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Since the reform and opening-up, China's economy has maintained a sustained, rapid growth formany years, and the scale and speed of its growth has attracted worldwide attention. But China's rapideconomic growth mainly relied on a lot of factor inputs and damage to the environment to achieve,rather than total factor productivity (TFP) increased significantly. With the loss of China's low labourcost advantage, diminishing marginal returns of capital, rising energy prices and energy supplyconstraints, the growth mode is clearly unsustainable. This paper investigates the logical relationshipand interaction mechanisms among economic growth, resource consumption and environmentalpollution under the framework of the theory of economic growth. The purpose of this paper is to buildthe framework of analysis of China's economic growth incorporating energy and environment factors,and conclude policy recommendations to promote resource conservation, environmental protection toachieve sustainable economic growth. The main work of this paper includes the following aspects.
     Firstly, the paper uses the normative method to analysis the current situation of our energyconstraint. From the view of energy reserves, China 's total energy reserves are abundant, but thefeature of China's energy endowment structure showed "more coal, less oil, lean gas", and the Chineseenergy resources reserve-production ratio is far below the world average for many years. From energyproduction, China`s total energy production gradually increased, but energy production structuremainly coal-based, it also direct to renewable energy, new energy, but progress is slow. From theview of energy consumption, total energy consumption is rising, determined by the Endowmentstructure and production structure of the energy the energy consumption structure is still dominatedby coal, the consumption structure will direct to renewable energy, new energy direction in the future.From the view of the energy gap between supply and demand, China's energy consumption is greaterthan production, supply-demand gap widen sharply. Judging from the regional distribution of energy,China's energy distribution is extremely uneven, more in the Northwest, the Southeast less, whileChina 's energy consumption is mainly concentrated in the southeast coastal areas, energy distributionand energy consumption showed a spatial dislocation pattern. From renewable energy sources, inrecent years, China 's rapid development of renewable energy, mainly in wind power, hydropower,solar energy and fuel. From the view of energy efficiency, although in recent years, Chinese energy consumption per unit GDP in recent years gradually decrease, but with the international comparison,is still far higher than the level of developed countries.
     Through the analysis of literature and economic theory conclude that low energy prices led to theenergy gap and energy inefficient. It is not yet a fully market-oriented price formation mechanism inresource market. The behavior of government regulation of price of energy exists. The prices cannotreflect the scarcity of resources. The paper presents a new renergy pricing method—hedonicpricing method. By using the hedonic price model of energy prices, it can provide a reference to thegovernment and market players to predict the price of energy.
     Secondly, with energy beome more and more important to the economy, whether energy need tobe incorporated into the production function is one of the research works in this paper. By comparingenergy consumption and economic growth in China 's provincial and regional profiles analysis showsthat in the eastern, central and western regions, the eastern region's total energy consumption andeconomic growth are ranked first, and the three gap between energy consumption and economicgrowth has continued to expand. Thus, energy consumption and economic growth in a coordinate isconsidered. Then we analyze the general relationship between energy consumption and economicgrowth. Whether view from the rate of growth or from total amount, we find that energy consumptionand economic development is showing a positive correlation in different provinces of China. Areaswith high levels of economic development almost are located on the eastern coastal with high energyconsumption,the central and western regions with low energy consumption is very backward,economic development relying on energy; Then, the paper uses panel cointegration, error correctionmodel and panel Granger causality to investigate dynamic relationship between economic growth andenergy consumption. The results show that it has the bi-directional causal relationship betweeneconomic growth and energy consumption not only in short term but also in long term. Increasedenergy consumption can lead to increased GDP, and increased GDP can lead to increased energyconsumption.
     Thirdly, most of economic growth empirical researches do not take into account the energy in theproduction function, and we found that economic growth depends on the energy invested by usingpanel co-integration and granger causality test on China energy consumption and economic growthdata. Energy play an import role to economic growth and these can not be ignored. So, this paperproposes analytical framework of economic growth under energy constraints based on stochastic frontier model. The paper uses stochastic frontier analysis model of beyond the logarithmicproduction function of three input factors as capital, labour and energy, examines the1990-2008production efficiency and total factor productivity growth rate of all provinces in China, usesKumbhakar method for the decomposition of total factor productivity. It decomposes total factorproductivity to productivity change, technological progress, scale efficiency change,allocativeefficiency change. We get some empirical results. From the point of the output elasticity of inputs,This shows that Chinese labor-intensive industries are gradually being replaced by capital-intensiveand energy-intensive industries. From the estimation results of production function and technicalefficiency model drawn that, human capital, market-oriented factors, foreign investment, and exporthave a positive impact on productivity, but government fiscal spending makes a negative impact on it.From the view of technical efficiency features in various regions, technical efficiency levels above thenational average in the eastern region, central region generally closer to the national average, Westernarea lower than the national average. This reflects the higher technical efficiency, economicdevelopment is also faster. Finally, from the decomposition of TFP growth can be seen, technologicalprogress rather than technical efficiency is the greatest contribution rate to TFP growth rate.
     Fourthly, this paper researchs on regional environmental technical efficiency and totalproductivity in China conclude energy and environment. Relies on high input, high consumption, highpollution in China's mode of economic growth is not only bringing a serious waste of energy issues,also paid a heavy environmental price. In2010, China`s SO2emissions still ranks first in the world.By analyzing from two angles of the total CO2emissions and CO2emissions of per unit GDP showesthat China's carbon emissions are far higher than the world average. China is facing seriousenvironmental pollution will weaken the country's international competitiveness, reduce ournegotiating position in the international market, the most important is, will affect the sustainabledevelopment of China's economy, society and environment. Therefore, the paper researchs onregional technical efficiency and total productivity in China conclude energy and environment. Itusing SBM directional distance function estimates regional environmental technical efficiency inChina, and using luenberger productivity index calucates regional total factor productivity in China.Research has shown that three inputs, outputs and pollution emission factors, output does not appearinefficient, energy inputs and emissions arising from inefficient value totals0.2202, approximately71.82%of total environmental inefficiencies. It's enough to see the significance of energy conservation for sustainable development in China. From environmental technical efficiency in allregions concluded that the eastern region has the highest environmental technical efficiency, centralsecond, and lowest in the West. Decomposition of total factor productivity draw that, pure technicalprogress is still the largest contributors to the growth rate of total factor productivity.
     Finally, based on the empirical analysis conclusions this paper puts forward some policyrecommendations for China`s sustainable development conclude energy and environment, points outthe shortcomings of this paper and future research directions.
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