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大肠埃希氏菌(Escherichia coli,E.coli)通常称为大肠杆菌,是一类常见的人畜共患病原菌。在兽医临床诊断方面,该菌引起的猪水肿病,仔猪黄、白痢是长期困扰猪场的老病;随着养猪业的迅速发展和规模化养殖的深入,近年发现猪大肠杆菌病出现了更为严重的临床表现:如引起猪的肺炎,肾炎,脑膜炎,败血症等;这些菌株同样可以导致人的肠外感染。研究者将引发该类病症的大肠杆菌分类为肠外致病性大肠杆菌(Extraintestinal Pathogenic Escherichia coli,ExPEC),其发病率与死亡率在人畜临床都较高,且没有特定的血清型。目前,针对ExPEC的研究较少,还没有疫苗问世,因而多采用药物治疗。抗生素的大量不合理使用;链霉素类等药物被广泛用作动物饲料添加剂,使得动物源性耐药菌株越来越多,耐药谱也越来越广;产超广谱β-内酰胺酶(Extend-Spectrumβ-Lactamase,ESBL)大肠杆菌的出现;以及耐药元件的转移性在食品链上的潜在危害;都严重威胁着该病的治疗,成为公共卫生事业上的隐患。
Escherichia coli is an important zoonotic pathogen.Piglets edema disease,yellow or white scour of newborn piglets are typical diseases caused by E.coli.They trouble the veterinary clinic for long.New symptoms such as Pneumonia,nephritis, meningitis and septicemia caused by E.coli are increasing with the development of swine industry.And these extraintestinal infections are also similar to human.The specialized strains of E.coli that cause most extraintestinal diseases were classified as extraintestinal pathogenic E.coIi(ExPEC),which shows higher morbidity,mortality and no typical serotypes.Now antimicrobial therapy is the only available tool for treating clinical infections of ExPEC because of no vaccine.The resistance of ExPEC emerged due to the wrong use of the antibiotics and the feedstuff additive at the clinic. Extended-spectrumβ-lactamase(ESBL)-producing strains and the dissemination of resistant vectors are of increasing concern of the failure of antibiotic therapy and public health.
     It's helpful for clinical treatment to detect the resistance of ExPEC to common antibiotics and the possibility of resistance transmission,based on the detecting of serotype,virulence factors and animal experiments of ExPEC.so we carried out the following work to analyse the drug senstivity and molecular characteristics for swine ExPEC:
     1.We researched the drug minimum inhibitory concentration of 315 swine ExPEC isolates from the clinic.These isolates of Expec showed multiple drug resisitance, and only sensitived to cephalosporins.95.2%were resistant to at least five antimicrobials and 60.6%resistant to more than 10.the most popular multiresistant patterns was AMP+STR+KAN+NEO+GEN+CIP+OFX+TE+TMP+SDM.
     2.We established the PCR methods for detection of 27 resistance genes includingβ-lactams,aminoglycosides,tetracyclines,quinolones,trimethoprim and sulfonamides,then appliesed them to the ExPEC.For each antimicrobial agent, ampicillin resistance was primarily mediated by bla_(TEM),aminoglycosides by aac(3)-Ⅳ, strAstrB and aphA1,quinolones resistance by mutations in gyrA,tetracycline resistance by tet(B) and tet(G),trimethoprim resistance by dfrA7,dfrA12,dfrA13,and sulfadimidine resistance by sul1 and sul2.Strains which harbored several genes that conferred resistance to the same antimicrobial agent were often significantly more multiresistant than others.
     3.We detected the intⅠgene to identify integron,and amplified variable region to determine gene cassettes.86(27.3%) ExPEC isolates were integron positive,which harbored dfrA14,aadA2,aadA22,aadA5,dfrA17,dfrA17-aadA2,dfrA1-aadA1, dfrA12-aadA2,dfrA17-aadA5 gene cassettes in five major different variable regions.
     4.We identified ESBL isolates and classified their genotypes.Two isolates with bla_(TEM-I)+bla_(CTX-M-I4)-genotype ESBL were selected.They were both resistant to more than 10 drugs.
     5.We reseached genetic correlation for 38 swine ExPEC isolated from twelve pig farms of three provinces.Analysis of plasmid map proved that 1 to 2 different plasmids were popular in a farm,but distinguishing to the other farms.BOX-PCR demonstrated that the genetic correlation was higher in the same farm than in the others.Resistant phenotype and genotype in the same farm were not significantly (P>0.05).These above paved a way to certify that strains,plasmids and antibiotic resistance are regional and transmissible in the pig farm.
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