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The preface generally describes the significance of selecting the subject, the domestic and international study status, research aim, mode and frame on the subjects of the same class as well as contributions made by the thesis.
     Chapter one dissertates the concept and the essential character of a market economy and incompleted-market economy, It holds that the definition of incompleted-market economy is the basis for the study on social security and management. Under the conditions of market economy and incompleted-market economy, the different request of abolishing social risk depend on the social and economic institutional influence. the transition period and reform of social security include many aspects in which economy's factor, the social culture state, and the politic factor may play important role. It is important to keep in mind that the social and economic institutions are always interacting with the social security's system in the presses of fulfilling its social targets.
     This concept incompleted-market economy is different from the concept incompleted market theory. Incompleted-market economy is used opposite to mature market economy. Under incompleted market economy, the accumulation of the social risk challenge the traditional social security system. Along with development of the market economy, the economic social construction also will change and social risks accumulating, as a result, the Chinese Social Security system’s construction and function change will be a process according to the development of incompleted market economy.
     chapter two mainly discuss that the analysis of different welfare mode system in typical model market economy guarantees different characteristics social security. Concentration on the contemporary west nation’s social security may help explain the representative and interaction between social welfare and market economy from the advantage, shortage and reform the constitution process of social security. The system design and movement of the public social welfare mode in west mature market economy may give many hints to china’s institution construction of social security. According to the modern market economic theories, Germany, the United States, England etc. developing their social welfare system according to the history process of market economy can draw lessons from them to set up theories in the process of the modern society for the our country socialism market economy system development. this will realize efficiency and equity combination to some extent , make installing of the resources buildup economic social function to develop economic stable .
     Chapter three argues that economic social term in mature market economy interplay with Modern social security institutions that society guarantees realizing construction and function of modern social security institutions .In Euro-American each prosperous capitalism nation, modern social security appear successively to lead into institutionally construction for the economic development and interplay with society.
     The mature market economy are regarded with the United States, England, Germany etc. as the background for the market economy nation .In providing social security, there must be inner relationship between the expenditure of the private section and that of the public section. According to the government intervention and public spending, it is true that public investment can represent a positive contribution to economic growth if public sector revolves the equilibrium growth of investment to current spending towards the private sector. so government deficits may have a positive effect on profits, provided that the growth rate of the economy is sufficiently high relative to the real rate of interest net of deficits, and the process of the economy development to social security may be very helpful in increasing the rate of production of the private section .
     From the western national experience, the social security system may be divided into two styles according to the function in the market economy, and the first aspect involves a market economy system about the level of structure, and the second, the system type. as to speaking from function level of structure and function type view, the social security institution system constitute buildup system differently. As explained, the western social security approach entails a re framing of policies in terms of“freedom to act”instead of“freedom from want”. Policies should shift from primarily compensating income risks to investing in people’s capabilities in a way that empowers individuals and improves their ability to cope with current and future events.
     Chapter four argues that a society in incompleted-market economy may exist many problems. It is obvious that government can not provide the proper social security that guarantees public products in market economy system.
     Since 1978, especially in the recent years, it has become an important task to change old social security pattern formed in the planned economic system and make it adapt to a socialistic marked economic system and a rapid transformation in china’s dualistic rural-urban structure. Traditionally, it formed a labour insurance system for the state-owed enterprises’workers. In the rural areas, the government set up a living insurance system for the formers which combining the responsibilities of the family and collectives and make the family as the main role through the land reform and collectivization.
     The government policies may be easily changed, and the institution system’s design lacking the equity and efficiency to which policymaking must insist as the basic principle. The development provides one indication that the institutional restrictions on social security system have strengthened somewhat in the past decade. The impact of government reform on management of social security already offset some loss of sovereignty. So many social aims can be better understood by relating them to both public sector and private sector.
     Chapter five is an analysis about the institutions foundation under the conditions between incompleted-market economy society and modern western nation market economy, which explaining the social security in China’s incompleted-market economy really is placed in the " stage in entry-level". Government, enterprise and the third section organizations system constitute the necessary system environment that guarantees social security institutions, developing stage in the different nation may have got the bigger differences by all means, so it is difficult for the different nations to replicate the institutional system. The construction of modern social security system in market economy interplays between economic social conditional and institutions itself, existing its special worthy principles with the whole designation.
     A institution system may reflect its national social culture and transplantation to other nation then may exist the conditions of application, culture background, system dependence etc. difference system, even technological conditional stipulation will cause system replication error. The changes and enlightening of the patterns of social security system in the western industrialized may be useful for china’s reform of social security. The linkage between the notions the market and the active social security system is straightforward. First, the market economy entails a broad and activating perspective of the role of policies and citizens in tackling social exclusion and promoting social integration. Second, it embraces the view that a balanced policy mix of economic and social objectives is mire likely to assure the simultaneous attainment if economic and social goals than policies aimed predominantly at economic goals.
     Chapter six mainly talk about Chinese social security system construction. The construction of china social security should hold the realistic foundation that different from modern market society and put forward appropriate, slice social security policy matching the actuality demand system target. Generally, researchers study the social security and put suggestions of reform from the angles of different interest on the light of the features of institutions. But an obvious shortcoming exists in them that these researchers haven’t introduced a macroscopic view to study social security, so they fail to give more strategic suggestions in the change and reform of china’s dualistic social security system. Under this kind of background, the social security institutional target must transfer from more the government concerns to the social-economic resources. through assigning of the position, the social different and hierarchical benefits the construction of social security attain to promote the society fusion, avoiding the society reject to develop the bad influence to the economy. Therefore, the Chinese developments of the system not only escape from the policy way of thinking that traditional society guarantees but also want again according to incompleted-market economy social conditional request. The author demonstrated the necessity to examine the change, trend and present measures of reform of the traditional social security institution.
     Understanding and thinking social security from these profound issues will help policymakers concern the efficiency of matchable function. A framework for the reconstruction of social security in china nowadays is sketched out in the combination of multi-tiers and multi-pillars of the social security system. The author stresses the relationships between the productive capabilities (economic domain) and the social capabilities (social domain) of the economy and inter-play between them in shaping social security institution in terms of well-being and social integration.
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