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     H1:其他条件保持不变,机构投资者持股比例与Tobin Q正相关;
     H2:其他条件保持不变,证券投资基金、保险公司和QFII的持股比例与Tobin Q负相关,而社会保障基金,企业年金持股和其他(非金融上市公司和一般法人)的持股比例与Tobin Q正相关。
     SIZE,ANAL,LEV,PE,and OPM为控制变量;模型采用前置时间,即自变量为期初机构持股比例,因变量为期末公司绩效指标。
     综上所述,分别以上市公司托宾Q值,每股收益和股东权益现金流(FCFE)为公司绩效指标对其与机构持股者持股比例之间的相关性进行回归分析,其结果显示:以托宾Q为因变量的回归分析不能说明企业绩效和机构投资者股权比例存在显著相关性;而在分别以每股收益和股东权益现金流FCFE为公司绩效指标的回归分析中,公司绩效与机构投资者持有的股权比例存在显著的正相关,这意味着机构投资者积极参与了公司治理,从而提高了公司绩效和价值;Tobin Q回归结果存在着较大的偏差,这是由于中国股市大量非流通股的存在造成了资本市场的不合理预期,从而抬高了托宾Q并且在可预见的未来将会维持下降的趋势。因此,以Tobin Q作为绩效指标得出的回归结果存在偏差。后两个以每股收益和股东权益现金流作为企业价值的指标的回归结果证明企业价值和机构投资者持有股权的显著正相关,这意味着机构投资者积极参与了控股公司的治理从而提高了公司业绩。
     至此,我们可以得出结论:机构投资者通过积极参与公司治理提高了企业价值,不同类型的机构投资者对企业绩效存在不同程度的影响。证券投资公司和QFII对企业价值产生了积极影响,而其他类别的机构投资者很可能未积极地参与公司治理。根据Bushee 1998年的研究,持有高成交额和多样化投资组合,并采用后续势头交易策略的机构投资者可能会过度强调当期收入从而阻碍公司长期发展。本文通过对中国股票市场的实证研究认为,尽管面临来自客户短期高回报率的要求和公司对投资回报进行季度评估的压力,总体来说,机构投资者更倾向于积极参与公司治理和提高企业绩效。
Views on the effects of intervention in corporate governance by institutional investors are argumentative: "negative supervision thesis" believes that company value is negatively correlated to the proportion of institutional investor's shareholding due to "Conflicts of interest" and "Strategic alliance" hypothesis. On the other hand, many articles and empirical research point out that institutional investors can actively monitor the governance using "vote by hand" strategy and play an important role. Consistent with the latter view, this paper examines the effects of institutional ownership using three corporate value indicators: Tobin Q, Earnings per share (EPS) and Free Cash Flow to Equity (FCFE) in Chinese stock market. The result suggests that increasing institutional ownership leads to significantly higher EPS and FCFE, indicating that institutional investors may have exerted positive influence on corporate governance and thus improved corporate performance. Furthermore, this paper classifies institutional investors into six groups: security investment fund(mutual fund, securities trader, trust fund and financial corporation and banks), social security fund, enterprise annuity, insurance companies, QFII and others(non-financial listed companies and general legal person)and carries on regression on Tobin Q,EPS,FCFE respectively holding other factors controlled. The result confirms the positive effects of shares held by security investment fund and QFII; and shows positive effects of insurance firms in EPS test, and of social security fund in FGFE respectively.
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