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Storage and utilization of rainwater by cellars can not only relax the contradiction ofaridity and erosion on the Loess Plateau, but also is the important way to solve the drinkingwater problem in some area of the deficiency of water resource. With the scale applicationof the cellar in solving the rural drinking water safety, the water quality of water cellars wasfocused on. According to the problem of water quality in storage and utilization ofrainwater, based on the new National Standards for Drinking Water, this paper research thewater quality of natural rainfall and the different position and different materials of cellars’effect on the water quality by monitoring the annual rainwater quality and the water qualityof water cellars in the experimental area. The results obtained are described as follows:In the rainfall process in Yangling, pH Value, changing between 6.5~8.5 , presentsrising trend at the beginning, and then tends to be stable. Because of reaction conditions andweather, the change trend of NO3- is not obvious; Except pH and NO3- , the value of theother indexes gradually decreased between 40.8%~90.1% from the beginning to the end.And the change trend is related to the rainfall intensity, with high average rainfall density,the value of the indexes is low, otherwise, the value is high.
     Generally speaking, the monthly change law of indexes of water quality in naturalrainfall: Every ion density reduces with increase of the precipitation. The ionic compositionand other comprehensive index is the lowest in the largest rainfall August and July; pHValue is lower in spring and winter, and is the highest in August and July (namely H+ is thelowest). Under the condition of experiment, the content of toxicological indexes (Fe, Mn,Cu, Zn, Pb, Cr6+, Volatile phenol and Cyanide etc.) in the rainwater in Yangling are farbelow the National Standards for Drinking Water. Compared with the National Standards,annual mean level of all indexes in rainwater did not exceed the standards, but Turbidityand Ammonia nitrogen. Rainwater quality can meet the National Standards for Drinking Water, and the water is safety for drinking.
     Harmful substances are not found in the groundwater stored in the solidified soilplastic cellar and dry form cellar and the cellar with cement mortar coating attached to thewall surfaces after 180 days. SO4 2- exceeded the national standard in the three cellars andthe other indexes meet the national standard, while SO42- was caused by the groundwater,and the water quality of the solidified soil dry form cellar is better. And the solidified soildry form cellar and plastic cellar has the advanced characteristics of low-cost, easyconstruction, making full use of local soil resource, and they do not generate harmfulsubstances when groundwater is stored long-term, so it is worth popularizing.
     The results of the experiment of groundwater stored in the rubber-plastic cellarunderground and overground in Yangling shows: The indexes COD, NO2- and chromaticityexceeded the National Standards for Drinking Water, while the water quality was notinfluenced when rainwater was stored in the rubber-plastic cellar underground in innerMongolia. The rubber-plastic cellar has the advanced characteristics of one-time shape, easytransportation, rapid construction, long-life, good antiseepage and low-cost installation etc.It facilitated production to enterprise and standardization and scale use without limitation togeographical and traffic conditions. But because of the testing condition limiting, theInfluence of the rubber-plastic cellar different applied models and storing different water onwater quality need further study.
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