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Digital signature, as one of the most primary methods of protecting information security, has become a new important subject in the information security. In the wake of popularization of the electronic commerce and electronic government, the discussion on network security has become a hot topic. We need to research the digital signatures with special purpose based on their different requirements. The designated verifier signatures can provide authentication of the message, but no non-repudiation of traditional signatures. In many occasions, such as electronic payment, e-elections, the designated verifier signature has great significance. The focus of this thesis is analyzing the designated verifier signatures and its appliances. The main contributions are as follows:
     A new ID-based multi-signers strong designated verifier signature scheme is proposed in this paper which is based on the bilinear pairings. In the new scheme, each signer is only to hide the private key and hash of the message. The signature scheme which is made by the signature collector avoids the too large possibility of the rights of a single singer. We prove that our scheme has unforgeability and untransferability under the hypothesis of BDH and DLP.
     Multivariate public key cryptosystem has become a new important subject in the information security and an important branch of research. The genera multivariate crytosystems are based on solving multivariable quadratic polynomial difficult issues.We propose a multi-signer identity-based designated verifier signature scheme based on multivariate. The new scheme satisfies the security of the designated verifier signature scheme and has a simple signature process. Meanwhile we give a practical designated verifier signature scheme based on Rainbow digital signature scheme. The length of the new scheme is shorter than the traditional scheme, and the efficiency is higher than the traditional signature.
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