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随着信息化建设步伐的加快,保证系统运行平稳、可靠显得尤为重要,但当前的技术手段却远远落后,仍需手工登录系统维护,一方面,维护实时性差,不能及时发现问题,影响业务的正常运行,另一方面,对于每一台设备每天都远程登录,维护强度大,使维护人员陷于日常繁琐的手工维护上,没有精力潜心研究更深层次的问题,对于故障的处理是被动的,救火式的。同时,频繁的远程登录给系统带来安全隐患。如何尽快解决上述问题,变IT(Information Technology信息技术)支撑为主动模式,使故障发生前得到预警,保证各项业务系统稳定运行,本课题所研究的集中设备监控系统便是解决这些问题的最好手段。它将改变以往IT维护模式,使得IT系统维护为一站式、主动式、智能化。
     系统主要实现了数据采集、数据处理及数据展示三个功能部分,其中包括了通信模块,邮件及短信、Web展示、日志分析、采集调度、状态轮询、故障管理、资源管理、配置管理、性能管理、数据库等功能模块。本课题对J2EE(Java2 Platform Enterprise Edition Java 2企业版)、Java编程、RMI(Remote Method Invocation远程方法调用)、邮件及短信发送、数据搜集及处理、ITIL(Information Technology Infrastructure Library信息技术基础架构库理论)、关联关系、主机性能分析等多项技术做了深入的研究,完成了系统的设计和实现。
With the accelerated pace of information technology, to ensure the system is stable and reliable is particularly important, but current techniques are falling far behind, still need to manually login to maintain. the one hand, maintain real-time is poor, not to find problems timely, affecting the business normal operation, on the other hand, for each piece of equipment, every day remote access, maintain strength, so that maintenance personnel caught in daily chores and routine manual maintenance, there is no great concentration of energy deeper problem, the failure of the treatment is passive, fire-fighting style. Meanwhile, the system is accessed frequent remote to a security risk. How to quickly solve the above problems become IT support to active mode, failures before they occur under control, ensure the business system stable. This equipment monitoring system is good studied to solve these problems. It will change the past IT maintenance mode, making IT system maintenance for the one-stop, active and intelligent.
     The subjects having been finished in the machine control system, to achieve the client from each monitoring device's parameters for the system operation, system alerts, alarms, performance data was preprocessed, to achieve uniform data formats will be collected.These information is sent to the server and save to the database, Find out from the equipment and applications may affect the fault information provided to the operation and maintenance personnel to process and resolve. If it is important warning information, send text messages to the system administrator, if a general warning message is send a mail to the system administrator. For from the client on the information gathered can be classified by another chart showing the page can be used as the basis for system performance analysis.
     System is mainly of data collection, data processing and data display of three functional parts, including a communications module, mail and messaging. Web display, log analysis, collection scheduling, status polling, fault management, resource management, configuration management, performance management, database and other modules. The subject of the J2EE (Java2 Platform. Enterprise Edition). Java programming. RMI (Remote Method Invocation), mail and text messages to send, data collection and processing. ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library), performance analysis. host a number of techniques are in-depth study, completed the system design and implementation.
     The subject of design completion, the final of the goal is able to use the equipment to the actual environment, timely discover various fault and performance issues in the system, ensure that the equipments of stable operation, upgrade the support ability of the enterprise.
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