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In recent years, the employment condition of university graduate in our country is of increasing difficulty. University students are perplexed and at sea while graduating. In order to help them know themselves and the direction clearly, career counseling to university students whose aim is to wake the consciousness of career planning, to improve the ability of making career decision, to train them to have a reasonable career planning and to maximize their capability and potential is urgently needed.
     Career counseling that started from the mid 20th century in America is developed from vocational guidance and has been putting into practice all over the world now. It plays an important role in developing individual's career, and has been identified by western countries. However, in China, career counseling starts up a little late, so it is still in the stage of exploration and investigation. Therefore, studying career counseling theory and practice mode of university students in western country is undoubtedly contribute to ours'further development.
     The author researched career counseling theory and practice mode of university students in three example countries of America, Canada and Australia. According the process of career counseling, the author made career counseling theory into three sorts:career choice theory, career developing theory and career transition theory. Among a great deal of theories, Parsons'Trait and Factor theory, Holland's Personality Types theory, Super's Career Developing Theory, Schein's Nine Career Development Stages and Schlossberg's and Bridges's Career Transition Theories are specifically discussed. Each Career counseling theory suit for different time and area, and it has a close relationship with the social environment and economic condition. At present, most of our career counseling theory is introduced from western countries, but few of them are developed according to our special condition. With the further development of career counseling practice in our country, localized career counseling theory is required during practising.
     Besides, the author researched the practice mode of career counseling in America, Canada and Australia from their institution, counseling content, practice methods and guarantee system and so forth. Following those researches, three cases of university students career counseling, from which the author summarized each university's characteristics and their common features is provided. In those western countries, the national government, school, family and the university student are attaching great importance to career counseling. The government rules the career counseling through setting up institutions, making legislations and policies; university advances the career counseling through establishing and improving the curriculum and managing systems; Family and university student attend to the career counseling actively to improve career planning quality. In our country, however, there are some problems in career counseling in a broad view and a narrow view, which include some faultinesses of protect system, low extent of the speciality, a lack of propaganda, late counseling implement in one's life, a lack of localized assessment tools and measurement skills, a lack of practicality, practice opportunities and practice of counseling, narrow of counseling target and so forth. According to the successful university career counseling experience of America, Canada and Australia, we should improve ours from the aspects of conception, practice and protect system.
    ①Arthur,M.B,D.T.Hall& B.S.Lawrence(ED).The handbook of career.Cambridge[M].Cambridge University Press.1989:8.
    ②Arnold,J. Managing Career Into the 21st century.London:Paul Chapman Publishing.1997:16.
    ①Lawrence K.Jones.Frank Parsons'contribution to career counseling[J].Journal of Career Development,1994,20(4):290.
    ②Bill Gothard,Phil Mignot.Career counselling for the 21st century-integrating theory and practice[J].International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling,1999(21):154.
    ③ James Soto Antony.Personality-career fit and freshman medical career aspirations:a test of Holland's theory[J].Research in Higher Education,1998,39(6):681.
    ① James Soto Antony. Personality-career fit and freshman medical career aspirations:a test of Holland's theory[J].Research in Higher Education,1998,39(6):682-683.
    ① Charles P.Chen,Counselor and teacher collaboration in classroom-based career guidance[J]. Australian Journal of Career Development,2005(14):18-29.
    ②Susan C.Whiston and Thomas L.Sexton.A review of school counseling outcome research implications for practice[J].Journal of counseling and development,1998(76):412-426.
    ③Charles P.Chen,Counselor and teacher collaboration in classroom-based career guidance, Australian Journal of Career Development.2005(14):18-29.
    ② career guidance and public policy:bridge the gap,OECD 2004:162.
    ④ http://www.collegecounseling.org/about/who-we-are
    ②Patton W& Burton T.Training needs of career guidance personnel in Australia and HK:A comparative study[J].International Journal for the Advancement of counselling,1997(19): 361-372.
    ① http://www.careereducation.columbia.edu/geninfo/about.php
    ① http://www.erin.utoronto.ca/careers/grad_students.html
    ① http://www.careers.utoronto.ca/myCareer/guides.aspx?tr=
    ② http://learning.sohu.com/20100126/n269830396.shtml,2010-01-26/2010-03-10
    ② http://www.hnu.cn/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=8038&Itemid=90
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