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人们对外语教学方法的研究由来已久,曾尝试过多种在各个不同时期很有影响力的方法,如语法翻译法、直接教授法、交际法等教学方法。传统的教学思想、方法和模式的改革,不过是从以赫尔巴特为代表的“以教为主的教学模式”的极端走到以杜威为代表的“以学为主的教学模式”的极端。长期以来人们相信总能找到一种类似“救世主”方法让教师在面临外语教学难题时可以一劳永逸(刘亚平, 2002)。当外语教学方法改革走入“瓶颈”时,在上世纪70年代末80年代初的后现代主义哲学思潮的影响下,西方学者提出了“后方法”教学理论。它反对单一最佳教学方法以及强调教学应该呈现多元性、开放性、相对性和特殊性等教学理念。因此将传统方法解构,用后方法理念贯穿在外语教学中,既具有必要性又不乏现实可行性。
It is acknowledged that there are many scholars who contribute to exploring different teaching methods and strategies. A theme emerges that methods and predetermined materials and strategies lack the flexibility to be applied to the many varied contexts of English language teaching experience. The proposition of the concept post method, which is greatly influenced by philosophical trend of thought of postmodernism, advocates examining the world from deconstructing point of view. It propagates the ideas of division not coordination; fragmentation not integrity; heterogeneity not singularity. All these above thoughts are reflected that post method opposes single-best teaching methods but emphasizes the multifactor, opening, relativity and particularity in the L2 teaching ideas.
     Mind map is a specific instructional tool teachers utilize to improve learning. This instructional tool allows individuals to process information, fosters and creates meaningful learning, which is critical to the learning process. (Ausubel, 1969) Because it uses visuals and colors, and provides an interesting way to make sense of something what a student is learning. And mind maps have proved a consistently reliable method of releasing creativity and aiding memory, which will be a good recipe to L2 students and teachers.
     This thesis consists of three chapters in addition to an introduction and a conclusion:
     The introduction introduces the background, reason, purpose and sense of this thesis and provides the research content and its research methods.
     Chapter 1 comprehensively explains the concept of post method theory and its main theoretical ideas: the three-dimensional system and the macro strategic framework; it also provides current research on mind map at home and abroad and points out the limitations of these researches and shows the necessity of the thesis.
     Chapter 2 demonstrates the need for combining both post method theory and mind map to build a new teaching mode in middle school English teaching practice. It makes investigations on teaching two subjects in the middle school, and some data and learning results are collected in the process of my research, which are addressed in details in this chapter.
     Chapter 3 presents the analysis of correlation between the training of mind map and English teaching at middle schools, and discusses the progress and shortcomings of the teaching mode and research. The conclusion aims at providing the conclusion of my thesis and some suggestions of further research.
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