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Multilateralism is a form of institution to adjust states or international actors relations according to universal action principles. The emerging of League of Nations indicates the rise of global multilateralism, and a successful and good example of multilateralism in Southeast Asia started with the formation of ASEAN. At the very beginning, it lacked representation for there are only 5 member countries, so its early practice of multilateralism was a sub-regional one. In its founding manifesto, ASEAN was defined as an organization for economic and social cooperation, but its distinct fruition lies in the political cooperation during the cold war era, especially in diplomacy, its internal cooperation was not satisfying. In its early stage, ASEAN’s operational mechanism was to make its members recognize and accept the operational norms by way of multilateralism.
     After the Cold War, ASEAN wasted no time taking in all the other four Southeast Asian countries, and by the end of last century, it almost completed its enlargement. Thus, the multilateralism advocated by ASEAN evolved from sub-regional form to a regional one. In addition, ASEAN also advocated and promoted several transregional multilateralism, including ARF, ASEM and“10+3”(APT),etc. These practices of multilateralism covered a variety of issues, regarding security, economy and politics. The extending of multilateralism benefited ASEAN politically, at the same time it encountered great challenges, as the ASEAN-led multilateralism adds to difficulties to synergy through collaborations of the organization, and it is unable to let the big powers out of the region to accept ASEAN’s operational mechanism, i.e. to observe the non-intervention or the ASEAN Way. However, despite of these restrictions, ASEAN will become more experienced in manipulating multilateralism to protect and uphold its member countries’interests and well-being and those of the organization as a whole.
     This dissertation explores the issues regarding the operation of the multilateralism advocated and promoted by ASEAN, analyzes its characteristics, achievements and the external and internal challenges it faces. It also argues that the applicability of multilateralism to ASEAN is more convincing, and ASEAN’s practices have further enhanced and enriched the theory of multilateralism.
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