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The young students of present age is a great special group, whose sexual issues could not be overlooked. The main trend of sexual mores of our country basically inherit from the traditional society. On the condition of socialism, especially the socialist market economy, the high growth of the Chinese economy, the Chinese and Western culture mixed together, and the multiple-values exist side by side, the college students should make the right assessments and choices between the two different sexual concepts of Chinese and Western. They should have a right and impersonal remark on their sexual action, so as to avert the abnormal or deviant sexual action. However, under the Chinese and western cultures, in order to solve the sexual issues of college students, what types of sexual mores, sexual values and sexual ethical principles do we advocate? The answer will be given from this thesis.
     Chapter One mainly discusses the present situation about college students' sexual action. It includes the natural foundation, the current situation and the prominent problems of college students' sexual action. Among the three factors affecting the college students' sexual action, their sexual values play a dominant Ana decisive role in their sexual action. The sexual physiological and psychological factors are the natural foundation which including the sexual action of college student. Nature means instinct, which can be dredged away but not be suppressed. The chief types of college students' sexual action are masryrbation behavior, sexual action with another of the opposite sex and abnormal sexual action. These three types are widespread. The existed prominent problem are the immature sexual physiological of college students and lower sexual moral levels, which caused induced abortion, veneered disease and AIDS, or even caused the exceedingly accidents like rape and murder. These problems are very grim day by day.
     Chapter Two illustrates the value judgment of college students' sexual action. It includes three parts: the choices of college students' views about sex derive lessons from Western sexual freedom and the value judgement of college students' three kinds of sexual culture and construct the correct sexual values. Of course, the process of value judgment is not an appeal to emotion but to reason. The Western society pays a heavy price for its sexual revolution and sexual emancipation, which leads plenty of sexual promiscuity and indiscreet behavior. It is very important for college students to receive the perfect sexual education and build the prudent sexual concepts. College students should handle the masturbation behavior proper, college students' sexual action of edge should insist the principles of love and equality, the pre-marriage nucleus sexual action of college students should conform to the principles of love, consersus and voluntarism and do not hurt other people. Meanwhile, they should pay attention to and prevent problems which caused by pre-marriage cohabitation. About the following sexual action of pre-marriage or outside marriage phenomena: college students seek and take part in the "one night sexual action", to look in for many sexual partners, sexual impropriety or even prostitution, and so forth. The value judgment of these phenomena is negative and should be vigilant to and against it firmly.
     Chapter Three discussed the chief ethical principles of college students' sexual action. It consists of the historical retrospect of human sexual ethic, the human beings natural instinct and the basic contents of college students' sexual ethical principles. At a certain extent, there occurred three sexual ethical modes of mythologize, evil and happiness in Chinese and Western country. However, both of them neglect the factor of human beings natural instinct so as to deal with the sexual action. College students' sexual action should conform to the coordinated development of four aspects that are individual and nature, individual and other people, individual and society, individual and themselves.The sexual action of college students should conform to these principles of strict science, love, no hurts, and responsibility and obligation.
     Chapter Four discusses how to strengthen college students sexual education entirely, which includes sexual general knowledge, sexual moral education and sexual legal education. The sexual education must refer to or absorb the beneficial components of Chinese and Western culture. The sexual general knowledge is an important content of sexual education, which is also the foundation and premise of sexual moral education and legal education. The sexual general knowledge contains two parts of sexual psychological knowledge and sexual physiological knowledge. On the basis of personality education, with the normal human as a doctrine, the sexual moral education should intensify the education of emotion, ethical and morality, so as to enhance the standards of sexual mores, which includes sexual obligation education, chastity education, the methodology of communicating with the opposite sex and personality education. College students' sexual legal education includes the popularization and consolidation of sexual legal knowledge. College students should recognize correctly that love is formed under the social relation and forms an obligation to the society. So the college students should have some limitations toward their sexual action, and distinguish right from wrong, having crime from without crime.
     The significance of this research: firstly, the research is beneficial to the present age college students to make the right assessments and choices of the two different sexual concepts between Chinese and Western country. According to the chief ethical principles formed by seeking common ground while reserving differences of Chinese and Western culture, it helps the college students to make correct and objective value judgment for their own sexual action and avoid hurts suffered from the abnormal sexual action. The university is a place where all sorts of different thoughts and academic schools mixed together. There obvious existed all kinds of different cultural contradiction and conflicts in college students' sexual concepts. On the one hand, the present age college students' Chinese traditional culture is left over their sexual concepts. On the other hand, they receive the Western culture more and more. So the college students are in the position of the contradiction of traditional sexual morals and modern sexual concepts. They hold the positive attitudes toward some aspects of the traditional sexual morals, while they also do not agree with the other aspects. They accept some aspects of modern sexual concepts quickly but hold some reservation for other aspects. So their sexual value concepts are multiple. The factors of tradition and modern, openness and conservation, sense and sensibility make the college students faced with two different alternatives.
     Secondly, the research is beneficial to the society, school, family and college students systematically to understand all aspects of present age college students' sexual action. It enables them to know the difference between Chinese and Western culture about sexual value, sexual ethical principles and sexual standards, also include its causes. To know truly is to know by cause. So, in the process of learning and practice, people should inherit with a critical attitude and discard with a dialectical attitude. They should strengthen the college students' education from themselves, family, school, and society and set up a system of life-long sexual education, so as to avert to follow the crooked way of Western society's sexual emancipation.
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