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In recent years, with the rapid development of economic and the gradual liberalization of the aviation market, airline traffic volume and fight area will rapidly grow; the topic of safety management for civil aviation is more and more important. Factors which affect the safety of aviation operations involve the physical properties of the aircraft and auxiliary equipment, flight/monitoring/maintenance techniques, operating environment, weather and other uncontrollable factors and other aspects, but one of the most critical factors is:'human'. For strengthening the management of 'human', the key lies in the management of key technical personnel involved in flight safety chain. The main operational elements involved in flight safety chain are pilots, cabin services, ground support, maintenance engineering and maintenance, operational control. In this paper, we choose cabin-crew in cabin service and flight dispatchers in operational control as the research objects, and study the license planning for cabin-crew and some production planning for flight dispatchers from a security perspective. The main contents are as follows:
     1. The problem on license planning for equal rank cabin-crew is:how do employees choose proper skill combinations to attain some goals, under constraintion of maximal license amout holded by one person and production demands? Here, skill combination is the set of skill types holded by one cabin-crew. Goals considered in this paper contain maximum production security level and equilibrium for individual average earnings. In this paper, we divided the problem on license planning into two problems:demand forcast and the license allocation optimization problem. Moreover, we primary study the last one, which mainly contains two contents:
     (1) The license allocation optimization problem with maximum production security level based on satisfied production demand. Production security level is the evaluation of license planning on the protection degree of the production, the higer the production security level, the more possibility to cope with the volatility of future.
     (2) The license allocation optimization problem on a single objective of cabin-crew personal profit equilibrium based on the feasible region of the optimal solution on problem (1). Cabin-crew personal profit equilibrium is indicators for crew personal income's differences.
     2. For airline dispatchers, we primary study the following contens:
     (1) Workload analysis for dispatchers. We depict release workload of one flight by the average procession time unifing the subjective workload and objective load. Then we provide some indicators for depicting the work load fluctuations of a dispatch post and the total workload degree of this post. We can get the required peak hours needed to be caused of one post and provide decision support of proper task allocation by anlysising the flights composition of that post.
     (2) Using hourly-load to reflect the workload intensity thythm of one post and study task scheduling with objective of mimimum peak-load on a dispatch release post.
     (3) Task allocation for dispatch release posts with two-objective:minimum peak load and total load by given post numbers, dispatch jobs and workload distribution over time.
     The methodology and key findings in this paper are as follows:
     1) On license allocation optimization problem with objective of maximum production security level, we propose a solution construction method to directly construct a feasible solution and analyze its performance. The results show that the method can get the optimal solution for a class of problem S, else get an approximate solution and the absolute difference between it and the optimal solution is at most1/no, where n0is the smallest person demand of aircafte types.
     2) On license allocation optimization problem with objective of cabin-crew personal profit equilibrium, we consider this problem as the problem of balanced packing problem with items'type restriction, here, balanced packing means each bins contain equal number of items and items'type restriction means each item included in one bin has different type. This problem is an extended balanced number partitioning problem, and has wide application in the industry where one person can hold multi-skill licenses. We give a greedy algorithm based on LPT algorithm's idea and have the following conclusions:k<2, greedy algorithm get optimal solution; k>2, the performance ratio is2-M-1, here, M denotes the amount of bins.
     3) On the problem of task scheduling with objective of mimimum peak-load on a dispatch release post, we use hourly-load to reflect the workload intensity thythm of one post. We descriptions this problem as a one-machine scheduling problem with n jobs. Each task has a release time, deadline and its processing time. Our goal is getting the minimum peak load of the machine, on the conditions of accomplishing it before its deadline. Under the goal, we propose an effective algorithm and give the proof of its accuracy.
     4) On problem of task allocation for dispatch release posts with multi-objectives. Two types of variable neighborhood search algorithm (VNS) are used to solve the multi-objective parallel machine scheduling with classified jobs. Through computational experiments by using our VNS algorithm, good performance was displayed in generating a variety of Pareto-optimal schedules in terms of solution quality and computational time.
     The main innovations of this paper are as follows:mathematic model for cabin-crew license planning is first proposed and effective algorithms are designed for solving this problem (solution construction algorithm and a greedy algorithm based on the LPT algorithm); mathematic model of task allocation for dispathcers is first proposed and effective algorithms are designed for solving it.
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