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China is a large developing agricultural country which more than 70% of its population is in countryside, population engaged in agriculture production accounts for 46.9% of the total population with job in all kind of life, but the increase value of agricultural production only accounts for 15.2% of China’s GDP. Since China opened up to the outside world, the basic and hi-tech research in agriculture developed fast, the comprehensive production ability of agriculture had gone up several new steps, the agricultural economic structure changed completely, rural economy developed in an all-round way, the regional prosperity in countryside appeared, however, under the condition of market economy, the deep problems in agriculture has not been solved yet, the problems facing agriculture, countryside, and farmers still is the constraint for building an overall comfortable society in China.
     The key to solving problems facing agriculture, countryside, and farmers is to develop rural economy, the development of agricultural economy relies in the innovation of science and technology, the agricultural development in the future must depend on scientific progress. Our country have 6000-7000 agricultural achievements every year, but the only about the 30-40% of the achievements has been transferred into production force. More than half of it can not make contribution to the economic construction. For promoting to build new village of socialism, bridge engineering linking research, extension institutions, agricultural education institutions and agriculture, countryside, and farmers must be done well, the bridge engineering means agricultural sci-tech extension here.
     Agriculture sic-tech extension is stressed by every government of foreign countries. The current agriculture extension in our country is a kind of single extension model with the government-run extension as body. Now our country has established a complete agricultural science and technology system and extension system, its advantage is that our country has some extension foundation, and this can carry out the overall plan of our country. However, the network and linkage of extension system which the government extension system as body are broken, the extension staff go away to do other things. The mechanism of extension becomes rigid, the transfer rate of scientific achievement is low, lack integration among research, extension and production, the extension system is not complete, the quality of extension staff is low, organization of the farmers is poor etc. the above problems is difficult to requires the need of market economy, so it is necessary to establish the new agricultural extension system.
     Based on the above problems, the below thinks are analyzed by means of comparison analysis, case analysis and induction and deduction methods which are guided by the theory and outlook of Marxism.
     1.Extension theory related to agricultural extension system. It includes the theory of new institution economics, the path foundation for agricultural extension systems, the feature and study contents of the agriculture extension, study of change of farmers’behaviors, education theories and new technique proliferation theories, the principle of agricultural pedal, connotation development theories. The paper describes the relationship between scientific achievement transfer and sci-tech extension.
     2.The paper analyzed the requirements of innovation and reform in extension styles, methods and thoughts which is provided by the new farmers for the agricultural extension of our country according to under the condition of current development of agricultural economy, building new countryside of socialism and market economy. At the same time, the body between the supply and demand is analyzed.
     3. The current situation, supply and demand, advantage and disadvantage of agricultural extension system of our country are summarized up, and the innovative thinks for agricultural thinks, established principle, key contents, main measures and steps for carrying out are worked out. The paper analyzed the characteristics of world agricultural extension systems. The enlightens of agricultural extension systems in the United States, Japan to our country are introduced.
     4.After the analysis and summary of supply and demand in agricultural extension, has developed and established a extension system , which the system adapted to the system of socialism market economy, is guided by national agricultural sci-tech innovation and extension system, agricultural universities, research institutions, enterprises related to agriculture, agricultural technique societies etc are the main body of agricultural extension. Close integration between agricultural production and extension and education, the multi-function extension system with complete function, open structure, orderly operation(hereinafter referred Innovation system ), the paper introduces the basic framework, main contents, operation mechanism, support measures and construction of tree platforms(sci-tech training, network and scientific achievement transfer).
     5.The policy suggestions and countermeasures for agricultural extension innovation systems are worked out with special purpose. The index system for determining the benefit of the achievements transfer of agricultural extension, model methods and classification method of agricultural achievements are described mainly, this can be used as reference for management of agricultural education institutions. At the same time, the achievements of soft science research will be put in the innovation system.
     6.Taking system reform of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science, the practice which College of Enology of Northwest A&F University runs school with enterprise experience as examples.
     After several reforms in agricultural extension in our country, the development think, organization systems, extension contents of the current extension system has breakthrough and expanded a lot, however, reform has not broken the basic administrative framework of agricultural extension system, the foundation place of public science extension has not been solved. Establishment of Innovation Systems will be significant to build optimal and complete agricultural extension systems, to increase transfer rate of agricultural sci-tech achievements.
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