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Living in the new information-based era, everyone is faced with a series of new challenges, among which English, as a common language, is acting a more and more important role in this new global integration world. Especially in China, which is developing quickly, with the continuous development of the reform of ESL curriculum, it is required that every senior high graduate should possess the basic qualification of the English language, that is, the essential ability of language in common. Meanwhile, they are supposed to be capable of studying autonomously. Thus, English, as the base of language ability, will surely become a common platform and chance for every student provided by the Regular Senior High Education.
     To achieve this goal, the new curriculum standard requires that the English teaching in Senior High should regard the process of acquiring the language as the process of developing the learning skills, i.e. the process of developing the language ability, during which time students can gradually form a language learning ability, including easily understanding, memorizing, mastering as well as using the basic knowledge smoothly with the continuous input of a large quantity of new words, phrases and grammar. However, it is not very easy to realize this ideal goal. In the whole process of language study, students must have clear purposes, plans, strategies, effective monitoring and self-evaluation, that is to say, they can control the whole process of study in an autonomous way, which requires the strategy of autonomous learning run throughout it.
     Based on the previous researches and the theories of humanism, social constructivism and social interactionism, according to the reality of the school which the author is teaching in now, the research is intended to do from the following three aspects,
     (1) What is the current condition of autonomous learning strategies being applied among the Senior High students?
     (2) What learning strategies should be adopted to enhance the students’autonomous learning?
     (3) What advantages will be brought about by applying autonomous learning?
     Through the survey, the author learned that the application of autonomous learning among the senior students was not satisfying, and their autonomous learning ability was still very low. Through the experiment, the author found that those students who accepted the training of employing autonomous learning showed a more positive attitude towards learning as well as making greatly obvious progress in the learning course of goals-setting, planning, self-regulating and assessing. Besides, their English level was improved a lot. All these will do great help to the students’future continuous development by providing them with capacity and motivation guarantee. Meanwhile, it also proves that giving students a certain amount of autonomous learning guidance is so important.
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