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CDC25蛋白酪氨酸酯酶(cell division cycle 25,CDC25)属于高保守的双位点磷酸酯酶,它通过对CDK(cyclin-dependent kinase)复合物某些磷酸化位点去磷酸化来活化它,促使细胞过渡到下一个周期,从而参与了细胞周期调控,同时它是损伤修复通路中的重要组成部分,对于遗传信息的稳定起着重要作用。在许多癌症的组织中,CDC25是异常高表达的,而且有一些证据表明,这种高表达可能对于肿瘤的发展起着促进作用。而如果下调CDC25的表达的话,会引起细胞周期阻滞,从而抑制细胞增殖。所以CDC25现在已经被当作了一个潜在的药物作用靶点。
Cell division cycle 25(CDC25)phosphatases regulate key transitions between cell cycle phases during normal cell division by dephosphorylating and activating the CDK(cyclin-dependent kinase)complexes.And in the event of DNA damage they are the targets of the checkpoint machinery that ensures genetic stability.Since then,CDC25 was reported to be overexpressed in primary tissue samples from various human cancers.Some evidences suggested that the overexpression of CDC25 may contribute to cancer.And down-regulation of CDC25 caused cell cycle arrest and inhibition of cell proliferation.These in turn make them ideal targets for a new anticancer therapy.
     We purified recombinant CDC25B expressed in Escherichia coli. High-through screening(HTS)assay was set up to find out novel inhibitors of CDC25B from 48000 pure chemicals collected from different sources with wide structural diversity of National Center for Drug Screening.LGH00031 and LGH00045 were discovered and characterized.LGH00031 was thought to be an irreversible inhibitor,and LGH00045 was a reversible and mixed-type inhibitor of CDC25 with relative good selection.The studies in cellular levels showed that both of the inhibitors caused a G2/M phase arrest which in turn resulted in the inhibition of cell proliferaton,and inhibited dephosphorylation of Tyr15 of CDK1. The mechanism of the inhibition of LGH00031 against CDC25B was also studied here.The result showed that in vitro the inhibition was caused by ROS which was generated by the reaction of LGH00031 and DTT.In cultured cells,LGH00031 increased the generation of ROS,and NAC,a precursor of glutathione,impaired the action of LGH00031 in cells.The generation of ROS by the reaction of LGH00031 and dihydrolipoic acid was conjectured,which may be the reason that LGH00031 inhibited CDC25B in the absence of DTT in cultured cells.
     The discovery and characterization of the novel potent and selective inhibitor as well as its evaluation in cellular levels will be ground work for further structure modification,cell-based and animal-based pharmacological and efficacy studies in the future.It might be extremely powerful tools to exploit the physiological and pathological function of CDC25B.
     Another part of work is the study on the protection of isletsβcells by nicotinic acid.Nicotinic acid could protect isletβcells of streptozocin induced diabetic rats.This protection may be relative to the anti-oxidative stress of nicotinic acid.
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