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With the rapid development of society and economy and the continuous improvement of farmers’living level, there has been a great change in the lifestyle in rural areas. However, traditional residential mode is still followed by most villagers. As a result, this kind of residential mode cannot adapt to the changes of lifestyle, so that it cannot meet the actual needs of rural areas. Meanwhile, with the further study on construction of new socialist countryside, the image of the dirty, disorderly and bad village must be changed. All these are parts of the research of residence environment. Therefore, according to the facts of rural areas, investigative analysis and reasonable improvement of residence environment in rural areas is a new subject in the new era as well as a key subject about new countryside construction.
     Hengyang District in Hunan province has the climate of which the characteristic is hot in summer and cold in winter. Living environment in this rural area is a type of the one in hot summer and cold winter regions. The rural area has a rapid economic growth and is suitable for improvement of living environment. What’s more, the demonstration of new countryside construction in Daxia Village, Hengdong County is the demonstration of Hunan Province. The research results based on this rural area provide a reference for other areas in new countryside construction.
     This article is trying to make a profound analysis to the subject based on some aspects which is closely related to residence.
     The first part of the article (Chapter One)gives a concept of living environment about countryside residence to define what to study, and makes a profound analysis to the background, the significance, and the research current situation of the subject to propose how to study the contents in detail.
     The secondary part of the article (Chapter Two)gives a brief introduction of influence factors of residence environment in Hengyang District such as humanity geography, climate and economy. Plus, it makes an analysis on current characters of residential housing from five aspects which are site selection, building unit layout, traditional architectural style, spatial sequence relations and structure type. Then we can obtain the reasons for urgent improvement and the trends of residence living environment, the actual demand for it and how to improve it in Hengyang District. All these provide a sufficient theoretical foundation for specific reconstruction design of residence environment in future.
     The third part is a key part of the article, including four chapters from Chapter Three to Six. It discusses how to improve living environment of countryside residence in Hengyang District mainly based on external environment of architecture, building unit, indoor thermal environment and ecological technique. Chapter Three takes an emphasis on reconstruction measures to improving living environment of countryside residence from the point of external environment of architecture. Four aspects closely related to residence are mainly involved, which are public infrastructure service facility in rural areas, courtyard environment of residence, hygienic conditions and new village landscape. In concrete, they contain so many items as improvement of road traffic facility, safety of drinking water, design of public service architecture and recreation facility, design of courtyard space and wall, sewage disposal, waste treatment and specific landscape for new village. In Chapter Four, it takes an example of building unit to study. For the disadvantage of the plan of current typical house type, reconstruction strategy and scheme are proposed. For the fa?ade of exiting architectures, six methods are put forward such as grafting one twig on another, little dressing up, dressing, capping, decorating at important positions and adding. For the roof, the original flat roofs are changed to pitched roofs, greening roofs and roofs with better performance of heat insulation and ventilation. For interior trim, a fundamental principle of economy, beauty and comfort is recommended to improve interior trim of countryside residence, and rational utilization of interior space should be given more attention as well. In Chapter Five, through the investigation and data analysis about indoor thermal environment in Hengyang District, some problems about thermal environment are concluded. Plus, pointed measures to improve thermal environment are put forward. On the basis of ecological building materials, ecological energy and ecological technique, Chapter Six makes an analysis on adoptable ecological measures which are suitable for improving living environment in Hengyang District.
     Finally, the article makes a thorough conclusion, gives a prospect on improvement of living environment about new countryside residence in future, and puts forward a way to resolve the problems related to living environment in the process of new countryside construction, which should be with down-to-earth attitude, far-sighted mind and site specific working policy.
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