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An education system exposes individuals to a process of socialization during which the values that are considered appropriate become internalized. Through this process of socialization in schools, students adopt fundamental societal values from the pedagogic contents in class and other educational venues. The awareness of the fundamental values is reinforced by teachers'attitudes, expectations, different focuses on specific students as well as the impact of their peers.
     This research aims to find out what role gender plays in the teacher-student interaction in the classrooms of the primary schools (public) in Shanghai today. It seeks to examine how gender stereotypes operate in these interactions. This study compares eight primary schools in Shanghai, which were chosen because of the diverse array of student social backgrounds, geographical locations and teachers'quality. The methodology started by interviewing teachers in the sampled schools. We did not explicitly reveal the objectives of the questionnaires in order to avoid teacher gender prejudice. Some of the questions are:Do you have different perspectives on the roles of male and female students? Do the perspectives change your expectations about the students? What impact might this "consciousness"(or non-consciousness) about gender have on student behaviour? What attitudes may you have expressed toward girls and boys during classroom interactions? Are there any differences or similarities in your educational expectations concerning boys and girls? How do these expectation show up in the daily life of students in the classroom? Do these expectations change across subjects taught in schools? How effectively do you deal with student behavior (docility, undisciplined attitudes, etc.) Do your responses to these behaviors differ across gender? What shades can be made according to the social and geographical situation of schools in the sense that this situation leads to a different social recruiting of students? We investigate whether the thoughts and perceptions of the teachers on gender differences correlates with academic performances of boys and girls and how these differences are built into the teacher-student relationship.
     The observations we collected in the five schools yield data showing that across different schools, genders, and different social or professional backgrounds, teachers expressed a preference toward male students. In45teacher interviews, teachers responded that they would treat girls and boys equally and pay the same attention to both genders in classroom interaction; however, in practice, they spent more classroom time on boys. Most of them are not aware that their behavior while teaching or their classroom management styles vary greatly toward girls and boys. Most of them also avoid talking about their representations of both sexes; they feel that all topics related to "gender" would reveal prejudices such as inequality or gender discrimination. They do not wish to be seen as participants in this discrimination. They claim that they treat boys and girls the same way. However, everything in their teaching practices shows another "reality," as it is through the approach to school activities with students in the "management" behavior during or out of the class, through the way to give girls and boys a voice in class. In China, the crucible of this differentiation is largely influenced by the traditional cultural attitudes to gender roles. However, not all the teachers have the same critical degree regarding this traditional division. The survey provides therefore also the details associated with this socially oriented distancing.
     We also find that despite the differences between schools (and teaching methods),, boys get higher attention and more "focus" than girls. Besides, the attention girls receive varies somewhat depending on the schools. Usually, in the schools which serve children of poor migrant workers and schools in rural areas, gender divisions are most visible, and boys are widely supported and encouraged in class to the detriment of girls. This mode of school socialization reinforces the results of family socialization which favors boys. Without (entirely) disappearing, the effect is less obvious in schools with children from affluent urban families. Indeed, the city of Shanghai appears relatively less influenced by traditional culture, because of its economic development. But there are still some traces of the traditional view of male superiority at primary school.
     The significantly greater attention paid to boys is reinforced by the Chinese educational system, which focuses on examination results, and evaluates schools and teachers on the marks obtained by their students. Gender stereotypes even combine logic and imagination in questions intended for boys, who are supposed to be able to answer them more easily, and associate the girls with being "emotional" or repetitive. In addition, girls in class behave obediently and thus are more apt to be part of the silent group to whom the teacher pays less attention. Througn analyzing the interaction in the classroom between teacners ana stuaents, we see that teachers' attitude and their attention play a very important role in strengthening long term gender differences.
1 MOSCONI Nicole. Egalite des sexes en education et formation. Paris:Presses universitaires de France,1998b, p.100.
    2 Ibid.
    3 BRINT Steven G.. Schools and societies. Societies. CA:Pine Forge Press,1998. SHU Xiaoling. Education and gender egalitarianism:the case of China. Sociology of education,2004, vol.77, n°4,p.312.
    4 SHU Xiaolingu, Education and gender egalitarianism:the case of China. Sociology of education,2004, vol.77, n° 4, p.328
    5 BOWLES Samuel, GINTIS Herbert. Schooling in capitalist America:educational reform and the contradictions of economic life. New York:Basic Books,1976. Cite dans SHU Xiaoling. Education and gender egalitarianism:the case of China. Sociology of education,2004, vol.77,n°4,p.311.
    6 PFEFFERKORN Roland. Inegalites et rapports sociaux:rapports de classes, rapports de sexes. Paris:La Dispute,2007, p.275.
    7 Ibid, p.278.
    8 MEJIAS. Jane Sexe et societi:La question du genre en sociologie. Brdal,《The mes et Debats》,2005, p.53.
    9 Ibid.p.53.
    10 FU Wenhua. The enlightenment and the practice of the educational reform of tao xingzhi during the years of the twenties and the thirties. Journal ofjiaozuo teachers college,2006, vol.22, p.38-41.
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    12 Ge Yi, l'Histoire de Minjian [Ressource electronique]. Chine. Disponible sur:
    13 Le Grand Bond en avant (chinois simplifie大跃进, chinois traditionnel大躍造,pinyin:Da yue jin) est le nom donne a une politique economique lancee par Mao Zedong et mise en oeuvre de 1958 au debut 1960. Concepteur du grand bond en avant (GBA), Mao Zedong veut donner une nouvelle orientation politique a la Chine. Cette campagne, qui mobilise par la propagande et par la coercition l'ensemble de la population, a pour but de stimuler en un temps record la production par la collectivisation agricole, l'elargissement des infrastructures industrielles et la realisation de projets de travaux publics d'envergure. Irrealiste, ce programme se revele etre un fiasco, la Chine echappant de peu a l'effondrement complet de son economie.
    14 La grande revolution culturelle proletarienne (en chinois无产阶级文化大革命,pinyin:wuchan jieji wenhua dageming), plus couramment la grande revolution culturelle (文化大革命wenhua dageming), ou simplement la revolution culturelle(文革wenge), represente l'un des evenements marquants de l'histoire chinoise contemporaine, dont le retentissement international est considerable. En 1966, Mao decide de lancer la revolution culturelle afin de consolider son pouvoir en s'appuyant sur la jeunesse du pays. Le dirigeant souhaite purger le Parti communiste chinois (PCC) de ses elements 《revisionnistes》 et limiter les pouvoirs de la bureaucratie. Les《gardes rouges》, groupes de jeunes Chinois inspires par les principes du Petit Livre rouge, deviennent le bras actif de cette revolution culturelle. Ils remettent en cause toute hierarchie, notamment la hierarchie du PCC alors en poste.
    15 LUO Zhimin, Huang Mingdong, The transformation of ethical values in the educational system reform of the primary schools in these sixty years of the People Republic of China. Educational research,2009, vol.4, p 3-5.
    16 Le pinyin (chinois拼音;pinyin:Pinyin; Wade:P'in1-yin1; EFEO:P'in-yin) signifie litteralement 《assembler les sons》 en mandarin standard et se refere au hanyu pinyin (chinois simplifie汉语拼音; chinois traditionnel汉语拼音;pinyin:Hanyu Pinyin; Wade:Han4-yu3 P'in'-yin1; EFEO:Han-yu P'in-yin, signifiant litteralement:《assembler les sons de la langue des Hans》), qui est un systeme de romanisation (transcription phonetique en ecriture latine) du mandarin, utilise en Republique populaire de Chine (RPC). Le projet de transcription de la langue chinoise (reference absolue du systeme Pinyin) aboutissant au pinyin ate approuv le 11 fevrier 1958, pendant la cinquieme session pldniere de l'Assemblee populaire nationale de la Republique populaire de Chine. Le pinyin a ete adopte en 1979 par le gouvernement chinois. Il supplanta des transcriptions plus anciennes comme le systeme Wade-Giles (1859; modifie en 1912) ou le Bopomofo. Des systemes similaires ont ete concus pour les autres dialectes chinois et les minorites non han de la Republique populaire de Chine. En 1979, l'Organisation internationale de normalisation a adopte le pinyin comme systeme de romanisation du mandarin. C'est la romanisation du chinois la plus repandue de nos jours dans les ouvrages modernes.
    17 La Reforme economique chinoise (改革开放;pinyin:Gaige kaifang) fait reference au programme de changements economiques appele "socialisme aux caracteristiques chinoises" en Republique populaire de Chine (RPC).
    18 LUO Zhimin, Huang Mingdong, The transformation of ethical values in the educational system reform of the primary schools in these sixty years of the People Republic of China. Educational research,2009, vol.4, p 3-5.
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    20 Ibid..
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    22 SHU Xiaoling. Education and gender egalitarianism:The case of China. Sociology of education,2004, Sociology of Education,2004, vol.77, n°4, p.316.
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    24 WOLF Margery. Revolution postponed:women in contemporary China. Stanford, CA:Stanford University Press,1985. Cite dans SHU Xiaoling. Education and gender egalitarianism:the case of China. Sociology of education,2004, vol.77,n°4,p.316.
    25 FARRER James. Opening up:youth sex culture and market reform in Shanghai. Chicago:University of Chicago Press,2002. Cite dans SHU Xiaoling. Education and gender egalitarianism:the case of China. Sociology of education, 2004, vol.77, n°4,p.316.
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    27 LIU Jingjing, Journal de la jeunesse [Ressource electronique]. Chine. Disponible sur:
    28 Ministere education nationale [Ressource electronique], France. Disponible sur:
    29 Ibid.
    30 CHARLES Frederi. L'acces a l'enseignement primaire en France et en Angleterre:dispositions et processus de cooptation pour occuper un emploi feminin. Revue frangaise de pedagogic,1998, vol.124, n°1, p.29-42.
    32 Ceci etait specialement vrai en Europe a partir du 18eme siecle. Source:GUIONNET Christine, NEVEU Erik. Feminin/Masculin. Sociologie du genre. Paris:Armand Colin (Collection U),2004, p.31.
    33 GABORIT Pascaline. Les stereotypes de genre:identites, roles sociaux et politiques publiques. L'Harmattan, 2009, p.11.
    34 XU Yanting, WU Wei. Gender stereotypes in school education and countermeasures, Journal of zhangzhou institute of technology,2011, vol.13, n°2, p.105-108.
    35 MU Qing. The Gender pressures and gender ideal of school girls. Journal of Beijing youth politics college, 2003, vol.12, n°2.
    36 WEI Guoying, CHEN Xuefei, The influence of family culture to the formation of gender stereotypes for the jeunesses, Collection of women's studies,2005, vol.1.
    37 YUAN Ding. The interpretations of gender stereotypes for female graduated students during the period of finding works. Educational review,2013, vol.1, p.63-65.
    38 WEI Guoying. Report of the Chinese women's social status in the second phase of the sample survey. Collection of women's studies,2001, vol.5.
    39 MA Wei. The impact of gender stereotypes to the development of female graduated students. Shi wu da guan-education garden,2009, vol.4, p.27.
    40 WEI Guoying. Report of the Cinese women's social status in the second phase of the sample survey. Collection of women's studies,2001, vol.5.
    41 XU Yanting, WU Wei. Gender stereotypes in school education and counter-measures, Journal of zhangzhou institute of technology,2011, vol.13, n°2, p.105-108.
    42 HOWE Christing. Gender and classroom interaction:a research review. The Scottish council for research in education,1997, p.5.
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    44 Ibid, p.5.
    45 HOWE Christing. Gender and Classroom Interaction:A Researche Review. The Scottish council for research in education,1997, p.7.
    46 GOFFMAN Erving. L'arrangement entre les sexes. Paris:La dispute. col. Le genre du monde,2002, p.46.
    47 BOURDIEU Pierre. La Domination masculine, Paris:Editions du Seuil,2002, p.123.
    48 Ibid, p.131.
    49 GOFFMAN Erving. L'arrangement entre les sexes. Paris:La dispute, coll. Le genre du monde,2002, p.46.
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    51 ZAIDMAN Claude. La mixite a l'ecole primaire. Paris:L'Harmattan,1996. MOSCONI Nicole. Egalite des sexes en education et formation. Paris:Presses Universitaires de France,1998. DAFFLON NOVELLE Anne. Filles-garcons. Socialisation differenciee? Grenoble:Presses Universitaires, 2006.
    52 ROUYER Veronique. La construction de l'identite sexuee. Paris:Armand Colin,2007.
    53 LEAPER Campbell, FRIEDMAN Carly Kay.The socialization of gender./ ed. Joan E. Grusec, Paul D. Hastings. New York:Guiford Press,2006, pp.561-587.(Handbook of socialization:theory and research)
    54 MIEYAA Yoan, ROUYER Veronique, BLANC Alexis. La socialisation de genre de l'emergence des inegalites. L'ecole maternelle:le role de l'identite sexuee dans l'experience scolaire des filles et des garcons. L'orientation scolaire et professionnelle,2012, vol.41, n°1, p.62.
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    57 MOSCONI Nicole. Egalite des sexes en education et formation. Paris:Presses universitaires de France,1998b, p.106.
    58 BOUDIEU Pierre. La domination masculine. Paris:Editions du Seuil,2002, p.119.
    59 MOSCONI Nicole. Egalite des sexes en education et formation. Paris:Presses universitaires de France,1998b, p.105.
    60 MIEYAA Yoan, ROUYER Veronique, BLANC Alexis. La socialisation de genre et l'emergence des inegalites a l'ecole maternelle:le role de l'identite sexuee dans l'experience scolaire des filles et des garcons, L'orientation scolaire et professionnelle,2012, vol.41, n°1, p.67.
    61 BAUDELOT Christian, ESTABLET Roger. Allez les filles! Paris:Le Seuil,1992.
    62 DE BOISSIEU Corinne. Sexes et genres a 1'ecole maternelle:un essai de modelisation du concept de 《genre scolaire》. Recherches & educations,2009, vol.2, p.27.
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    54 YOUNGER Molly, WARRINGTON Michael, WILLIAMS Jacquetta. The gender gap and classroom interactions:reality and rhetoric? British journal of sociology of education,1999, vol.20, n°3, p.325-341.
    65 Ibid.
    66 GAER Eva Van De, PUSTJENS Heidi, DAMME Jan Van, MUNTER Agnes. Tracking and the effects of school-related attitudes on the language achievement of boys and girls. British journal of sociology of education, 2006, vol.27, n°3, p.293-309.
    67 GUIONNET Christine, NEVEU Erik. Feminin/Masculin. Sociologie du genre. Paris:Armand Colin (Collection U),2004, p.53.
    68 ZAIDMAN Claude. La mixite a l'ecole primaire. Paris:L'Harmattan,1996.
    69 BAUDELOT Christian, ESTABLET Roger. Allez les filles! Paris:Le Seuil,1992.
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    71 MOSCONI Nicole. Egalite des sexes en education et formation. Paris:Presses universitaires de France,1998.
    72 Ibid, p.105.
    73 BAUDELOT Christian, ESTABLET Roger. Allez lesfilles! Paris:Le Seuil,1992..
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    76 ECKERT Henri, FAURE Sylvia. Les jeunes et l'agencement des sexes. Paris:La Dispute,2007, p.40.
    77 Ibid.
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    81 Ibid.
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    83 DUBAR Claude. La Socialisation. Construction des identites sociales et professionnelles. Paris:Collin,1991.
    84 GUIONNET Christine, NEVEU Erik. Feminin/Masculin. Sociologie du genre. Paris:Armand Colin (Collection U),2004.
    85 DURU-BELLAT Marie. L'ecole des filles---quelle formation pour quels roles sociaux? Deuxieme edition revue et actualisee ed. Paris:L'Harmattan,2004. MEJIAS Jane. Sexe et societe:la question du genre en sociologie. Breal,《 Themes et Debats》,2005.
    86 BERGER Peter, LUCKMANN Thomas. La construction sociale de la realite:Armand Colin,1996, p.189.
    87 Ibid, p.189.
    88 Ibid, p.189.
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    90 DARMON Muriel. La socialisation. Paris:Armand Colin, coll.《128》,2006.
    91 PFEFFERKORN Roland. Inegalites et rapports sociaux:rapports de classes, rapports de sexes. Paris:La Dispute,2007, p.274.
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    94 MEJIAS Jane. Sexe et societe:la question du genre en sociologie. Breal, 《 Themes et Debate》,2005, p.10.
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    96 CLAIR Isabelle. Sociologie du Genre:sociologies contemporaines. Paris:Armand Colin,2012, p.17.
    97 PFEFFERKORN Roland. Inegalites et rapports sociaux:rapports de classes, rapports de sexes. Paris:La Dispute,2007, p.273.
    98 Ibid, p.273.
    99 Ibid, p.273.
    100 CLAIR Isabelle. Sociologie du genre:sociologies contemporaines. Paris:Armand Colin,2012, p.10.
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    102 MEJIAS Jane. Sexe et societe:la question du genre en sociologie. Breal,《 Themes et Debats》,2005, p.38.
    103 PFEFFERKORN Roland. Inegalites et rapports sociaux:rapports de classes, rapports de sexes. Paris:La Dispute,2007, p.274.
    104 MACCOBY Eleanor E.. Le sexe, categorie sociale. Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales,1990, vol.83, p.16.
    105 Ibid, p.16.
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    112 GOFFMAN Erving. L'arrangement entre les sexes. Paris:La Dispute. coll. Le genre du monde,2002.
    113 Ibid,p.47.
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    115 GUILBERT Louis, LAGANE Rene, NIOBEY Georges. Grand larousse de la langue francaise. Larousse, 1977.
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    117 HOWE Florence. Sexual stereotypes start early. Saturday review,1971, vol.10, p.3.
    118 Ibid.
    119 MEJIAS Jane. Sexe et societe:la question du genre en sociologie. Breal,《Themes et Debats》,2005, p.39.
    120 GOFFMAN Erving. L'arrangement entre les sexes. Paris:La Dispute, coll. Le genre du monde,2002.
    121 Ibid.
    122 DURU-BELLAT Marie. DAFFLON NOVELLE Anne (Dir.). Filles-Garcons:socialisation differenciee? Revue francaise de pedagogie,2006, vol.156, p.399.
    123 BAUDELOT Christian, ESTABLET Roger,. Quoi de neuf chez les filles?:entre stereotypes et libertes. Paris: Nathan,2007.
    124 Ibid, p.32.
    125 CHILAND Colette. La construction de l'identite sexuee. Enfance & psychologie.1998, vol.3, p.925. CHILAND Colette. Le transexualisme. Paris:Presses Universitaires de France,2003.
    126 ROUYER Veronique. La construction de l'identite sexuee. Paris:Armand Colin,2007.
    127 BOURDIEU Pierre. La misere du monde. Paris:Le Seuil, Collection Libre Examen,1993.
    128 JONES Susan, MYHILL Debra. "Troublesome boys" and''compliant girls":gender identity and perceptions of achievement and underachievement. British journal of sociology of education,2004, vol.25, n°5, p.556.
    129 Census office in Shanghai, Shanghai statistics bureau, The fourth and fifth census date, Shanghai statistical yearbook, Chinese statistics press,2008
    130 Census office in Shanghai, Shanghai statistics bureau, The fourth and fifth census date, Shanghai statistical yearbook, Chinese statistics press,2008
    131 La concession francaise de Shanghai est un territoire chinois qui fut sous administration francaise de
    132 Shanghai Municipal Statistics Bureau. Shanghai statistical yearbook 2010. Beijing:China Statistics Press, 2010.
    133 Source:Statistiques de Shanghai, Dispondible sur:
    134 Source:Statistiques de Shanghai, Disponible sur
    135 Ibid.
    137 HU Feng, XU Zhaoyuan, CHEN Yuyu. Circular migration, or permanent stay? evidence from China's rural-urban migration. China economic review,2011, vol,22, p.64-74.
    138 WANG Lu. The marginality of migrant children in the urban Chinese educational system. British journal of sociology of education,2008, vol.29, n°6, p.691-703.
    139 CHAN Kam Wing, BUCKINGHAM Will. Is China abolishing the hukou system? The China quarterly,2008, vol.195, p.582-606. CHAN Kam Wing, ZHANG Li. The hukou system and rural-urban migration in China:processes and changes. The China quarterly,1999, vol.160, p.818-855. DENG Quheng, GUSTAFSSON Bjorn. China's lesser known migrants. Institute for the Study of Labor Discussion Papers,2006. WANG Feng, ZUO Xuejin. Inside China's cities:institutional barriers and opportunities for urban migrants. American economic review,1999, vol.89, p.276-280. ZHANG Huafeng. The hukou system's constraints on migrant workers'job mobility in Chinese cities. China economic review,2010, vol.21, p.51-64. Cite dans HU Feng, XU Zhaoyuan, CHEN Yuyu. Circular migration, or permanent stay? evidence from China's rural-urban migration. China economic review,2011, vol,22, p..64-65.
    140 CHAN Kam Wing, BUCKINGHAM Will. Is China abolishing the hukou system? The China quarterly,2008, vol.195, p.582-606 CHAN Kam Wing, ZHANG Li. The hukou system and rural-urban migration in China:processes and changes. The China Quarterly,1999, vol.160, p.818-855 LU Zhigang, SONG Shunfeng. Rural-urban migration and wage determination:the case of tianjin, China. China economic review,2006, vol.17, p.337-345. ZHANG Huafeng. The hukou system's constraints on migrant workers'job mobility in Chinese cities. China economic review,2010, vol.21, p.51-64.
    141 WANG Lu. The marginality of migrant children in the urban Chinese educational system. British journal of sociology of education,2008, vol.29, n°6, p.691-703.
    152 Xinwea Zonghe Piadao, Disponible sur
    153 BENTSVI-MAYER Shoshanna, HERTZ-LAZAROWWITZ Rachel, SAFIR Marilyn. Teacher's selections of boys and girls as prominent pupils. Sex roles,1989, vol.21, p.231-245. LIPS Hilary M.. Sex & gender:an introduction. Mountain View, CA:Mayfield,1997. PALUDI Michele Antoinette. The psychology of women. Upper Saddle River, NJ:Prentice Hall,1998. UNGER Rhoda Kesler, CRAWFORD Mary. Women and gender; a feminist psychology. New York: McGraw-Hall,2003. Cite dans GROESCHLTrisha, WETENKAMP Jaime. Experience vs. inexperience:teacher perception of male and female students'behavior. Journal of undergraduate research (University of Wisconsin-La Crosse),2001, vol.4, p.51-56.
    154 GROESCHLTrisha, WETENKAMP Jaime. Experience vs. inexperience:teacher perception of male and female students'behavior. Journal of undergraduate research (University of Wisconsin-La Crosse),2001, vol.4, p.51-56.
    155 DURU-BELLAT Marie. L'ecole des filles--quelle formation pour quels roles sociaux? Paris:L'Harmattan,
    156 CHEN Li, GAO Jueao. Encyclopedia of psychology. Hangzhou:Zhejiang Educational Press,1995, p.394.
    157 HAN Henan, ZHANG Jian. An introduction to women's studies. Beijing:Educational Science Publishing House,2005, p.83-84.
    158 Fu Yusheng,.Discussion on the relationship between teacher's gender and student's academic achievement. Journal of Wenzhou teachers college(special issue of educational science research),1990, vol.2.
    159 HUANG Dexiang. Adolescent development and guidance. Taipei:Wu-Nan Culture Enterprise,1995.
    160 YE Wenzhen. An introduction to women's studies. Xiamen:Xiamen University Press,2006, p.137.
    161 WILLIAMS John E., BEST Deborah L.. Measuring sex stereotypes:a thirty-nation study. Sage Publications Inc,1982.
    162 HOWE Florence. Sexual stereotypes start early:Saturday review,1971, vol.10.
    163 SPITZ Glenna, HUBER.Joan. Changing attitudes toward women's non-family roles,1938 to 1978. Sociology of work and occupations,1980, vol.7, n°3, p.317-335. MOSHE Tatar, GINA Emmanuel. Teachers' perceptions of their students'gender roles. Journal of educational research,2001, vol.94, n°4, p.215-224.
    164 MOSHE Tatar, GINA Emmanuel. Teachers'perceptions of their students' gender roles. Journal of educational research,2001, vol.94, n°4, p.215-224.
    165 TIEDEMANN Joachim. Teachers' gender stereotypes as determinants of teacher perceptions in elementary school. Educational studies in mathematics,2002, vol.50, n°1,p.49-62.
    166 GROESCHLTrisha, WETENKAMP Jaime. Experience vs. inexperience:teacher perception of male and female students' behavior. Journal of undergraduate research (University of Wisconsin-La Crosse),2001, vol.4, p.51-56.
    167 CROW Stephen M., FOK Lillian Y, HARTMAN Sandra J., PAYNE Dinah M.. Gender and values:what is the impact on decision making? Sex role,1991, vol.25, n°3-4, p.255-268.
    168 OLIVARES Rafael A., ROSENTHAL Nancy. Gender equity and classroom experiences:a review of research, 1992. SADKER Myra, SADKER David Miller. Failing at fairness:how our schools cheat girls. New York:Touchstone, 1995.
    169 GROESCHL Trisha, WETENKAMP Jaime. Experience vs. inexperience:teacher perception of male and female students'behavior. Journal of undergraduate research (University of Wisconsin-La Crosse),2001, vol.4, p.51-56.
    170 SHEPARDSON Daniel P., PIZZINI Edward L.. Gender bias in female elementary teachers'perceptions of the scientific ability of students. ScienceeEducation,1992, vol.76, n°2, p.147-153. MOSHE Tatar, GINA Emmanuel. Teachers' perceptions of their students' gender roles. Journal of educational research,2001, vol.94, n°4, p.215-224.
    171 ELWOOD Jannette, COMBER Chris. Gender differences in examinations at 18+ Project:final report. London:Institute of Educaiton for the Nuffield Foundation,1996. MOSHE Tatar, GINA Emmanuel. Teachers' perceptions of their students' gender roles. Journal of educational research,2001, vol.94, n°4, p.215-224.
    172 BORG Mark G., FALZON Joseph M.. A factor analytic study of teachers' perception of pupils' undesirable behaviours:a rejoinder to Langfeldt (1992). British journal of educational psychology,1993, vol.63, n°3, p.513-518. HYAN Eunsook. Gender-fair and gender-congruent practices in developmentally and culturally appropriate practice.Report distributed by ERIC Clearinghouse,1998. Canada:Association of Young Children. (ERIC Reproduction service No. ED 428841).1998.
    173 GROESCHLTrisha, WETENKAMP Jaime. Experience vs. inexperience:teacher perception of male and female students'behavior. Journal of undergraduate research (University of Wisconsin-La Crosse),2001, vol.4, p.51-56.
    174 WOOD Tracy Darrin. Teacher perceptions of gender-based differences among elementary school teacher. International electronic journal of elementary education,2012, vol.4, n°2, p.317-345. CAO Jianxiu. Social gender consciousness and education of elementary school teachers:the case of Nanjing. These:Nanjing Normal University:2011. QIAN Yiyi, LUO Shanhong, ZHANG Guangjian, CHEN Ping, YAO Ping. An elementary survey of sex stereotype. Chinese journal of applied psychology,1999, vol.5, n°1, p.14-19. WANG Xiaomei. Inspection and thinking of primary teachers'gender consciousness in Urumqi. These:Xinjiang Normal University:2007.
    175 UNESCO, Disponible sur: Language=eng&BR Topic=0
    176 Ministere de l'Education Nationale en Chine, Disponible sur: htrp://
    177 ZHAO Shuqin. Culture study of women. Guilin:Guangxi Normal University,2006.
    178 HUANG Wensan. A review and analysis of the research of sex role in the adolescents of R.O.C.:1960 to the present, Journal of Gaoxiong Normal University of education,1999, vol.14.
    179 GILBERT Daniel Todd. Ordinary personology / ed. Daniel T. GILBERT, Susan T. FISKE, Gardner LINDZEY. New York:McGraw-Hill,1998, vol.2, p.89-150. (Handbook of Social Psychology) TROPE Yaacov. Identification and inferential processes in dispositional attribution. Psychological review,1986, vol.93, n°3, p.239-257.
    180 WIGBOLDUS Daniel H. J., DIJKSTERHUIS A.J., KNIPPENBERG A.F.M. van. When stereotypes get in the way:stereotypes obstruct stereotype-inconsistent trait inferences. Journal of personality and social psychology, 2003, vol.84, n°3, p.470-483. GILBERT Daniel Todd, PELHAM Brett W., KRULL Douglas S.. On cognitive busyness:when person perceivers meet persons perceived. Journal of personality and social psychology.1988, vol.54. n°5, p.733-740. GILBERT Daniel Todd, KRULL Douglas S., PELHAM Brett W.. Of thoughts unspoken:social inference and the self-regulation of behavior. Journal of Personality and social psychology,1988, vol.55, n°5, p.685-694. ULEMAN James S., HON Alex, ROMAN Robert J., MOSKOWITZ Gordon B.. On-line evidence for spontaneous trait inferences at encoding. Personality and social psychology bulletin,1996, vol.22, n■4, p.377-394.
    181 WIGBOLDUS Daniel H. J., DIJKSTERHUIS A.J., KNIPPENBERG A.F.M. van. When stereotypes get in the way:stereotypes obstruct stereotype-inconsistent trait inferences. Journal of personality and social psychology, 2003, vol.84, n°3, p.470-483. KRULL Douglas S., DILL Jody C.. On thinking first and responding fast:flexibility in social inference processes. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin,1996, vol.22, n°9, p.949-959. KRULL Douglas S., ERICKSON Darin J.. Judging situations:On the effortful process of taking dispositional information into account. Social Cognition,1995, vol.13. n°4, p.417-438.
    182 WIGBOLDUS Daniel H. J., DIJKSTERHUIS A.J., KNIPPENBERG A.F.M. van. When stereotypes get in the way:stereotypes obstruct stereotype-inconsistent trait inferences. Journal of personality and social psychology, 2003, vol.84, n°3, p.470-483. KRULL Douglas S., DILL Jody C.. On thinking first and responding fast:flexibility in social inference processes. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin,1996, vol.22, n°9, p.949-959. KRULL Douglas S., Erickson Darin J.. Judging situations:On the effortful process of taking dispositional information into account. Social Cognition,1995, vol.13. n°4, p.417-438.
    183 DAFFLON NOVELLE Anne. Socialisation differentielle des sexes:quelles influences pour l'avenir des filles et des garcons? Paper presented at the Le genre en vue, Conference Suisse des deleguees a l'egalite,2004. KOHLBERG Lawrence. A cognitive-developmental analysis of children's sex-role concepts and attitudes. Stanford, CA:Stanford University Press,1966.
    184 DAFFLON NOVELLE Anne. Pourquoi les garcons ne jouent pas aux Barbies et les filles ne se deguisent pas en cow-boys? Paper presented at the Cinquieme Congres International de Psychologie Sociale en Langue Francaise, Lausanne, Suisse,2004.
    185 Ibid.
    186 RUBLE Diane N., STANGOR Charles. Stalking the elusive schema:insights from developmental and social-psychological analyses of gender schemas. Social cognition,1986, vol.4(special issue:developmental perspectives on social-cognitive theories), p.227-261.
    187 DAFFLON NOVELLE Anne. Pourquoi les garcons ne jouent pas aux Barbies et les filles ne se deguisent pas en cow-boys? Paper presented at the Cinquieme Congres International de Psychologie Sociale en Langue Francaise, Lausanne, Suisse,2004.
    188 GOLOMBOK Susan, FIVUSH Robyn. Gender development. Cambrige:Cambridge University Press,1994. O'BRIEN Marion. Gender identity and sex roles/ed. Vincent B. Van HASSELT, Michel HERSEN. Springer, 1992. (Handbook of Social Development:A Life Span Perspective) RUBLE Diane N., STANGOR Charles. Stalking the elusive schema:insights from developmental and social-psychological analyses of gender schemas. Social cognition,1986, vol.4(special issue:developmental perspectives on social-cognitive theories), p.227-261.
    189 O'BRIEN Marion. Gender identity and sex roles/ed. Vincent B. Van HASSELT, Michel HERSEN. Springer, 1992. (Handbook of Social Development:A Life Span Perspective)
    190 ALLARD Andrea C.. Speaking of gender:teachers' metaphorical constructs of male and female students. Gender and education.2004, vol.16, n°3, p.347-363. CARTER Kathy. Meaning and metaphor:Case knowledge in teaching. Theory into practice,1990, vol.29, n°2, p.109-115.
    191 ALLARD Andrea C.. Speaking of gender:teachers' metaphorical constructs of male and female students. Gender and education.2004, vol.16, n°3, p.347-363. TOBIN Kenneth. Changing metaphors and beliefs:a master switch for teaching? Theory into practice,1990, vol.29, n°2, p.122-127.
    192 ALLARD Andrea C.. Speaking of gender:teachers' metaphorical constructs of male and female students. Gender and education.2004, vol.16, n°3, p.347-363. TOBIN Kenneth. Changing metaphors and beliefs:a master switch for teaching? Theory into practice,1990, vol.29, n°2,p.122-127. TOBIN Kenneth, LAMASTER Sarah. An interpretation of high school science teaching based on metaphors and beliefs for specific roles / ed. E.W. ROSS, J.W. CORNETT, G. MCCUTCHEON. New York:State University of New York Press,1992.(Teacher Personal Theorizing:Connecting Curriculum Practice, Theory, and Research)
    193 DURU-BELLAT Marie. L'ecole des filles--quelle formation pour quels roles sociaux? Paris:L'Harmattan, 2004.
    194 DURU-BELLAT Marie. L'ecole des filles---quelle formation pour quels roles sociaux? Deuxieme edition revue et actualisee ed. Paris:L'Harmattan,2004.
    195 DURU-BELLAT Marie, JARLEGAN Annette, Garcons et filles a l'ecole primaire et dans le secondaire. Paris:Presses univertaire de France,2001.
    196 Ibid.
    197 Chaque eleve a un numero scolaire en classe, qui est donne par le professeur principal.
    198 Note:Lors de notre derniere visite sur le terrain, l'ecole elementaire de CY avait fusionne, nous n'avons donc pas inclu les donnees de cet etablissement.
    199 Note:Lors de la troiseme phase d'exploration du terrain, l'ecole elementaire de CY a ete fusionnee. Du coup les donnees de l'ecole CY n'ont pas pu etre collectees. En septembre 2012, l'ecole elementaire de XWN avait arrete de recruter les eleves de CP. Les pourcentages des eleves sont sensiblement differents par rapport aux pourcentages mentionnes dans les entretiens menes en 2010 par des enseignants. En meme temps, L'ecole elementaire DF a connu aussi un leger changement par rapport aux pourcentages etablis trois ans avant
    200 KELLY Alison, Gender differences in teacher-pupil interactions:a meta-analytic review. Research in Education,1988, vol.39, p.1-24.
    201 GOFFMAN Erving. L'arrangement entre les sexes. Paris:La Dispute, coll. Le genre du monde,2002.
    202 BOURDIEU Pierre. La domination masculine Paris:Editions du Seuil,2002.
    203 BOURDIEU Pierre. La domination masculine. Paris:Editions du Seuil,2002.p.74.
    204 BROPHY Jere E., GOOD Thomas L.. Teacher-student relationships:cause and consequences. New York: Holt, Rinehart&Winston,1974, p.373.
    205 Ibid,p.400.
    206 Les types d'interrogations dependent aussi de l'exercice en cours, de la matiere et de la technique pedagogique de l'enseignant(e). Ainsi quand l'enseignant(e) effectue le rappel d'une lecon anterieure, il pose les questions 《a la cantonade》, a l'ensemble de la classe sans viser un(e) eleve en particulier. Les enfants levent le doigt. L'enseignant(e) designe un(e) eleve en le nommant, ou d'un geste ou meme du regard. La reponse est courte et la parole circule rapidement entre un grand nombre d'eleves. Dans ce type d'exercice l'enseignant(e) recherche l'efficacite:aller vite au but pour passer a la lecon du jour proprement dite. Il ou elle cherche plus a savoir si dans l'ensemble la lecon precedente a ete comprise et apprise plutot qu'a tester tel(le) ou tel(le) enfant en particulier. Dans ce cas, nous avons rencontre des problemes de saisie des donnees:la difference entre un(e) eleve designe(e)
    207 Remarque:c'est la moyenne de la difference entre les garcons et les filles en pourcentage quand les eleves levent la main pour demander de repondre aux questions, et que les enseignants choisissent lequel pourra repondre, et mesurant le pourcentage en fonction des statistiques obtenues
    208 Remarque:Il s'agit ici de l'aide apportee aux eleves par les enseignants dans les moments de lecture scilencieuse ou de discussion en classe par groupes. On n'a pas ici detaille ces differentes formes d'aide, toutes ayant ete classees sans distinction dans la colonne 7 (aide apportee par les enseignants).
    209 BROPHY Jere E., GOOD Thomas L.. Teacher-student relationships:cause and consequences. New York: Holt, Rinehart&Winston,1974. Cite dans BEAMAN Robyn, WHELDALL Kevin, KEMP Coral. Differential teacher attention to boys and girls in the classroom. Educational review,2006, vol.58, n°3, p.349.
    210 YOUNGER Molly, WARRINGTON Michael, WILLIAMS Jacquetta. The gender gap and classroom interactions:reality and rhetoric? British journal of sociology of education,1999, vol.20, n°3, p.325-341.
    211 KELLY A.. Gender differences in teacher-pupil interactions:a meta-analytic review. Research in education, 1988, vol.39, p.1-24.
    212 BEAMAN Robyn, WHELDALL Kevin, KEMP Coral. Differential teacher attention to boys and girls in the classroom. Educational review,2006, vol.58, n°3, p.349. SWANN Joan, GRADDOL David. Gender inequalitie s in classroom talk. English in education,1988, vol.22, p.48-65.
    213 KELLY A.. Gender differences in teacher-pupil interactions:a meta-analytic review. Research in education, 1988, vol.39, p.1-24.
    214 Ibid.
    215 Ibid.
    216 FRENCH Jane, FRENCH Peter. Gender imbalances in the primary classroom:an interactional account, Educational research,1984, vol.26, n°2, p.127-136.
    217 Ibid,p.128.
    218 BEAMAN Robyn, WHELDALL Kevin, KEMP Coral. Differential teacher attention to boys and girls in the classroom. Educational review,2006, vol.58, n°3, p.349.
    219 SKELTON C, CARRINGTON B., FRANCIS B., HUTCHINGS M., READ B., HALL I.. Gender "matters" in the primary classroom:pupils' and teachers' perspectives. British educational research journal,2009, vol.35, n°2, p.187-204. SKELTON C.. Schooling the boys:masculinities and primary education. Buckinggham:Open University Press, 2001.
    220 GILBERT Daniel Todd. Ordinary personology. / ed. Daniel T. GILBERT, Susan T. FISKE, Gardner LINDZEY. New York:McGraw-Hill,1998, vol.2, p.89-150.(Handbook of Social Psychology) TROPE Yaacov. Identification and inferential processes in dispositional attribution. Psychological review, 1986, vol.93, no.3, p.239-257.
    221 GILBERT Daniel Todd, PELHAM Brett W., KRULL Douglas S.. On cognitive busyness:when person perceivers meet persons perceived. Journal of personality and social psychology.1988, vol.54. n°5, p.733-740. GILBERT Daniel Todd, KRULL Douglas S., PELHAM Brett W.. Of thoughts unspoken:social inference and the self-regulation of behavior. Journal of personality and social psychology,1988, vol.55, n°5, p.685-694. ULEMAN James S., HON Alex, ROMAN Robert J., MOSKOWITZ Gordon B.. On-line evidence for spontaneous trait inferences at encoding. Personality and social psychology bulletin,1996, vol.22, n°4, p.377-394. Cite dans WIGBOLDUS Daniel H. J., DIJKSTERHUIS A.J., KNIPPENBERG A.F.M. van. When stereotypes get in the way:stereotypes obstruct stereotype-inconsistent trait inferences. Journal of personality and social psychology,2003, vol.84, n°3, p.470-483.
    222 KRULL Douglas S., DILL Jody C.. On thinking first and responding fast:flexibility in social inference processes. Personality and social psychology bulletin,1996, vol.22, n°9, p.949-959. KRULL Douglas S., ERICKSON Darin J.. Judging situations:On the effortful process of taking dispositional information into account. Social cognition,1995, vol.13. n°4, p.417-438. Cite dans WIGBOLDUS Daniel H. J., DIJKSTERHUIS A.J., KNIPPENBERG A.F.M. van. When stereotypes get in the way:stereotypes obstruct stereotype-inconsistent trait inferences. Journal of personality and social psychology,2003, vol.84, n°3, p.470-483.
    223 Mais au cours de ces dernieres annees, un grand nombre d'etudiants etrangers sont venus etudier a Shanghai dans les ecoles normales; apres avoir obtenu leur diplome, ils ont voulu s'installer a Shanghai. Par rapport aux residents locaux, a cause des tendances xenophobes de Shanghai, ces etudiants etrangers ont besoin au minimum du master pour obtenir un poste d'enseignement dans une ecole primaire, surtout depuis 2009 (a cause de la crise economique). En revanche, la plupart des etudiants locaux de Shanghai, apres avoir obtenu leur diplome de licence, ont la priorite pour commencer a enseigner dans les ecoles primaires. Les entretiens avec les enseignants ont montre qu'il y a tres peu d'etudiants shanghaiens qui font un master sur l'education. Par exemple, en 2009, a l'universite ECNU de Shanghai dans le departement des sciences de l'education, il y avait en tout 100 etudiants en master et en doctorat, mais seulement deux d'entre eux etaient des locaux de Shanghai, tout les autres etudiants venaient d'autres regions pour poursuivre leurs etudes superieures.
    224 SHU Xiaoling. Education and gender egalitarianism:the case of China. Sociology of education,2004, vol.77, n°4, p.311-336.
    225 VOUILLOT Francoise. Construction et affirmation de l'identite sexuee et sexuelle elements d'analyse de la division sexuee de 1'orientation. L'orientation scolaire et professionnelle,2002, vol.31, n°4, p.485-494.
    226 ROUYER Veronique, CROITY-BELZ Sandrine, PRETEUR Yves. Genre et socialisation de l'enfance a l'age adulte. Toulouse:ERES 《Hors collection》,2010.
    227 ZAIDMAN Claude. La mixite a l'ecole primaire. Paris:L'Harmattan,1996, p.61.
    228 KELSALL R. K., POOLE Anne, KUHN Annette. Graduates:the sociology of an elite. London:Methuen, 1972. Cite dans KING Ronald. Sex and social class inequalities in education:a re-examination. Sociology of education, 1987, vol.8, n°3, p.295.
    229 WOBER J. Mallory. English girls'boarding schools. London:Allen Lane,1971. Cite dans KING Ronald. Sex and social class inequalities in education:a re-examination. Sociology of education,1987, vol.8, n°3, p.295.
    230 KING Ronald. Sex and social class inequalities in education:a re-examination. Sociology of Education, 1987, vol.8, n°3, p.296. Cite dans PRENDERGAST Shirley, PROUT Alan. What will I do...? Teenage girls and the construction of motherhood, Sociological review,1980, vol.28, n°3.
    231 ARNOLD Fred, LIU Zhaoxiang. Sex preference, fertility, and family planning in China. Population and development review,1986, vol.12, n°2, p.227.
    232 SHU Xiaoling. Education and gender egalitarianism:the case of China. Sociology of education,2004, vol.77, n°4,p.316.
    233 STROMQUIST Nelly P. The gender socialization process in Schools:a cross-national comparison, New York:UNESCO,2007, p.8.(Background paper prepared for the Education for All Global Monitoring Report 2008 Education for All by 2015:will we make it?)
    234 SUBIRATS M.. Conquistar la igualdad:la coeducation hoy. Revistalnteramericana de educacion,1994, vol.6, September-December. Cite dans STROMQUIST Nelly P.. The gender socialization process in Schools:a cross-national comparison, New York:UNESCO,2007, p.8.(Background paper prepared for the Education for All Global Monitoring Report 2008 Education for All by 2015:will we make it?)
    235 SKELTON C. Boys and girls in the elementary school / ed. C. Skelton, B. Francis, L. Smulyan.. London: SAGE Publications,2005, p.139-151.(The SAGE Handbook of Gender and Education) Cite dans STROMQUIST Nelly P.. The gender socialization process in Schools:a cross-national comparison, New York:UNESCO,2007, p.8.(Background paper prepared for the Education for All Global Monitoring Report 2008 Education for All by 2015:will we make it?)
    236 ZAIDMAN Claude. La mixite a l'ecole primaire. Paris:L'Harmattan,1996, p.62.
    237 Ibid.
    238 DEAUX Kay, EMSWILLER Tim Explanations of succesful performance on sex-linked task:What is skill for male is luck for the female. Jounal of personality and social psychology.1974, vol.29, n°1, p.80-85.
    239 ZAIDMAN Claude. La mixite a l'ecole primaire. Paris:L'Harmattan,1996, p.66.
    240 SPENDER Dale. Sex discrimination in education:Sex discrimination against women. London, England and New York, NY:Writers and Readers Pub. Cooperative Society,1982. SPENDER Dale. Invisible women:the schooling scandal. London, England; New York, NY:Writers and Readers Pub. Cooperative Society,1982.
    241 FILLIPOVF Friedrich R.. Social structure and systems of education. / ed. Antonina Kloskowska, Guido Martinotti London:Sage Publications,1977.(Education in a Changing Society)
    242 TOMIAKJ J. J..The Soviet Union, world education series. Newton Abbot:David & Charles,1972.
    243 DUNSTON John. Paths to excllence in the Societ school. Atlantic Highlands, N.J.:NFER,1978.
    244 MYHILL Debra. Bad boys and good girls? patterns of interaction and response in whole class teaching. British educational research journal,2002, vol.28, n°3, p.339-352.
    245 GORARD Stephen. The role of secondary data in combining methodological approaches. Educational review, 2002, vol.54, n°3, p.236.
    246 BOURDIEU Pierre. La domination masculine. Paris:Editions du Seuil,2002, p.21.
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