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A museum is a complex institution and has a long history in the west. In classical times it signified a temple dedicated to the Muses, and the most famous museum of that era founded at Alexandria about the third century B. C. by Ptolemy. The idea of modern museum is a product of Renaissance humanism; with keen interest in the classical past and the world about him, the humanist began to throw off the reins of superstition and take halting steps toward a scientific method and the sense of history. Influenced by the humanist and artists, the princes and his family of Europe also began to collect works of art, antiques and animals, botanical rarities, which were installed mainly in cabinet, usually a square-shaped room, and gallery, a long grand hall for pictures and sculptures. Both types of collections rarely open to the public and remained the playthings of princes, popes, and plutocrats. These collections may be based upon the desire for physical security, social distinction, political power, the pursuit of knowledge, and a wish to achieve a kind of immortality. The Palace of the Louvre in Paris, opened to the public during the French Revolution, may be regarded as the first public art museum, and after that the nineteenth and twentieth centuries were called the museum age, in which all the nations from Europe to America and Asia began to establish their own national museums. Today, the museum was regarded as a cultural and tourist center performing with political, economical and social power, and also became a field of academic study.
     Museology is a term used to describe the theoretical study of museums, including the museum history, theory of museum practice, and the various academic studies of museum profession. Museography, another important term in museum study, used to depict the museum practices, which also called applied museology, distinct from the philosophical study of museum. With the development of museum culture and museology, in Anglo-American writing, there appeared a trend of new museology in the later twentieth century. These scholars of new museology, in the critical standpoint, came from different disciplines and fields focused on the different parts of museum, especially the political and social role of the museum. The new museology continuously expending its fields inspired by the theories of history, anthropology, sociology, and some new thoughts, such as culture studies, post-colonialism, feminism and so on, has become a multi-and inter-disciplinary study fields. Except these areas, the main contribution to museum studies made by the art history, which has a well-established tradition in studying the art museum history and art collection history, as well as the art exhibition phenomena.
     Among the various questions asked by art museum studies experts, the relationship between art and museum is the first and most important one. The institution of modern art museum appeared much later than art itself, and old paintings and sculptures were not produced originally for the museum; so removing the works of art from churches and private houses to the public museum is good for art? Some speakers said that museum killed art. If it were true, so what would be the justification of art museum? And then, what is the purpose of art museum? Is there any potential intention of an art museum except for education which is the primary base of museum founded on? All these questions asked by critics and researches with suspicions, but the most people support museum for different reasons including the modern and living artists who both hate and love museum. The relationship between art museum and art history is another subject in this dissertation, for art museum providing the first materials and object for art history and at the same time it destroy the original settings of works of art.
1转引自Germain Bazin: The Museum Age, Eng. trans. Jane van Nuis Cabill, New York: Universal Press, 1967, p.11.
    1 David Murray: Museums, their History and their Use, Glasgow: James MacLehose and Sons, 1904.
    1卢浮宫的阿波罗画廊[Apollo Gallery]入口的门楣上镌刻碑文记录了这件伟大的历史盛事。Carol Duncan: Civilizing Rituals: Inside Public Art Museum, London & New York: Routledge, 1995, p.22.
    3 James J. Sheehan: Museums in the German Art World: From the End of the Old Regime to the Rise of Modernism, New York: Oxford University Press, 2000, p.51.
    1 Niels von Holst: Creators, Collectors and Connoisseurs, Eng. trans. Brian Battershaw, London: Thames and Hudson, 1967, p.63.
    2 [瑞士]雅各布·布克哈特:《意大利文艺复兴时期的文化》,何新译,马香雪校,北京:商务印书馆,2002,第172-182页。
    1参见Andrew McClellan: Inventing the Louvre: Art, Politics, and the Origins of the Modern Museum in Eighteenth-century Paris, New York: Cambridge University Press, 1994, p.51.
    2参见Michelle Foucault: The Order of Things (Eng. trans.), London & New York: Routledge, 2009, pp.34-35.
    3转引自Patrick Mauriès: Cabinets of Curiosities, London: Thames & Hudson Ltd, 2002, p.23.
    4 E. Hooper-Greenhill: Museums and the Shaping of Knowledge, London: Routledge, 1992, p.82.
    1 Germain Bazin: The Museum Age,Eng. trans. Jane van Nuis Cabill, New York: Universal Press, 1967, p.130.
    2转引自Nikolaus Pevsner: A History of Building Types, London: Thames and Hundson, 1976, p.112.
    3 PUG, Kircher, MS 560 (VI), f. III (Kircher to G. B. Olivi, 23 October 1671), quoted in V. Rivosecchi, Ecotismo in Roma barocca: studi sul Padre Kircher (Rome, 1982), p. 141, in Paula Findlen:‘The Museum: Its Classical Etymology and Renaissance Genealogy’in Journal of the History of Collections no. I (1989), p. 71.
    4 Sherman E. Lee:“The Idea of an Art Museum”, Harper’s Magazine, Sept. 1986, p.76.
    5 Carol Duncan: Civilizing Rituals: inside public art museums, New York: Routledge, 1995, p. 1.
    1 David Murray: Museums, their History and their Use, Glasgow: James MacLehose and Sons, 1904, p.36.
    2 E. Hooper-Greenhill: Museums and the Shaping of Knowledge, London: Routledge, 1992, p.88.
    3关于北欧艺术品收藏情况可参看O. Impey and A. MacGregor (eds.): The Origins of Museums: The Cabinet of Curiosities in Sixtheenth and Seventeenth-century Europe, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1985.
    1 Thomas Dacosta Kaufmann:“Remarks on the Collections of Rudolf II: the Kunstkammer as a Form of Representatio”in Art Journal, Vol.38, No.1, 1978, p.21.
    2哈布斯堡家族的收藏史参见Thomas D. Kaufmann:“From Treasury to Museum: The Collections of the Austrian Habsburgs”, in John Elsner, Roger Cardinal (eds.): The Cultures of Collecting, London: Reaktion Books, 1994, pp.137-154.
    3 Jeffrey Abt:“The Origins of the Public Museum”, in Sharon Macdonald (ed.): A Companion to Museum Studies, Oxford &Victoria: Blackwell Publishing, 2006, p.122.另外参见李军:《佛罗伦萨“乌菲齐画廊”与美术博物馆生成考(一)》,《佛罗伦萨“乌菲齐画廊”与美术博物馆生成考(二)》《美术研究》,2008/2、3。
    1 Max J. Friedl?nder: On Art and Connoisseurship, Boston: Beacon Press, 1960, p.145.
    1参见Arthur MacGregor: Curiosity and Enlightenment: Collectors and Collections from the Sixteenth to Nineteenth Century, New York and London: Yale University Press, 2007, p.60.
    1参见Arthur MacGregor: Curiosity and Enlightenment: Collectors and Collections from the Sixteenth to Nineteenth Century, New York and London: Yale University Press, 2007, p.61.
    1参见W. R. Valentiner:“Scholarship in Museums: Personal Reminiscences”, College Art Journal, Vol.19, No.1, 1959, pp. 65-68.
    1英文翻译为《论历史的用途与滥用》[The Use and Abuse of History],中文译本也以此为名。
    2 [德]弗里德里希·尼采:《历史的用途与滥用》,陈涛周辉荣译,刘北成校,上海:上海人民出版社,2005,第1页。
    4转引自Francis Haskell: The Ephemeral Museum: old master paintings and the rise of the art exhibition, New Haven & London: Yale University Press, 2000, p.6.
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