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内容标准是对某个学科领域中学生应该知道什么和能够做什么的陈述,相当于具体化的课程目标。本论文以加利福尼亚州语文内容标准(The English Lang-uage Arts Content Standards for California Public Schools)为研究对象,在课程目标原理、认知心理学和语文学科教育学原理等基础理论的观照下,重点考察其结构安排和内容构成的情况,做出相应的评价、思考,以此得出有利于我国课程标准更新完善的可资借鉴之处。
Content standards are the statement of what students should know and be able to do in some subject field,which is equivalent to the specific objectives of curriculum. This paper takes The English Language Arts Content Standards for California Public Schools as object of study.Under the basic theories of curriculum subject principle, cognition psychology and the pedagogy on mother tongue subject,The study focuses on the structure arrangement and content composition of the content standards,from which I obtain the references to prefect our curriculum standards.
     To be specific,the paper is divided into five chapters:
     The first chapter,"introduction" briefly introduces the information of the study: the motivation and significance,the object and scope,the mentality and methods,the review at domestic and foreign.
     The second chapter,"clarify the concept of The English Language Arts Content Standards for California".The chapter clarifies the concepts from the general content standards to the special ones.The former emphases on the relationships of the content standards,the objectives of the curriculum and the curriculum standards,from which I draw a conclusion:the content standards are the specific objectives of curriculum and the core of the curriculum standards.The latter differentiates the content standards of California,the standards of America,and The Reading/ Language Arts Framework for California Public Schools,which clarifies the concept and Status of The English Language Arts Content Standards and the significance of my study.
     The third chapter,"the research base of the English Language Arts Content Standards for California".It states three theoretical for studying and evaluating on the content standards:curriculum subject principle,cognition psychology and the pedagogy on mother tongue subject.They are used to analysis the structure and content of the standards including structure levels and types,statement of objectives, the ideas of the mother tongue and learning outcomes.
     The forth chapter," the research on the structure of the English Language Arts Content Standards for California",including the objective design and the statement of objectives.The first segment analyses on the hierarchical structure and sequence structure,while the second segment analyses on four types of the statement of objectives.
     The fifth chapter,"the research on the content of the English Language Arts Content Standards for California",which are researched from four aspects:reading, writing,listening and speaking,Written and Oral Language Conventions.Every chapter describes the content of the four domains first,then it analyses respectively the ideas and learning outcomes of learning.We can draw from these some study ideas of the mother tongue and learning outcomes which include knowledge,skills and strategies.
     The sixth chapter,"the evaluating and reference of the content of the English Language Arts Content Standards for California",which first evaluates the structure and content based on the thesis of the second chapter.Then it contrasts and thoughts the thoughts of writing between the standards of California and our country.In the end,it summarizes the ideas and methods of writing the standards and learning the mother tongue.
     There are three innovations in the paper:
     Firstly,it researches on and clarifies the concept of the content standards specially.There are some thesis on the curriculum standards in our country,but very few on the content standards which are not defined and described explicitly and clearly.The paper regards the research results of domestic and foreign scholars' as the starting point,and through comparative analysising it clarifies the concept of the content standard.
     Secondly,it is systematic study on the English Language Arts Content Standards of California,which describes and analyses the structure and content of the standards. As an excellent apotheosis in America,the standards have got very good evaluation, but it have not been study systemically.The paper grasps the firsthand material to describe and analysis from the structure and content,from which draw the ideas of reading,writing listening speaking and the learning outcomes,and evaluate based the theoretical knowledge.
     Thirdly,it summarizes the ideas and methods of writing the standards.It needs to concretize our Chinese curriculum standards,while there is very few study paper of the ideas and methods.For this,it originality of the paper summarizes the ideas and methods of writing the standards.
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