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环境污染问题越来越受关注,有效的检测环境污染物已成为与人们日常生活息息相关的重要问题之一。然而对于污染物特异性吸附检测的工作仍存在一定困难。分子印迹是近年来出现的制备具有识别功能聚合物的新技术,由于分子印迹聚合物(molecularly imprinted polymer, MIP)具有高选择性,在色谱分离、固相萃取、生物传感器、选择性催化等领域显示了优越性,因而已成为研究的热点之一。由此可知,建立制备过程简单、原料价格低廉、无毒或毒性较小、且产物性能稳定可靠、可以特异性吸附环境污染物的分子印迹材料的新方法具有十分重要的意义。
There is a growing concern of environmental pollution. The quick and accurate determination of environmental pollution has become one of the important issues in daily life. However, the detection of specific adsorption of pollutions still faced with some questions. So, it will be of great significance to establish new synthesis methods to prepare stable, specific adsorption molecular imprinting nanomaterials by simple preparation and purification procedure with cheap and nontoxic or relative safe reactants.
     Based on the above reasons,this dissertation focused on the establishment of novel, simple and inexpensive synthetic route to prepare specific adsorption molecular imprinting nanomaterials,This combination of molecular imprinting technique the characteristics of large specific surface area of carbon nanotubes with specific selection and identification of functional materials chlorobenzene compounds in water samples for analysis and detection This chapter reviewes a brief introduction of chlorobenzenes and their hazards and separation of carbon nanotubes and the application of imprint technology a more comprehensive overview.Establish multi-walled carbon nanotubes-o-dichlorobenzene imprinting (MWNTs-MIPs) preparation methods, and using transmission electron microscopy, therm ogravimetric analysis, infrared spectra were characterized by their results show that the successful synthesis of functionalized carbon nanotubes. Chlorobenzene compounds from the material on the static adsorption, adsorption and other adsorption kinetics tests, have received the desired results. Establish multi-walled carbon nanotubes-o-dichlorobenzene imprinting (MWNTs-MIPs) material on the adsorption of chlorobenzenes for the application of the performance, the results show the molecular imprinted materials prepared from chlorobenzene compounds good for the specific Performance.
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