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Since2010China-ASEAN free trade area has been basically completed, the volume of trade between China and ASEAN is growing, economic cooperation is strengthening, the economic integration of China-ASEAN is developing in depth.
     In the face of the new needs of the development of China-ASEAN Region, we cannot but pay close attention to the following questions:why do we need to further promote the economic integration process of Chinese-ASEAN? How is the currency of the economic integration degree of Chinese-ASEAN? Which factors can impact the integration? How can we promote process of the economic integration of China-ASEAN?
     Rounding the problems given above, this paper will be made discussion by the logic analysis given below:
     Firstly, through the literature review, clarifying the relevant theoretical clues of this research, taken a systematically Carding respectively from the five aspects of the regional economic integration, Chinese-ASEAN economic integration, gravity model of trade, spatial economics and progresses of the Free Trade Area of Chinese-ASEAN; then from the viewpoint of Spatial Economics, set up the extensional FC model--footloose capital model of three countries to analyze the effect of regional economic integration, and to answer the first question.
     Secondly, through the construction of index system of the trade integration, investment integration and financial integration, using the research methods of international comparison, synthetically using of trade Gravity Model and other models, made the empirical analysis on the current development degree and the influence factors of trade integration, investment integration and financial integration of Chinese-ASEAN and influence China ASEAN trade, and further using the principle of political economics of trade to analyze the relationship of bilateral relations and the trade integration of Chinese-ASEAN.
     Thirdly, through the theoretical and empirical analysis of the previous four chapters, summing up the basic conclusions drawn in this paper hence put forward the suggestions and measures to promote the economic integration of Chinese-ASEAN.
     The main conclusions of this paper are as following:
     (1) The establishment of RTA will fundamentally affect the distribution of global economic space, more capital and trade turning to RTA; Interest's distribution among RTA members will be more apt to large area overall.
     (2) The effect factors of the trade integration in China-ASEAN.The global recession and the GDP growth rate of world and China leads to the declining of the degree of trade integration of China-ASEAN, while GDP growth rate of ASEAN region and the declining of the average tariff rate, the economic scale of China and ASEAN and the previous period of the degree of trade integration increase the degree of trade integration of China-ASEAN in different degree.
     (3) Bilateral relations and trade integration and investment integration.Bilateral relations of China-ASEAN has certain effects on trade integration and show somewhat lag period of these effects, and the closer bilateral relations are, the larger the total trade or trade share is, hence the degree of the trade integration is higher; Bilateral relations of China-ASEAN has certain effects on investment integration, and the closer bilateral relations are, the larger the total foreign investment or the share of bilateral foreign investment are, the degree of the trade integration is higher.
     (4) The effect factors of the financial integration of China-ASEAN.The degree of financial integration are mainly affected by the one lag period of the degree of financial integration itself, the dependence of foreign trade and the share of regional trade accounted for the regional total trade, Measurement results also further reveals the relationship between regional trade and regional financial integration:the positive effects or negative effects between the financial integration of China-ASEAN and regional trade is mainly depended on the size changes of the proportion of trade of outside of the region and intra trade proportion of the region.
     The main innovations of this paper are as following:firstly, it is based on the theory of spatial economics, expanded the footloose capital model into footloose capital model of three countries, and analyzed the effects of FDI transfer and trade diversion about RTA in succession; Secondly, established the indices system of the trade integration of region and made empirical analysis, and taken a quantitative analysis on the influencing factors of trade integration and investment integration by the gravity model of trade; Thirdly, apply the theory of political economy of trade, made an analysis and elaborating the transmission mechanism of the influence of the political factors of international trade, and using the extended gravity model of trade to quantitatively analysis the relation between the bilateral relations and trade integration on the first time; Fourthly, established the indices system of the finance integration of region to make an analysis on the development status of the finance integration of China-ASEAN, and set up a basic measurement model to make an empirical analysis on the relation between the regional trade and finance integration; fifthly, it is using the comparative research method, the taken analytic research on the economic integration of China-ASEAN amongst in international vision; fifthly, it is using the comparative research method, the taken analytic research on the economic integration of China-ASEAN amongst in international vision; Fifthly, using the comparative research method, taken the analytic research on the economic integration of China-ASEAN amongst in the international vision.
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