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     1995年,Dong等首先从转移到前列腺癌细胞系AT6.1中的人第11号染色体中分离出特异性抑制肿瘤转移的基因,命名为KAI 1(取中文抗癌Kang ai)基因。KAI1基因定位于人染色体的11p11.2,长约80Kb,DNA序列分析证明KAI1与CD82基因是相同的,其cDNA片段为2.4Kb,编码一种267个氨基酸的蛋白质,分子量为29.61KD。故并称为KAI1/CD82。KAI1/CD82属四次跨膜超家族(transmembrance 4 superfamily,TM4SF)的成员,其结构为细胞膜糖蛋白。KAI1/CD82基因在前列腺癌转移中的抑制作用已经得到公认。经过多年的研究,在多种肿瘤中均证实了转移的肿瘤往往伴随有KAI1/CD82基因的表达下降或缺失。整合素是最重要的一种细胞粘附受体,1987年Hynes等首先提出。它有不同的α亚单位和β亚单位,是一种膜镶嵌糖蛋白。其功能是多种多样的,它们通过介导细胞粘附来锚定细胞,帮助转换细胞的迁移及传导信号。作为整合素家族中的一员,整合素α5是一种纤维结合受体,其功能为参与细胞信号传导、调整细胞粘附和迁移。研究表明高表达的α5与肿瘤转移呈负相关。尽管如此,国外文献有关KAI1/CD82和α5在肺癌方面的研究报道尚少;国内缺乏相关报道;且实验方法单一,结论也有矛盾之处。最新研究发现KAI1/CD82可与整合素形成复合体,从而调节整合素的粘附功
     44例肺癌组织标本包括NSCLC组37例和SCLC组7例,按1 997版国
    KAll/CD82的表达水平与 SCLc病例组的表达水平比较,RT一PCR法所测
    较,RT一PCR法测得结果无显著性意义,P>0 .05;而IH法测得结果有显著
     KAn/c D82作为抑癌基因,其表达水平与肺癌的淋巴结有无转移有
    进程加重。同时KAI 1/ CD82表达水平与分化程度有关,高分化者高表达,
    Invasion and metastasis are very important features of malignant tumors, being the main factors that made patients die . Though diagnosis and treatments of tumors are being improved, the overall treatment effect is not satisfying. At present, five year survival rate of lung cancer is just 15% ; median survival time of untreated lung cancer patients is only 4-5 months, and one year survival rate is 10% [3] . The basic reason is that we are not able to control and block up the invasion and metastasis of tumor cells. With the development of molecular biology, the background of tumor has been being clearly identified. However, the molecular foundation of tumor cell's invasion and metastasis remains unknown, which makes invasion and metastasis of tumor cells become the hot and difficult questions of molecular biology on study. Nowadays, we have known that invasion and metastasis of tumor cells, just as its occurrence, involved not only the activation of oncogene, but the inactivation of suppressor gene, accompani
    ed by the participation of cellular adhesive factors .
    KAI 1/CD82 is a member of transmembrane 4 superfamily ( TM4SF) , whose structure is glycoprotein of cellular membrane. In 1995, Dong et al separated a specific metastasis suppressor gene of tumor cells from chromosome 11 of human metastatic prostatic carcinoma cell line AT6. 1. This gene was named KAI1 ( named after its Chinese meaning kang ai ) gene. The metastasis suppressor function of KAI1/CD82 gene has been widely accepted . After long years study, it has been confirmed that , in most tumor cells, the metastatic cells often involves the decrease or lack of the expression of KAI1/CD82 gene1-10'11^. Integrin is the most important cellular adhesive acceptor, which has different subunit aand, and is a membrane glycoprotein . As a member of integrin family, integrin 5 is a kind of fibronectin receptor, participating in cellular signal transmission, regulating cellular adhesion and activation[13,14,15].
    It has been suggested that high expression ofct5 has a negative correlation with metastasis[16,17]. In spite of this, there are few foreign and domestic articles a-bout KAI1/CD82 ando5, with simple experiment and paradoxical conclusion. Recent study indicated that KAI1/CD82 and integrin can form into a complex, regulating adhesive function of integrin and influencing cell metastasis mediated by integrin [18,19,20]. So it is necessary to further realize the significance of KAI1/ CD82 ando5. By detecting the expression of KAI1/CD82 andct5 in human lung cancer, Our experiment explored the relation between KAI1/CD82 , 5 and clinical factors, analyzed the correlation between KAI1/CD82 ando5, and explained their effects on invasion and metastasis of lung caner cell.
    44 lung cancer samples, including 37 cases with nsclc and 7 cases with sclc, staged according to 1997 international lung cancer TNM staging ' were detected the expression of KAI1/CD82 ando5 by RT - PCR method and immu-nohistochemistry method. All data were analyzed using SPSSIO. 0 statistics software.
    Among 44 lung cancer patients, 20 (45.5% ) showed positive expressions of KAI1/CD82 by RT - PCR , while by immunohistochemistry, 24 (54. 5% ). The results of this two kinds of experiments have statistical significance (p <0. 05). Among 44 lung cancer patients, 22(50. 0% ) showed positive expressions ofa5 by RT-PCR, while by immunohistochemistry, 27(61.4% ). The results of this two kinds of experiments also had statistical significance ( p < 0. 05 ). The expression of KAI 1/CD82 in NO stage compared with the one in Nl and N2 stage . The results of two groups have statistical significance (p<0. 05,r>0). The expression of KAI 1/CD82 in Patients of I stage compared with the ones of II , IH and IV stage. The results of two groups appeared statistical significance
    (p < 0. 05, r > 0). The expression of KAI1/CD82 in Patients of well differentiation compared with the cases of morderate and poor. The results showed statistical significance (p <0. 05,r >0). On the pathol
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