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Nitrogen is unique among the chemical elements. In contrast to the other elements, its homonuclear single-bond energies are significantlyless than one-third of their triple- or one-half of their double-bond energies. As results, polynitrogen or nitrogen-rich compounds such as N_4 and N_6 release huge amounts of energy when they decompose to diatomic nitrogen. Coupled with the benign nature of nitrogen gas as a reaction product, these characteristics would make nitrogen-rich compounds attractive candidates as environmentally-friendly high energy density materials (HEDM). Unfortunately, owing to the highly endothermic heats of formation, their syntheses and isolation, and structural characterization present great challenges.
    The purpose of this study is to investigate the generation, detection and electronic structure of HEDM. Based on the photoelectron spectroscopy which was built specifically to detect transient species and techniques in generating metastable compounds, several important inorganic covalent azido-compounds were generated and characterized.
    The principle and experiment section of Photoelectron Spectroscopy
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