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Along with the tendency of economic globalization becoming more prevailing and obvious, it was broadly predicted that the distribution of the world industry would be more scattered and balanced. However, the distribution hasn't developed into balance; on the contrary, economic activities tend to be geographically concentrated on some core locations with a spatial phenomenon—industrial cluster comes out, showing more intense agglomeration of industries spatially than ever before.Industrial clusters refer to the spatial industrial organizations gathering in certain areas by the means of spatial division of production and based on competition and cooperation between related enterprises of certain industries and relative institutions and local cultural and institutional backgrounds. In this, the main nature of industrial clusters is concerned with spatial agglomeration and industrial linkages. As a new mode of the spatial industrial organization, it's actually a complicated and self-organized system with strong ability of adaptation, similar to that of a living organism. Nowadays, it's not only dominated on the world map, but also the driving force of the global economy, as the most active areas of economic development and the highland of wealth and power around the world.As an effective mode of industrial spatial organization, industrial cluster acts as the important growth pole, source of impetus and an innovation center in the regional economy, enhancing its international competitiveness. Consequently, the rise of industrial clusters is now a worldwide phenomenon, distributing not only in developed countries, but also lots of developing countries. Moreover, even though emerged long time ago, it is in recent 20 years that has the academic cycle paid attention to it. And, it then becomes a hot and leading area of studies on regional and industrial economics, economic geography, strategic management and other relevant subjects around the world; and, also, is concerned by decision-making and planning departments of the state. Generally, the existing literature on industrial clusters has being focused on their mechanism, technology innovation, collective learning, social capital, relationship between economic growth and industrial clusters, industrial policy and case studies, etc.. And according to literatures, though research on industrial clusters has been proceeding soundly, defects and shortcomings still exist, and an overall framework has not been completed theoretically yet, because of as in a
    new era, the shortage of time and lacking of proper methods and relative tools. Moreover, study on their growth mechanisms and spatial evolution models is still lacking in the literature. Specifically, internal-growth mode of the clusters has been intended highly in the academic cycle, while external-growth mode ignored, which has been playing more important role in the contemporary world; and also space is paid less attention by many economists, though it begins to be concerned by some scholars like P. Krugman and E. M. Porter, and spatial evolution and multiplication mechanism isn't within most scholars' interests. Therefore, by and large, it's weak in the scope of research on this area. Thus, it's meaningful to study spatial evolution model of the industrial clusters, from both theoretical and practical points of view.On the basis of existing literature, this thesis from a new angle explores this new area of the industrial clusters. Firstly, it re-includes spatial approach into the main research points on industrial clusters, combining industrial evolution and spatial evolution together and putting forward three modes of the clusters in spatial evolution: progressive mode, mode of mutation, mode of convolution; and meanwhile, four stages in spatial evolution: emerge stage, self-enhancement stage, stage of diffusion, and stage of spatial integration. Secondly, it considers industrial clusters as a complicated and self-organized system to inquire into the growth mechanism and path evolution of the clusters, from views of the sys
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