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Having developed rapidly more than 30 years, China has achieved great success in economy field, which catch up the eyes of the world. At the same time, Chinese economy encounters some problems and challenges. One of the most serios problem Chinese enterprices endure is the problem named“Yong gong huang”. It is more and more difficult for companies to employ plenitudinous workers. Although some companies take ways to attract people work there by increasing salary et al., the problem can not be solved effectively now. Because the contemporary work forces are mainly composed of young people who came into the world after 1985, or even after 1990. Moreover, most of them are sigleton. They are different from either their parents or their western fellows in early industrialization period. They own particular interest requirement of themselvs.
     In the fields of enterprice management and organizational behavior, employee job satisfaction and turnover have having been studied for a long time, and abundant fruits have been harvested. It is a pity that most of the chievements above stemed from western culture and the process of industrialization, the results do not adapt to Chinese condition completely. For the study of job satisfaction and turnover must integrate itself into the sample’s background, such as culture, and era characteristics. It has been proved theoretically and empirically that job satisfaction effects employee turnover negatively. How to improve the level of employee satisfaction and reduce rate of employee turnover have become dominant issues in fields of satisfaction and turnover. In the beginning of satisfaction studying, as single dimension, global measures of job satisfaction were introduced into studies of satisfaction and turnover models. The outcomes of satisfaction researches are difficult to be translated into management practices when satisfaction is measured as a single dimesion. In order to make up the insufficiency of measures of overall satisfaction, measures of job facet satisfaction are presented. Researchers decomposed job into several facets, such as work itself, superior, colleague, and measured satisfactory degrees of these job facets. The global job satisfaction was the sum job facets satisfaction. However, results of empirical studies showed the correlation between sum of job facets satisfaction and global satisfaction was lower than expectation even decomposed job into more than 20 facets. Moreover, to explain emploree turnover, neither global satisfaction measured directly nor overall satisfaction by sum of measured job facet satisfaction had perfect effectiveness. That means the research route of job facet satisfaction is confronted with challenges. It necessary to construct a new job satisfaction structure not only being beneficial to the study of job satisfaction itself but also to the study of outcomes relating to job satisfaction,such as turnover.
     Based on the prior studies on job satisfaction, the paper employs thoeries in management, psychology and sociology, e.g., Hierarchy Needs Theory, Expectation Theory, Social Exchange Thoery, theorizes a 3-dimension(pay, relation, and individual development satisfaction) job satisfaction model. The theoretical model is approved empirically, and the effects of each dimension of satisfaction on employ turnover intention are tested. A employee turnover model is shaped based on the stuctural job satisfaction model. Main contents and innovations of this paper as follows:
     (1)Employed Hierarchy Needs Theory, Expectation Thoery, and Social Exchange Theory, and based on prior studies on job satisfaction structures, a multi-dimension model of job satisfaction is constructed by related theories in the fields of management, sociology, and psycology. Also, a series of statistical methods, such as correlation analysis, variance analysis, HLR analysis, path analysis and SEM are introduced in the theory model test. The empirical studies suggested the contribution of dimensions of job satisfaction to overall satisfaction becomes smaller and snaller from pay satisfaction, individual development satisfaction, to relationship satisfaction. As relationship satisfaction, only superior satisfaction react in the model, colleague satisfaction has no contribution. This characteristic has a distinct brand of Chinese context, which is discussed completely in the paper.
     (2)Modeling the relationship between structural job satisfaction and turnover intention, analyzing and testing effects of each dimension of job satisfaction on turnover intention. For each dimension of job satisfaction, pay satisfaction effets employee turnover intention mostly, then employee development satisfaction, the superir satisfaction has the smallest effect on turnover intention than the two prior dimensions.The result entiches the context of turnover research, and is benefit for the study on turnover models.
     (3) Based on the latent state-trait theory(LST theory), the PA/NA structure is analyzed, which illustrates the essential relationship between the double personality components. The method introduced here would be a new and valid way for other studies on attitudes, value and motivations in organizational behavior. The result shows, as important moderate variables, positive and negative affect moderate the relationship between job satisfaction and turnover intentin,which recorrects the conclusion of personality as antecedents of satisfaction and turnover intention.
     (4)For environment enterprices confronted with is becoming more and more dynamic by reason of the enhancement of technology advancement, market competition, and market environment change, organizational change has been an ordinary operation in order to survive and develop. This paper introduces a case of organizational change of Anhui Telecom, analyses the effcts of organizational change on job satisfaction, which would be used for theoretical and practical reference of emploree satisfaction management.
     Originating from the employee’s work goal and expectation, this paper focuses on the effects of personalities on job satisfaction and turnover, and constructs a job satisfaction model, which is the base of employee turnover intention model. The new view on job satisfaction dimension this paper presented improves explaination for employee turnover, which gives the contributation of theoretical and practical reference for applications for people oriented management principle.
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