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    (五)以随机Petri 网为工具,以最小完备单元图的单元关系度为基础,提出了优化动态制造联盟网状结构的单元关系度分解技术。运用此技术能够求解出优化网状组织结构的解析式运行指标,为网状组织的运行控制提供了直观简洁的途径。在各种不同的单元关系优先次序情形下,运用关系度分解技术,
This research, on the basis of the summarization of manufacturing modes (MMs), uses the dynamic manufacturing alliance (DMA) to generally express these organizations and their common embedded characteristics. Since the organization of DMA is a necessary foundation, this thesis focuses on the organizational mechanism of DMA. The main issues include organizational economics-characteristics, optimization of construction costs, span calculation, cells selection (CS) and optimization of organizational structure (OOS) and related issues.
    The main innovations that reached listed as followings.
    First, the MMs are classified into technique-group, organization-group and society-group according to the scope of benefit domain. Furthermore, synthesize the organization with MMs, pointing out the important functions and specialties of organization in MMs. Then, the organizational economics-characteristics of DMA are detailed in terms of division theory and firm-economics, providing the economic definition of DMA. Also compared DMA with similar economic-organizations that had occurred.
    Second, the construction process divided into four stages, with the analysis of construction-costs, time distribution for these stages on the presumption that the total time for whole construction process could be estimated. Then, the methods of the span calculation of DMA are given that is to determine the number of cells to be added, its principles include economic characteristics of organization, dimensions of technical separation and product life cycle in market.
    Third, the concept of minimal complete cells-graph (Min-CCG) is raised on the inter-relations among cell functions. Two relevant propositions are proved, i.e. the number of vertexes in Min-CCG,and the DMA expressed by the synergetic effect (SE) among graphs and sub-graphs. Then, the model of SE in DMA is established, which provide a method for CS in matching solution. Furthermore, the general method for determining the set of indexes for CS established. The solution of SE model educes the basic peculiarity of indexes set. A new proposition about orders of integration based on the SE is presented. Further, describe and discuss the process of CS, based on the close-distant coefficient of information among candidate cells, the tactics that how to select put forward under the exploration of
    bilateral game. Fourth, review the forms of enterprises organizational structure, analyze the new environment of market and technology along with the distinction of DMA, what could get is that the organizational form of DMA is the combination of hierarchy and web. But the hierarchy is the framework that supports the DMA. Then, describe the evolution characters of representative firms through the composition of the MMs, organizational form and divisions. A general method is given for optimizing the hierarchical organization and designs its incentive mechanism. To realize that, what to do is finding out the factors that influence the efficiency of organization and applied the queuing theory and its method. Fifth, Petri nets (PN) used as the tool for the optimization of the web organization (OWO). A new technology that decomposes the complex PN is raised based on the degrees of cells’relation in Min-CCG. This technology provides a method of getting the analytic solution (AS) that offers an intuitive and succinct approach to control the running in web organization (WO). Under the circumstances that relations among cells in the Min-CCG have different priorities, the above technology, provide the ASs of running in WO. With self-constraints,the decomposition technology makes it feasible to gain the general method of OWO. Finally, cases studying and simulations executed to verify the results that reached in the above.
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