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     (3)对14-3-3蛋白家族在转录水平的检测发现,它们的表达强度在总体上未受到缺磷、缺氮或是不同氮形态供应的影响,仅Os14-3-3 10基因在缺磷时表达上调。
Plasma membrane H+-ATPase is a universal electrogenic H+ pump, which uses ATP as energy source to pump H+ across plasma membranes into the apoplast. The key function of this enzyme is to generate an H+ electrochemical gradient, thereby providing the driving force for the active influx and efflux of ions and metabolites across the plasma membrane Plasma membrane H+-ATPase is encoded by multiple genes, which have been grouped into five sub-families. The familiesⅠandⅡrepresent most expressed genes in plant species. In addition, the expression of plasma membrane H+ ATPase genes were reported in specific tissues or organs, which reflected some special physiological requiment of these tissues. Because of the involvement of plasma membrane H+-ATPase in plant physiological and biochemcal process, the transcriptional level of H+-ATPase is a major factor in regulation of the H+ ATPase activity.
     Rice is an important cereal food crop and has been taken as a model for plant biology reseach. In this study, we analyzed expression patterns of 10 isoforms of plasma membrane H+-ATPase of rice cultivar (Nipponbare) under different nutrition supply status and environmental stress including sole ammonium nutrition, sole nitrate nutrition, N starvation, P starvation, pH stress, dryness stress and salt stress with the semi-quantity RT-PCR in cultured Nipponbare rice. The results indicate that:
     (1) Most of the abundant expressed genes are belonging to the subfamiliesⅠ&Ⅱ, which including OsPMA1,2,3, and 7. P deficiency depressed the expression of OsPMA1、2、3 and 7 in the roots. But their expression was up-regulated after the restore of P supply. However, P deficiency had no apparent effect on the expression of these genes in the leaves. N deficiency only decreased the expression of OsPMA7 in the roots. However, N forms (ammonium or nitrate) had no strong effect on the expression of these genes. The expression patterns of OsPMAs in leaves were not affected either by N deficiency or by N forms.
     (2) The expression of OsPMA7 increased with the decrease of pH in the culture solution, but the expression of OsPMA1、2 and 3 was decreased with the extending of the culture time. After 96 h, the expression of OsPMA7 was also decreased. However, change of the pH in the culture solution had not affect on the expression of these genes in the leaves. Under salt stress, the expression of OsPMA7 in the roots was down-regulated, while the expression of OsPMA1、2、3 genes had not been affected in the roots. These genes in leaves were all up-regulated in the transcript levels by salt stress. Osmotic stress mimicked by PEG had not affect on the expression of OsPMAs both in the roots and the leaves.
     (3) Similar expression patterns of 14-3-3 protein iso-genes were observed under P deficiency, N deficiency and treatments of different N forms (NO3- and NH4+), however, one iso-gene,14-3-3 protein 10, was highly up-regulated by P deficiency.
     The study provided the insight of the regulation of plasma membrane H+-ATPase at the transcriptional level and post-transcriptional level under environmental stress.
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