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     在知识模型部分,吸收知识管理和语义Web的研究成果,分析目前的知识服务在功能和语义层次等方面的问题,第三章提出一种适用于知识服务的知识模型——HyXTM。这是一个基于超图的XMLTopic Maps知识模型,并且针对知识服务对XML Topic Maps及其超图加以了扩展。该模型具有较高的语义层次以及较好的Web适应性,可以通过图的方式,对分布式知识网络进行建模。另外,这一章还提出了基于HyXTM知识模型构建分布式、增长型知识库系统的方法。
Knowledge Services represent a merged field for knowledge and services. The promising field aims at turning knowledge assets into knowledge products and services, delivering them over the Internet, and providing the knowledge-based services through the interactions with clients. The research can by applied to many fields, including knowledge organizations, knowledge intensive businesses, professional service providers on Web, etc.
    Generally, the mechanism for knowledge services explores the organization, architecture, and the working theories for knowledge service systems. The dissertation researches on the mechanism for implementing knowledge services by information technologies. On providing knowledge-based services, there is a big gap between the knowledge resources and the targeted service, either on semantics, logics, or functionalities. The core of the research is the way on turning knowledge into services.
    Firstly a survey is given on the background and the related research for knowledge services from two points of view (knowledge and service). It summarized the available experiences from those systems that have had knowledge-service features. Based on that, a general framework toward knowledge services is abstracted. The framework includes three parts: a knowledge model, a service model, and a system turning the knowledge model to the service model.
    Toward the knowledge model, Chapter 3 puts forward an appropriate one for knowledge services, called HyXTM, by absorbing the research on. knowledge management and Semantic Web. HyXTM is an expanded one of XML Topic Map and its hyper-graph model. Toward web applications, it models the distributed knowledge network at a higher semantic level and by a graphic way. Furthermore, the method for constructing a distributed and incremental knowledge base system is discussed based on HyXTM.
    Toward the service model, Chapter 4 puts forward an appropriate one for knowledge services, called KSP, by absorbing the research on Web Services. KSP packages knowledge into modules on providing knowledge services.
    Based on both the knowledge model and the service model, Chapter 5 puts forward a mechanism for knowledge services abbreviated as "Two Models + A Four-Layered Mapping System". The mechanism considers the knowledge service problem as a mapping problem, including: "Two models" are knowledge model and
    service model respectively; the "Four-Layered Mapping System", which maps from the knowledge model to the service model, contains four layers; and each of the layers does a part of the mapping. Moreover, the chapter discusses a mapping system based on the mechanism, called KS-Mapping. In KS-Mapping, the knowledge model is HyXTM; the service model is KSP; each of the layers is equipped with an extensible library of the mapping rules or operations.
    Chapter 6 provides a case study to apply KS-Mapping system to a consulting company. The case shows how KS-Mapping can help the company provide the knowledge services for its clients. Since the consulting company is a typical example for knowledge-intensive businesses, the study demonstrates that KS-Mapping fits well in knowledge-intensive paradigms.
    Finally is the conclusion part, and the future work is expected.
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