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     中国古典诗歌是中国传统文化的瑰宝,人们可以从不同方面、运用不同视角来探索和欣赏古典诗歌之美。然而以往对中国古典诗歌的研究多侧重于文学、美学等角度,较少从认知角度进行分析。认知语言学认为语言是人类认知机制的一部分,语言不是直接对应于客观外在世界,而是与认知参与下的概念结构相一致。古典诗歌作为一种特别的语言艺术,体现了诗人对大千世界的感知和认知方式。本文以代表中国古典诗歌发展顶峰的唐诗宋词为主要语料,运用由Ronald W. Langacker提出的认知语法框架下的识解观和典型事件模型,分析了古典诗歌的意象和前景化句法。本文认为,诗歌语篇中意蕴丰富的意象意义是诗人基于自身体验,运用不同的识解方式感知某一场景或客观物象的结果。同一场景或客观物象,经由不同诗人的识解,产生意趣不同的意象。通过识解观分析,我们可以更好的理解诗歌意象及其意义。中国古典诗歌前景化句法结构的认知机制在于诗人为构建诗歌意义的需要,使诗歌语篇中的某些意象获得句法突显,促成意象间的不同组合或并置。意象通过诗歌前景化句法组合构成了语篇,表达了诗人情感,产生了美不胜收的意境。最后,基于以上论述,本文以《江雪》和《渔歌子》为个案,进行了认知诗学分析。从认知角度分析中国古典诗歌,一方面可以欣赏诗歌之美,另一方面也可解释这种分析与欣赏是如何得到的。
This thesis attempts to analyze Chinese classical poetry with the theory of cognitive grammar in the framework of cognitive linguistics, aiming at offering a new perspective to Chinese classical poetry analysis and appreciation.
     Chinese classical poetry is the gem of Chinese traditional culture, which can be discussed and appreciated from different dimensions with different perspectives. However, up to now, scholars and researchers usually studied Chinese classical poetry from the perspectives of literature or aesthetics, etc. And few of them analyzed classical poetry from the cognitive perspective. Cognitive linguistic assumes that language is a part of human cognition. Language is not the direct correspondence to the outside concrete world, but to the conceptual structure of human cognition. Chinese classical poetry, as a special art of language, apparently reflects the conception of the world and the way the poets conceive the world. By applying the notions of construal and canonical event model under the framework of cognitive grammar proposed by Ronald W. Langacker, this thesis analyzes the images and foregrounding syntactic structures of some poems which are mostly selected from Tang Shi and Song Ci, which represent the peak of classical poetry and then gives a cognitive poetic analysis of two poems, Fishing in the snow and Tune: a fisherman’s song. According to the analysis of image with the construal view, the meaning of image results from the conception of some scenes or objects in different construal ways by the poets based on his bodily experience. The same scene or object, if construed by different poets, creates quite distinctive meanings of image. With the construal view, we can understand the images and their meaning deeply. The cognitive mechanism of foregrounding syntactic structure lies in that it makes some images in the poem gain the status of syntactic prominence, causing the combination and juxtaposition of images so as to serve the need for the poet to construct the meaning of the text. By the means of foregrounding syntactic structure, the images are combined to construct the whole poetry text and display the poet’s emotions, bringing a beautiful artistic conception to the reader. From the perspective of cognition, the readers can not only explain and appreciate the beauty of classical poetry, but also explain how that appreciation is arrived at.
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