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Students with learning difficulties is a generic term that refers to a heterogeneous group whose intelligence and body develop normally, but whose academic achievement level is significantly lower than the others in the same group. Researchers have paid much attention to the causes and intervention methods for a long time. The interrelated studies can be generally divided into three divisions: nerve-function level, psychology-education level and social environment level. Because the disorder in nerve function can' t be corresponding to specific learning difficulty and the social environment impacts on learning process indirectly, the study at psychological level, especially on cognitive features of learning difficulties is highly valued. Some researchers regard defects of general cognitive abilities; some researchers focus on meta-cognition, and some researchers value the defects of schema that refers to the knowledge structure related with problem solving. On the base of these different findings, the educat
    ional intervention methods are various. Therefore, this study intents to integrate cognitive compositions and cognitive factors influencing academic performance, then to describe and analyze cognitive features of learning difficulties overall, have an accurate grasp of the causes of learning difficulties. Findings above would be helpful to improve strong theory foundation and experiment evidence, and to put forward the more effective intervention methods.
    In the first study, 106 students in grade two of Anshan NO. 67 middle school were tested on 17 indices which reflect general cognitive abilities, meta-cognition and schema level, and tested on solving moderate difficult level problems and high difficult level problems. On the data analysis by SPSS10. 0 and LISREL8.0, the theory structure model about relation between cognitive factors and problem-solving level in algebra study was built and examined. Further, to describe the cognitive features of learning difficulties overall and deduce the accurate causes of learning (! i rfi(;Li].ties.
    In the second study, based on the first study' s finding.'-,, different schema teaching methods were designed and were contrasted with normal teaching method. In this study, Ss were M4 students in grade two of Dalian NO. 35 middle school and 104 students in grade two of Anshan NO. 67 middle school. The purpose of this study was to find educational intervention methods which are more fit for students with algebra learning difficulties, and to provide a supplemental evidence for the theory model built in the first study.
    In the third study, Ss were 109 students in grade three of Zhuanghe NO. 9 middle school. Based on the first and the second study, this study' s purpose was to explore that low rule-efficiency in solving algebra problem is whether because of rule-applying difficulty or rule-retrieving difficulty. Findings coming through this study can provide a supplemental evidence for the first study findings and the second findings on one hand. On the other hand, we can grasp the focal point of educational intervention for students with algebra learning difficulties.
    The major findings in the above three studies are as followings:
    l.The cognitive compositions affecting middle school students' algebra study can be explained by four cognitive factors. The first factor is Schema level which comprises overall expressing and correctly representing of declarative knowledge, overall handling, adversely handling and automatic using of procedure knowledge, and organizing of knowledge. The second is low cognitive processing ability that comprises mental arithmetic level and efficiency, space image level and efficiency. The third is discrimination-recognition ability which comprises consciousness speed, language and literature memory ability, and figure memory ability. The fourth is high cognitive processing ability that comprises reasoning ability, meta-cognitive ability, working memory ability and digit memory ability. Schema level can be regarded as one independent cognitive fact
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