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Different from the industrialization model starting with the light and textile industries in developed countries, China's industrialization has chosen the super-normal path of "priority development of heavy chemical industry and defense industry". Since the reform and opening up, China's industrial comprehensive strength has increased continuously, China has become the world's major industrial country.As the fastest-growing, largest,most influential and most sensitive industry in China's economy, the status of industry is unshakable in the national economy. However, in comparison with the developed countries, there still remains some deep -rooted contradictions and problems, for instance,growth mode is extensive, structure is not entirely reasonable, the core technology and key equipment rely on imports, exports mainly primary products to manufactured goods ,a large number of backward production capacity need be eliminated, integrated enterprise is less competitive.
     Since the third technological revolution has been put forward in the 80s of the last century, the information technology has swept the globe, the informationization is regarded as the strategic focus of the economic and social development all over the world, and the level of informationization is regarded as the significant measure of improving international competition, modernization and comprehensive national strength. It is thus clear that using IT to drive industriakization is a technological and social revolution. The Central Committee and the State Council have rapidly sized up the situation and put forward the direction of industrialization in the information age, that is to take a new trail to industrialization featuring high scientific and technological content, good economic returns, low resources consumption, little environmental pollution and a full display of advantages in human resources. At the same time, the integration of information technology and industrialization is considered to be the inevitable choice to realize the new pattern of industrialization.
     The essence of information technology and industrialization integration is the widely application and extension of information technology in the industrial field. In other words, information technology can be further extended to the potential users of the enterprise on the basis of technical innovation. The technology can only play its social effects when it is generalized effectively before being replaced by the new technology. Therefore, technology diffusion, as the follow-up sub-processes of technological innovation, plays an irreplaceable role in the process of information technology and industrialization integration.
     Firstly, it introduces the basic knowledge of technological innovation diffusion and information technology and industrialization integration in this paper. Secondly, on the base of the perspective of technology diffusion, the corresponding process model and influencing factors model are given while the process and influence factors of information technology and industrialization integration is discussed centred around the enterprise layer, industry layer and regional layer. On that basis, the reliability and validity analysis is made of the impact indicators using study data. Finally, aimed at the level influencing factors which are confirmed by experience, measures are proposed, which may give some help for the smooth development of information technology and industrialization integration.
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