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This thesis makes a comprehensive study of the European post-nationalism under the background of the European integrity. European Integrity is the variable factor, which made the great effect on the nationalism of the contemporary Western-Europe. With the argumentation of feasibility of the core conception—post-nationalism, the new diversification of the traditional nationalism has been profoundly analyzed. And prospect of the EU has been doped out with more realistic cases of the nationalism.
     Systemic conclusion of several conceptions is the first necessary step to prove the presence of the post-nationalism in western-European. The introduction of the thesis offers the explanation of the significance, academic research status quo, research methods and framework of the thesis.
     The new argumentation methods have been adopted. The visual field of the traditional nationalism was extended to international world, which involved in several different nation-states. Political analysis and cultural comprehension are combined tightly, which mean that political appealing and cultural identity are core factors in the conception of post-nationalism. This thesis attached importance to the conjunction of the conception and practical exemplification. With deeply review of different styles of nationalism in western-European nationalism, the hypothesis of the post-nationalism in existence has been validated and deducted theoretically.
     The thesis is divided into four sections: The first section is a research on the core conception of the post-nationalism. Because of the new style of the nationalism, it derives from the traditional nationalism. In comparison with traditional nationalism, post-nationalism shows more feebleness of the tendency.
     The second section is several types of traditional nationalisms and the characteristic weakness. The content involves in relationship between main ethical powers and nation-states. This section conducts case analyses of the process, pattern and tendency of European nationalism.
     The third section emphasized the change of relation between nation and states during the European Integrity process and then answers how does the post-nationalism exist. With the tendency of the right transferring to a higher level or a lower level, post-nationalism adapted itself to this transform. European Integrity has made great effect on the formerly nationalism in three aspects: political targets, manner of appealing and identity of the ideology.
     Firstly, super-state institution and Eurocurrency as two sustentation of Post-nationalism offers great support from the perspective of politics and economy.
     Secondly, the sovereignty weakened, which forced the member states from the EU to change their type of political appealing. They seek more harmony and cooperation with much less ethnocentrism. At the same time, traditional nationalism experienced quantitative change and qualitative change, which ensured the frontage of the post-nationalism.
     Thirdly, Nation-state is not the only the target of the nationalists. Unitary nation identity decentralized and multi-identity becomes more apparent. Even the EU has set up institution of the super-states, the different European states form this alliance with their own sovereignty.
     Nation is relative to nation-state. Nationalism changes with the weakening role of nation-state. Culture identity of the nation dispersed several identities, such as super-state, sub-state, regional identity.
     Fourthly, Ethnic culture autonomy and nation conformity initially are the nation policy of the western-Europe. European Committee has set up "European seeing and hearing inter space" with the intention of enforcing the European identity.
     The fourth section analyzes post-nationalism from the theory perspective with more details, which explained the reason why post-nationalism appear only in Europe. And then, prospect of western-European also means European Integrity future.
     Firstly, sovereignty of the states in western-Europe endured the great tension from super-state predominating and domestic region autonomy.
     Secondly, on the explanation of the core conception, " post- "means deviation from the traditional nationalism in four points and transcend in two aspects.
     Thirdly, the thesis analyzed predominance of the post-nationalism and forecast the prospect of European nationalism.
     The fifth section summarized the feasibility of the conception of the post-nationalism in western-Europe. European Integrity has made an effect on the nationalism as the variable facts and traditional nationalism transformed identity and practice with sovereignty submitting to EU.
     This thesis does not provide much evaluates with much criticism and commendatory words. Instead, much more objectivity case has been offered. Simultaneously, positive factor in the regional and contemporary nationalism in western-Europe has been affirmed. Further research still be needed to answer questions such as whether the practice of nationalism of EU has established the new model of the world or whether merely means dimensional enlargement of the conception of nation-states.
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