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Bei Dao is the contemporary Chinese poet most widely translated in the West, and has been fortunate in his English-language translators:The August Sleepwalker(\990) and Old Snow (1991) translated by Bonnie S. McDougall; Forms of Distance(\994) and Landscape Over Zero (1996) translated by David Hinton; Unlock (2000) translated by Eliot Weinberger and Endure:Poems by Bei Dao (2010) translated by Clayton Eshleman and Lucas Klein.
     Nowadays, People around the world have different ideas about Bei Dao and his poems. Some Western critics have charged that this is a kind of airport poetry, written for translation in an easily digestible, international style. On the other hand, there are Chinese critics who maintain that where his work once spole directly to the people——yesterday's obscurity has apparently become today's transparency——it is now deliberately difficult in order to appeal to sophisticated Western poetry-readers. The argument, again, is that his writing for translation.
     In the first and sencond chapter, I would like to specify how these translations exhibit and change Bei Dao's work. Have they helped Bei Dao to establish his place in today's World Literature? Is there something concerning cultural logic behind all these translations? I hope I could offer some answers for some of the often-heard criticism of Bei Dao as an "un-Chinese" poet and argues for a context of postcoloniality and transnationalism within which to place BeiDao and his poetry. In the third chapter, I would like to discuss the idea of place and belonging as related to making of Bei Dao's emerging transnational identity that is both culturally and territorially non-specify. In Conclusion, with the helf of David Damrosch and Franco Moretti, I would provide some new concept of World Literature and find out how contemporary Chinese Literature adapt to this "World Literature"
    2宇文教授的这篇论文“一石激起千层浪千层浪”,一些较为有影响的反驳,在他对于这篇论文的后续补充Stepping Forward and Back:Issues and Possibilites for "World" Poetry中的第一个注释中可以找到。这里由于笔者资料有限,所以只列出了奚密和周蕾的观点,在此说明。
    7见Eliot Weinberger, A Note on the Translation, Unlock,页107-108。
    10摘自杜博妮Contemporary Chinese Poetry:Poems by Bei Dao as a an Example页776。
    12原文"they address the reader in a relatively formal and elevated register. Although the level of formality differs from kind to kind and from poem to poem, even the vernucular poetry of contemporary Chinese writers tends to employ the elevated register, drawing on literary rather than colloquial vocabulary, and on abstract or universal rather than concrete and culturally specific imagery."摘自Contemporary Chinese Poetry:Poems by Bei Dao as a an Example. 页776。
    13见杜博妮的翻译"Accomplices", The August Sleepwalker,页89。笔者认为其实中文读起来也挺顺畅的,不通语法学,所以不能完全领会杜博妮的意思。
    15见比尔·詹纳尔(W.J.F. Jenner)的评论,Reviews, The Austrialian Journal of Chinese Affairs,NO.23(Jan.1990)。页193-195。
    17李点就曾在其学术专著《北岛的中国诗,1978-2000:延续和流亡》中,以一个章节讨论过北岛诗歌中不能翻译的部分。依他所言,隐喻的文化背景以及历史的知识和语感是北岛诗作中难以准确对译的部分。见李点The Chinese Poetry of Bei Dao,1978-2000:Resistance and Exile页101-113。
    18据Longman Modern English Dictionary解释,延喻即make an initial comparison and then develop it, expanding the author's idea(作出初次比较再扩展,以延伸作者的意图)。与一般比喻相比延喻的使用更复杂。一般比喻只需抓住主、喻体之间的相似之处,延喻不仅要注意比喻本身,还要注意延伸部分是否与喻体保持了一致。也就是说,延伸部分应当是喻体的一部分,不能游离于其外。
    19见杜博妮," Accomplices",The August Sleepwalker,页89。
    21见David Hinton的译本At the Sky's Edge,页31。
    22英译版见杜博妮The Old Snow,页7。
    23见李点The Chinese Poetry of Bei Dao,1978-2000:Resistance and Exile页101-1]3。
    26杜博妮(Bonnie McDougall),是英语世界翻译北岛的第一人。她在悉尼出生长大,父亲是澳共领导人之一。1958年她年仅17岁,被送到北京学习中文,以期成为中澳两党之间的使者。但由于“水士不服”,她在北京呆了半年就离开了,却从此跟中文结缘。获得悉尼大学的博士后,她到哈佛大学John Fairbank中心任职东亚研究研究员。1980年回到中国担任 Foreign Languages Press编辑一职,1983年工作合约期满后,继续以自由作家方式为该社撰稿,并于1984至1986年任教外国事务学院。在这段往返中国期间,杜教授分别于悉尼大学及哈佛大大学教授中文。1986年离开中国前往挪威欧斯罗大学任职现代中文教授,并于1990年起,成为爱丁堡大学中文首席教授。杜教授为少数曾长时间於中国大陆工作过的西方汉学家之一,专精于当代中文作家之作品,并与其中多人维持密切的工作关保。杜博妮为中国学者所知,更多是因为她出色的翻译。从翻译的数量来说,她所涉及的作者、作品都十分惊人,包括何其芳的散文选和诗选(1976),毛泽东的《在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》(1980),王安忆《锦绣谷之恋》(1992),陈凯歌《黄土地》的电影脚本(1992),阿城的三部曲《树王》、《棋王》、《孩子王》(2010)26。除了这些成书出版的翻译作品,杜博妮也有许多高水平的中译英作品刊登在香港中文大学的半年刊《译丛》上,包括:郁达夫的小说《青烟》,丁西林的喜剧《亲爱的丈夫》,朱湘的诗,万之(陈迈平)的《自鸣钟下》《远方一雪》、《谜》、《沙》等。最近,杜博妮翻译的兴趣似乎转向了香港的作家们,西西、董启章、梁秉钧的作品都成了她最新关注的目标。她和北岛私交甚笃,他们曾两次成为同事,一次在20世纪80年代,他们在北京相识,同在外文局工作。如今又在香港重逢,成了香港中文大学翻译系的同事。杜博妮翻译的北岛最早的作品是《太阳城札记》(1983),作为康乃尔东亚研究系列的第34本出版。后来又陆续翻译北岛诗集《八月的梦游者》(1988)、《旧雪》(1991),短篇小说集《波动》(1990)。根据北岛的回忆,当年杜博妮为陈凯歌、陈迈平和北岛开办英文补习班,最后只有迈平出了师。陈迈平最后也成了杜博妮翻译北岛诗集《旧雪》的合作者。
    29见David Damrosch, What is World Literature,页22。
    30见Contemporary Chinese Poetry:Poems by Bei Dao as a an Example页778。
    31作为中国读者,在我看来《日子》完全是不押韵的,不知杜博妮为什么把它归类为难以定义的一类。为了防止我的阅读失误造成的误解,特摘原文:"Where are Chinese poem has a definite and fairly conventional rhyme and stanza structure, as for instance, as in'The Answer', I have therefore used a capital letter at the beginning of each line;where there is no rhyme and an unconventional structure, as in'Notes from the City of the Sun', I have used lower-case beginnings more or less exclusively; and where the form is more indeterminate, as in'A Day',1 have used a capital at the beginning of the first line but not in subsequent lines."摘自Contemporaiy Chinese Poetry-. Poems by Bei Dao as a an Example.页776。
    33见Eliot Weinberger, Anoynmous Sources:A Talk on Translators and Translation, http://www.fascicle.com/issue01/Poets/weinbergerl.htm
    36参考勒菲弗尔的" Translation, Rewriting and the Manipulation of Literary Fame'中的观点,上海外语教育出版社的影印版。
    38顾城《感觉》原诗:天是灰色的/路是灰色的/楼是灰色的/雨是灰色的 在一片死灰之中/走过两个孩子/一个鲜红/一个淡绿。当然,正如唐飞鹤在《破碎的镜子:中国民主运动诗歌选》的序言中所说,虽然北岛的一些诗歌最初的出现形式是集体政治诗歌,其中的一些现在只能当做阶段性作品来读,但是有些作品,还是保留了自己的审美上的特色。
    39见Haun Saussy, Bei Dao and his Audiences,原文是"American readers have a bad habit of seeing politics everywhere in Bei Dao's work, of reading it exclusively as a cleverly coded statement about opposition and reform in China."
    41北岛的新作《时间的玫瑰》刚出版,纽约时报就为他做了书评《阅读人生:一个中国作 家的诗学和政治》(The Reading Life:A Chinese Writer's Poetics, and Politics)。媒体的关注可以促进销量,而销量则可以保证再次被译介。美国对于外国文学的译介发行在图书发行总量中不到3%,这和中国80%以上的译介作品差距甚大,虽然两者都不太健康。要在美国的图书市场分一杯羹,媒体的作用是巨大的。葛文浩在谈到《狼图腾》为什么会大有斩获,他说是因为《国家地理》National Geographic为它做了书评,后一本杂志每月的发行量大概要上百万份,在一定程度上带起来了《狼图腾》的声誉和销量。
    43这段回信的原文可在http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog 489db097010098x5.html找到," In any case we were very certain we wanted to invite you. Any suggestion we might have mistaken you for someone else is ridiculous. If you like you can tell that to the people who are slandering you. You can quote me. I don't know the poet Zhou Lunyou and I've never read his work (if he's good I'm more than happy to read his work, provided he has been translated in English because I cannot read Chinese). We read your work on the Chinese domain of the website www.poetryinternational.org, so through the English translations of Simon Patton. We did not invite you because of your position in the magazine Not-Not (Maghiel van Crevel's translation for Feifei). How could we, we cannot read it, because it is in Chinese。 "
    48 见 Moretti, Franco.2000. "Conjectures on World Literature." New Left Review 1:55.
    52见李点The Chinese Poetry of Bei Dao,1978-2000:resistance and exile,页5。原文是"The interview has been a major part of Beidao's reception in the West."下面的引文都是来自李点的论文。
    54达姆罗什在他的著作中为“世界文学下了三个定义”见Damrosch, What is World Literature? pp281原文为‘'1) an elliptical refraction of national literatures---this speaks to the relationship between national literatures and world literature; 2) something that gains in translation--he believes that different kinds of literature can either maintain or lose meaning when they become a translated work; and 3) a mode of reading, "a form of detached engagement with worlds beyond our own place and time"--he explains the importance of the diversity of aesthetic perceptions all over the global. "笔者译。
    [23]Bei Dao. The August Sleepwalker. Tans. Bonnie S. McDougall. New York: New Directions Publishing Corporate,1990.
    [24]Bei Dao. Old Snow. Tans. Bonnie S. McDougall and Chen Maiping. New York: New Directions Publishing Corporate,1991.
    [25]Bei Dao. At the Sky's Edge:Poems 1991-1996. Trans. David Hinton and Chen Yanbing. New York:New Directions Publishing Corporate,2001.
    [26]Bei Dao. Unlock. Trans. Eliot Weinberger and Iona Man-Cheong. New York: New Directions Publishing Corporate,2000.
    [27]Bei Dao et al. Out of the Howling Storm:the New Chinese Poetry. Ed. Tony Barnstone. Hanover:Wesleyan UP,1993.41-49.
    [28]Bei Dao et al. A Splintered Mirror:Chinese Poetry from the Democracy.Trans. Donald Finkel.San Francisco:North Point Press,1991.
    [29]An Encyclopedia of Translation:Chinese-English/English-Chinese. Ed. Chan Shiwai and David E. Pollard. Hong Kong:The Chinese UP,1995.
    [30]Damrosch, David. What Is World Literature? Princeton and Oxford:Princeton UP,2003.
    [31]David Damrosch. "World Literature in Postcanonial, Hypercannonical Age."Comparative Literature in an Age of Globalizatioin.Baltimore:The John Hopkins UP,2006:43-53.
    [32]Li, Dian. The Chinese Poetry of Bei Dao,1978-2000:resistance and exile. New York:The Edwin Mellen Press,2006.
    [33]Moretti, Franco. "Conjectures on World Literature. " New Left Review.1(2000): 54-6.
    [34]Kinkley, Jeffrey C. Rev. of Notes from the City of the Sun, by Bei Dao, trans Bonnie S. McDougall. Journal of Asian Studies. May 1985:596-98.
    [35]Koepp, Jane S. Rev. of Old Snow, by Bei Dao, trans Bonnie S. McDougall. World Literature Today.66:3(1992):578.
    [36]Owen, Steven. "The Anxiety of Global influence:What Is World Poetry?" The New Republic 19 November 1990:28-32.
    [36]Saussy, Haun. "Bei Dao and his Audiences." Stanford Presidential Lectures in the Humanities and Arts.20 Oct.2009 dao/daoaudience.html>
    [37]W.J.F. Jenner. Rev. of The August Sleepwalker, by Bei Dao, trans. Bonnie S. McDougall. The Austrialian Journal of Chinese Affairs.23 (Jan.1990):193-195.
    [38]Weinberger, Eliot. "Anoynmous Sources:A Talk on Translators and Translation." 20 Oct. 2009
    [39]Yeh, Michelle. Rev. of The August Sleepwalker, by Bei Dao, trans. Bonnie S. McDougall. World Literature Today.64 (1990):191-192.

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