25%BW、30%BW、35%BW、40%BW and45%BW, when the backpack load is less than15%BW, the maximum displacement is in the T7group, almost all of the displacement is below3mm in the L3group of the maximum displacement of15%BW, when the backpack load of20%BW and25%BW, the maximum displacement of the L3is about2.6mm, while the T7and T12is more than3mm but less than3.5mm. under seven kinds of load:0%BW,15%BW/T7,15%BW/T12,15%BW/L3,30%BW/T7,30%BW/T12,30%BW/L3, the sEMG changes of the multifidus muscle, the erector spinae, rectus abdominis and external oblique muscle are consistent, that is, with the increment of load, concentic iEMG and RMS increases, while the MF and MPF decreases. Under the load of15%BW/L3of concentric iEMG and RMS increase is ralatively flat, while the MF and MPF deceases relatively flat; the changes of the TFL is significant; but the changes of the COP is not. Conclusions:(1) under different loads, the stability of the spine is as follows:L3>T12>T7;(2) under the backpack load of15%BW, the backpack is located in L3, T12, T7, the spine is stable;(3) under different loads, the external oblique EMG does not change significantly, suggesting that under static load, the exernal oblique muscle is less involved in maintaining the stability of the spine;(4) under different loads, rectus abdominis, multifidus muscle and erector spinae sEMG change significantly, suggesting that under static load, the rectus abdominis, multifidus muscle and erector spinae more involved in maintaining the stability of the spine.
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