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How to create excellent performance and how to maintain it continuously is the most practical and important task of management of moden enterprises. As the core and main conflict of insurance companies, performance management is the key to this question. The task is to plan how to implement the strategy after it is made out. Strategy often appeares in the form of targets: because the targets are visible and suitable to be passed and understood, these make all the endeavours of the staff of the whole enterprise target against the same goal, which guarantees the realization of the leaders' intention. Performance management is the main means to assess the achievement of the targets and therefore the achieve- mend of the strategies.
    On the basis of the above-mentioned analysis, this dissertation concludes that the strategic-target-oriented performance management is the necessary option of the insurance companies. Strategic-target-oriented performance management can better realize the goals of the organigation because it links together performance assessment with target management, performance assessment with performance development, Performance development with target management, and individual goals of the employees with organizational goals of the enterprises, therefore construct a new system of working standards and performance assessment principles.
    This thesis introdues the methods and operation programms of the working analysis, the theories and methods of the establishment of strategic target-oriented performance management, which is the core of human resource management of enterprises. It also has an analysis and diagnosis of the status of performance management of insurance companies by liking it with the characters of performance management.
    On the basis of analysis and diagnosis, this paper establishes the system of strategic-target-oriented performance management of Insurance companies, and designs the indicator system (indicator system
    of key performance) of target-oriented performance assessment of functional departments of insurance companies. It includes the operational programme and basic content, the design principles and methods; the category, designment and option principles of the key indicators of performance assessment of the functiond departments. It also discusses the concrete operation of performance assessment method for insurance companies-AFT method. Finally, the paper discusses the adoption of performance assessment in the design of reward system.
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