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The dissertation discusses Palmerston's India policy mainly from his political and philosophical points of view.
    Henry John Temple Palmerston, a well—known statesman and diplomat, was active in the British political arena and international stage for a long period of time (1830—1865) while in charge of British foreign affairs. He was interested in foreign affairs and was an unwavering defender of British interests. Being faithful to the principle of conservative-liberalism, he considered this kind of political philosophy to be the most useful in safeguarding Britain's interests. We could find its guiding role everywhere in his establishing of the Indian policies.
    Conservative-liberalism was the blending of both conservatism and liberalism, and it. has the characteristics of both conservatism and liberalism simultaneously.
    The conservative aspect of Pamerston's conservative-liberalism was manifested in many ways. He paid homage to order politically and applied himself to safeguard the existent systems and the formed international balance and opposed any alter of the status quo hastily. These characteristics were embodied in his India policies, namely, maintaining British vested interests and the relevant existent international order of the economy, politics and military affairs. For the purpose of the security of British India and the trade route to there, Britain conflicted with France, Russia, Afghanistan and Persia in Near and Middle East and Central Asia from 1830 to 1865 when Palmerston was one of the main leaders of the country.
    The liberal aspect of Pamerston's conservative-liberalism was manifested in many ways, too. He advocated free trade and opposed monopoly. When the conditions were provided, he sought for new alternatives so as to make the country slowly adapt
① Heamshaw, F. J. C., The political principles of some notable prime ministers of the nineteenth century, London, 1926, p.116.
    ② [英]约翰·劳尔.英国与英国外交(1815—1885)[M].刘玉霞,龚文启译.上海:上海译文出版社,2003.24
    ③ 同①,p.124.
    ① Evelyn, Ashley, The life of Henry John Temple Viscount Palmerston, London, 1879; Webster, Charles K., The foreign policy of Palmerston, 1830-1841, London, 1951; Brown, David, Palmerston and the politics of foreign policy, 1846-55, New York, 2002; Hearnshaw, Fossey John Cobb, The political principles of some notable prime ministers of the nineteenth century, London, 1926; Bell, Herbert C. F., Lord Palmerston, New York, 1936; Chambers, James, Palmerston, "the people's darling", London, 2004; Bourne, Kenneth, Palmerston: the early years 1784-1841, London, 1982; Chamberlain, Muriel E., Lord Palmerston, Cardiff: Univ. of Wales Pr., 1987; Guedalla, Philip, Palmerston, London, 1926; Ziegler, Paul R., Palmerston, New York, 2003; Pemberton, W. Bating, Lord Palmerston, London, 1954.
    ① Brown, David, Palmerston and the politics of foreign policy, 1846-55, New York, 2002, pp. 1—4.
    ② Chamberlain, Muriel E., Lord Palmerston, Cardiff: Univ. of Wales Pr., 1987, p.1.
    ③ Lee, Stephen J., Aspects of British political History, 1815-1914, London, 1994, p. 134.
    ① Ziegler, Paul R., Palmerston, New York, 2003, pp.129—134.
    ② Bourne, Kenneth, Palmerston: the early years 1784-1841, London, 1982, pp.1—5.
    ③ Guedalla, Philip, Palmerston, London, 1926, p.45.
    ④ Bell, Herbert C. F., Lord Palmerston, New York, 1936, pp.7—8.
    ① Sykes, Alan, The Rise and Fall of British Liberalism 1776-1988, London, 1997, p.65.
    ② 不列颠百科全书(第4卷)[Z].北京:中国大百科全书出版社,2002.425
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    ① 王焱.保守主义的仓促出场[N].中国图书商报,1998—10—16
    ② Chambers, James, Palmerston, "the people's darling", London, 2004, p.423.
    ③ Ziegler, Paul R., Palmerston, New York, 2003, pp.7—9.
    ④ [英]约翰·劳尔.英国与英国外交(1815—1885)[M].刘玉霞,龚文启译.上海:上海译文出版社,2003.4
    ⑤ 同④.22
    ⑥ Brown, David, Palmerston and the politics of foreign policy , 1846-55, New York, 2002, p.211.
    ⑦ 同③,p.4.
    ① Guedalla, Philip, Palmerston, London, 1926, pp.197—198.
    ② [英]P.J.马歇尔.剑桥插图大英帝国史[M].樊新志译.北京:世界知识出版社,2004.353
    ③ Bourne, Kenneth, Palmerston: the earlyyears 1784-1841, London, 1982, p.43.
    ④ 同③,p.35.
    ⑤ 同③,p.248.
    ⑥ 同③,p.253.
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    ① 马克思恩格斯全集(第2卷)[M].北京:人民出版社,1972.69
    ② [印度]杜特.英属印度经济史(上册)[M].北京:三联书店,1965.335
    ③ Lloyd, Trevor Owen, The British Empire: 1558-1983, Oxford, 1984, p.401.
    ④ 蒋孟引.英国史[M].北京:中国社会科学出版社,1988.311
    ① Spear, Percival, The Oxford History of Modern India, Oxford, 1978, p.77.
    ② Olson. James S. & Shadle, Robert, Historical Dictionary of the British Empire, Westport, 1996, p.995.
    ① Graham, Gerald S., The Polities of Naval Supremacy, Oxford, 1965, p.70.
    ② Seton-Waston, R. W., Britian in Europe 1784-1914, Cambridge, 1938, p.520.
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    ④ Chamberlain, Muriel E., Lord Palmerston, Cardiff: Univ. of Wales Pr., 1987, p.92.
    ① Chambers, James, Palmerston, "the people's darling", London, 2004, p. 159.
    ② Chamberlain, Muriel E., Lord Palmerston, Cardiff: Univ. of Wales Pr., 1987, p.91.
    ③ Bourne, Kenneth, Palmerston: the early years 1784-1841, London, 1982. p.375.
    ④ 郭华榕.克里木战争与外交斗争[J].史学月刊,1984,(3)
    ⑤ 同②,p.91.
    ⑥ [苏]波将金.外交史(第一卷·下)[M].史源译.北京:三联书店,1979.710
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    ② Bourne, Kenneth, Palmerston: the earlyyears 1784-1841, London, 1982, p.378.
    ③ 同①.72
    ④ Smellie, Kingsley Bryce, Great Britain Since 1688: A Modern History, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1962, p.195.
    ⑤ 马克思恩格斯全集(第22卷)[M].北京:人民出版社,1961.35
    ⑥ 同①.89
    ⑦ Bailey, F. E., British Policy and the Turkish Reform Movement, Cambridge Harvard University, 1942, p.12.
    ⑧ 同①.72—73
    ① [英]约翰·劳尔.英国与英国外交(1815—1885)[M].刘玉霞,龚文启译.上海:上海译文出版社,2003.73
    ② Chambers,James,Palmerston, "the people's darling",London,2004,p.159.
    ③ 同②,p,183.
    ④ 赵军秀.试论英国中近东政策的形成[J].首都师范大学学报(社会科学版),1997,(4):63
    ⑤ Guedalla, Philip, Palmerston, London, 1926, p.206.
    ⑥ Bell, Herbert C. F., Lord Palmerston, New York, 1936, Vol. Ⅱ, pp.165—166.
    ⑦ Bourne, Kenneth, Palmerston:the early years 1784-1841, London, 1982, p.621.
    ⑧ [美]戴维·罗伯兹.英国史1688年至今[M].鲁光桓译.广州:中山大学出版社,1990.169
    ① Bell, Herbert C. F., Lord Palmerston, New York, 1936, Vol. Ⅰ, p.171.
    ② Chamberlain, Muriel E., Lord Palmerston, Cardiff: Univ. of Wales Pr., 1987; p.91.
    ③ 王勇.帕麦斯顿与克里米亚战争[J].南京大学学报(哲社版),1985,(4):80
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    ⑤ Marlowe, J., Anglo-Egyptian Relations, 1800-1953, London, 1954, p.63.
    ① Marlowe, J., Anglo-Egyptian Relations, 1800-1953, London, 1954, p.85.
    ② Lloyd, T. O., The British Empire, 1558-1983, Oxford, 1984, p.185.
    ③ Graham, Gerald S., The Politics of Naval Supremacy , Oxford, 1965, p.70.
    ④ Guedalla, Philip, Palmerston, London, 1926, pp.377—378.
    ⑤ 胡祥云.论帕麦斯顿的近东政策和克里米亚的战争的起源:[D].北京:北京大学.1984.61
    ⑥ Webster, Charles K., The foreign policy of Palmerston, 1830-1841, London, 1951, pp.738—739.
    ⑦ 同⑥,pp.739—740.
    ⑧ 同⑥,pp.738—739.
    ① 胡祥云.论帕麦斯顿的近东政策和克里米亚的战争的起源:[D].北京:北京大学.1984.61
    ② 同①.61
    ③ Webster, Charles K., The foreign policy of Palmerston, 1830-1841, London, 1951, p.741.
    ④ Puryear, V. J., International Economics and Diplomacy in the Near East, Berkeley: University of California, 1969, pp.58—70.
    ⑤ James, Lawrence, The Rise and Fall of the British Empire, London, 1994, p.196.
    ⑥ [英]约翰·劳尔.英国与英国外交(1815—1885)[M].刘玉霞,龚文启译.上海:上海译文出版社,2003.93
    ① 纪宗安,李强.19世纪英国对帕米尔的几次查勘及影响[J].新疆大学学报(社会科学版),2004,32(2):65
    ① Bell, Herbert C. F., Lord Palmerston, New York, 1936,Vol. Ⅰ, pp.265—267.
    ② Bourne, Kenneth, Palmerston: the early years 1784-1841, London, 1982, p.559.
    ③ Chambers, James, Palmerston, "the people's darling", London, 2004, p.375.
    ④ 马克思恩格斯全集(第12卷)[M].北京:人民出版社,1972.641
    ⑤ 同④.636—637
    ① Bourne, Kenneth, Palmerston: the early years 1784-1841, London, 1982, p.477.
    ② Webster. Charles K., The foreign policy of Palmerston, 1830-1841, London, 1951, pp.738—739.
    ③ 同②, pp.749—750.
    ① Webster, Charles K., The foreign policy of Palmerston, 1830-1841, London, 1951, pp.744—749.
    ② Graham, Gerald Sandford, The Politics of Naval Supremacy, Cambridg: University Press, 1965, p.88.
    ③ Bourne, Kenneth, Palmerston: the early years 1784-1841, London, 1982, p.478.
    ④ Bell, Herbert C. F., Lord Palmerston, New York, 1936 ,Vol. Ⅰ, p.290.
    ⑤ 同①,p.747.
    ⑥ 同③,p.559.
    ⑦ 同①,pp.751—752.
    ⑧ 同①,p.749.
    ① 北京大学历史系《沙皇俄国侵略扩张史》编写组.沙皇俄国侵略扩张史(下)[Z].北京:人民出版社,1979.99
    ② [英]塞克斯.阿富汗史(第2卷)[M].张家麟译.北京:商务印书馆,1972.816
    ③ [苏]安东诺娃.印度近代史(下册)[M].北京:三联书店,1978.781
    ④ Bell, Herbert C. F., Lord Palmerston, New York, 1936, p.166.
    ⑤ Chambers, James, Palmerston, "the people's darling", London, 2004, p.418.
    ① Guedalla, Philip, Palmerston, London, 1926, p.208.
    ② Webster, Charles K., The foreign policy of Palmerston, 1830-1841, London, 1951, pp.743—744.
    ③ 同①,p.207.
    ④ Alder, G. J., The Key to India? Britain and the Herat Problem, 1830-1863, Middle Eastern Studios, 1974, pp.192—200.
    ① Chamberlain, Muriel E., Lord Palmerston, Cardiff: Univ. of Wales Pr., 1987, p,99.
    ① 马克思.印度史编年稿[M].北京:人民出版社,1957.48
    ② Keith, A. Berriedale, Constitutional History of The First British Erapire , Oxford, 1930, p.8.
    ① 主持英国文官制度第一次改革的就是有着“丘比特阁下”雅称的帕麦斯顿首相。在克里米亚战争中,英国暴露出政府机构混乱、工作效率低下的弊病,公众舆论要求改革。为了平息众怒,满足自由主义者对改革的殷切期望,又同时尽力不去触怒国会中的贵族议员,于是帕麦斯顿这位“圆滑灵巧的策略专家”于1855年5月21日不经国会讨论,而以枢密院(privy council)命令颁布了文官制度改革的第一个正式法令——《关于录用王国政府文官的枢密院命令》。成立文官制度委员会,负责审查文官候选人。对考试合格者颁发证书,分配到用人机构,经过6个月的试用期后,再决定是否正式录用。由于,这是英国文官制度的初次,也是初级改革。因此,这次改革是温和的、极不彻底的。正如美国学者劳伦斯·罗威尔(A.Lawrence Lowell)评论,此等考试的“目的显明地是淘汰低能,而不是测验优秀。因为在这些考试中,即使采用有限的竞争考试,也只占极少的比例”。(陈友义.试论19世纪中期英国文官制度改革[J].嘉应大学学报(哲学社会科学),2003,21(1):92)但是这次改革也收到一定的效果。它促使印度事务部认真履行推荐、试用、考试和正式任命的程序,职员素质有所提高。更为重要的是,1855年的文官制度改革在英国政治史上占有重要的地位。它是以择优取士的崭新方式取代官职恩赐制的重要起点。不仅在一定程度上满足了自由主义者的要求,为英国文官制度的进一步改革打下了良好的基础。这也符合英国资本主义发展的需要。
    ② 陆梅.印度中产阶级产生的历史背景[J].当代亚太,2000,(12):54
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    ① Douglas, D. C., English Historical Documents, London, 1956, Vol. Ⅻ, p.575.
    ② 阎照样.英国政治制度史[M].北京:人民出版社,1999.359
    ③ 马克思.印度史编年稿[M].北京:人民出版社,1957.189
    ④ 不列颠百科全书(第8卷)[Z].北京:中国大百科全书出版社,2002.348
    ⑤ Chambers, James, Palmerston-The People's Darling, London, 2004, p.437.
    ⑥ 同⑤,p.438.
    ① Keith, A. Berriedale, Speeches & documents on Indian policy, 1750-1921, London, 1922 ,Vol. Ⅰ, pp.319—342.
    ① Chambers, James, Palmerston-The People's Darling, London, 2004, p.438.
    ② 同①,p.444.
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    ② Rothstein, Andrew, British Foreign Policy andlts Critics 1830-1950, London, 1969, p. 15.
    ③ 近代国际关系史参考资料[G].北京:世界知识出版社,1957.87
    ④ Chamberlain, Muriel E., Lord Palmerston, Cardiff: Univ. of Wales Pr., 1987, p.86.
    ① 李义中.帕麦斯顿与自由主义[J].安庆师范学院学报(社会科学版),2001,20(5):34
    ① 马克思恩格斯全集(第21卷)[M].北京:人民出版社,1965.225
    ② Chambers, James, Palmerston, "the people's darling", London, 2004, p.348.
    ③ 同①.321
    ④ James, Lawrence, The Rise and Fall of the British Empire, London, 1994, p.183.
    ⑤ [英]约翰·劳尔.英国与英国外交(1815—1885)[M].刘玉霞.龚文启译.上海:上海译文出版社,2003.14
    ⑥ 同⑤.17
    ⑦ Ziegler, Paul R., Palmerston, New York, 2003, p.130.
    ① [英]汤姆森.英国历届首相小传[M].高坚,昌甫译,北京:新华出版社,1986.186
    ② Webster, Charles K.,The foreign policy of Palmerston, 1830-1841, London, 1951, pp.39—40.
    ③ [英]斯特雷奇.维多利亚女王传[M].上海:东方出版中心,1997.121
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    ⑤ 王觉非.近代英国史[M].南京:南京大学出版社,1997.541
    ⑥ 马克思恩格斯全集(第21卷)[M].北京:人民出版社,1965.416
    ⑦ Guedalla, Philip, Palmerston, London, 1926, p.238.
    ① 马克思恩格斯全集(第9卷)[M].北京:人民出版社,1961.25
    ② Bell, Herbert C. F., Lord Palmerston, New York, 1936, Vol. Ⅱ, pp.165—166.
    ① Chamberlain, Muriel E., LordPalmerston, Cardiff: Univ. of Wales Pr., 1987, p.100.
    ② Chambers, James, Palmerston-The People's Darling, London, 2004, p.432.
    ③ 同②, pp.430—433.
    ④ Bell, Herbert C. E, Lord Palmerston, New York, 1936, Vol.Ⅰ, p,172.
    ⑤ 同④,p.174.
    ⑥ 同①.p.100.
    ① Chambers, James, Palmerston-The People's Darling, London, 2004, p.438.
    ② Bell, Herbert C. F., Lord Palmerston, New York, 1936, Vol. Ⅱ, p.175.
    ③ Ziegler, Paul R., Palmerston, New York, 2003, pp.100—101.
    ① Pemberton, W. Baring, Lord Palmerston, London, 1954, p.84.
    ② 同①,p.289.
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    ④ Mitchell, Sally, Victorian Britain: an Encyclopedia, New York, 1988, p.572.
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