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TGF-β superfamily molecules play important roles in regulating cell proliferation,
    1ineage determination,motility, adhesion and apoptosis.Smad4 is the eentral mediator of
    the TGF-β superfamily signalings.In order to comprehensively study the funetion of
    TGF-β superfalllily moleeules in the endoehondral ossification,we generated the
    chondrocyte specfic Smad4 gene knockout mice using the Cre-loxP system.
     Firstly,we investigated the temporal and spatial distribution of the Cre recombinase in
    chondrocyte specific Cre transgenic mousc using the ROSA26 reproter mice.The results
    showed that the Cre recombinase began to express when the mesenehymal cells
    differentiate into the chondroeytes.The aetivity of Cre recombinase can be detected in all
    the cartilaginous tissues of vertebra,ribs,and limb bones et al,which were formed
    through the cndoehondral ossifieation.All these data indicated that the chondrocyte
    specifie Cre transgenic mice spceifically expressed the Cre recombinase in the cartilage
    tissues,and was a good tool for making chondrocyte specific gene knoekout mice.
     The chondrocyte specific Smad4 knockout mice were obtained by crossing the
    chondrocyte specific Cre transgenic mice with the Smad4 conditional knockout mice.The
    chondrocyte specific Smad4 knockout mice cxhibited various phenotypes because the
    different chondrocyte specific Cre transgenie founder mice were used.The mice either
    died at the cmbryonic stages,or died right after birth or survive after birth.we found that
    the alveolus of the Smad4 knockout mice could not be distended.They died of lacking of
    oxygen since the narrowed trachea prevented the air from entering the lung.
     We diselosed the roles of BMP and TGF-β signaling mediated by Smad4 molecule in
    the endochondral ossification through studying the chondrocyte specific Smad4 knockout
    mice that survived after birth.Mutant mice were smaller than their littermate countrols.
    The caleification of their long bones was delayed.At P4,the growth plates of the mutant
    mice became disorganized characterized by significantly expanded resting zone of
    chondroeytes,reduced proliferating and hypertrophic zones of chondrocytes,and
    premature hypertrophy of proliferating chondroeytes.BrdU ineorporation assay showed
    that the Proliferation rate ofProliferating ehondroeytes was low inthemutantmiee.Inthe
    growth Plates of P 1 6 and P22 mutant miee,the disorganization of ehondroeytes beeame
    more aPParent.There were still areas of resting ehondroeytes in the bone marrow eavity.
    We further detected the moleeule markersofehondroeyteswithinsituhybridization.The
    results showed that there were some chondroeytes exPressing eollagen X loeating in the
    Proliferating zone of ehondroeytes,indicating that some Proliferating ehondroeytes
    hyPertroPhied Prematurely.Together, these data suggested that Smad4 moleeule Promoted
    the differentiation of the resting ehondroeytes,stimulated the Proliferation of the
    Proliferating ehondroeytes,and inhibited the hyPertroPhie differentiation of ehondroeytes.
    In addition,these data also suggested that Smad4 mediated signals eould funetion as the
    morphogen to maintain the Polarity of arrangement and differentiation ofehondrocytes.
     We further studied the effeet of Smad4 gene knoekout on other signaling Pathways
    whieh regulate the bone develoPment.In situ hybridization and immunohistoehemistry
    analysis revealed that the exPression of Ihh,Pte,PTHrP and PPR moleeules were
    deereased in the mutant miee,suggesting thats”Zad4 deletion resulted in redueed
    lhl PTHrP signaling.Our results also showed thats Zad4 deletion eaused the increased
    aetivity of FGF signaling.we found that PZI exPression was inereased,and the Stat-l
    was aetivated as revealed by the nuelear loealization of Statl Protein in many
    ehondroeytes of the mutant miee.Through Von一Kossa staining,we found that the loeation
    of bone eollar of mutant miee was higher than that of eontrol miee.In the mutant miee,
    the bo-le eollar was abutted to the

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