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混合式学习(Blended Learning)是随着对网络学习的反思和传统课堂学习的回归而逐渐被关注的一种学习方式和学习理念。它建立在建构主义学习理论等一系列理论基础之上,融合了网络学习与传统课堂学习的优点,弥补了两者的缺点,既主动发挥教师的引导、启发和监控作用,又强调培养学习者的自主性和创造性,达到教与学效果的最优化的目的。这一新兴的模式符合当前学习范式的转变(由以教师为中心向以学生为中心的转变),顺应了教育部2007年颁发的《大学英语课程教学要求》,受到了广泛的关注。
Blended Learning (BL) is a kind of learning model and learning ideology based on a series of theories, such as Constructivist Learning Theory, etc. It has been gradually conceived following reflection on E-learning and traditional classroom teaching and integrates the advantages of both models while compensating for shortcomings of the two.
     On the one hand, Blended Learning brings into play the teacher’s role as guide, inspirer and supervisor; on the other hand, it emphasizes the cultivation of the learner’s autonomy and initiative so as to achieve an optimized learning outcome. This brand-new model conforms to the present learning paradigm shift (from teacher-centeredness to learner-centeredness), complies with College English Curriculum Requirements published by the Education Ministry in 2007, and has drawn widespread attention.
     This thesis adopts an empirical study to research the application of Blended Learning. Two non-English freshmen classes in Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA) were tracked. The three research objectives are:
     1. What is the attitude of college English learners towards Blended Learning?
     2. What is the overall effect of learning under Blended Learning?
     3. What is the applicability of Blended Learning to learners at different levels? How can differences in applicability be resolved?
     By analyzing and discussing the resultant statistics, the author draws the conclusion that learners’attitudes toward BL are positive; the overall learning efficacy under BL is good. The author also finds there is different applicability of BL to English learners at different levels. Corresponding solution is attempted, and some pedagogical implications are put forward.
     The research shows that Blended Learning is one way to improve the dissatisfactory College English Education in China. Study on Blended Learning’s application and applicability has an important reference value and practical significance for the active reform of College English Education.
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