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Water is the source of life, and also an inexhaustible driving force to the development of human society. However, with the historical development of today’s highly urbanization, water resources are facing with such a severe situation: river pollution, freshwater shortages, deterioration of the ecological environment, serious soil erosion and so on. Fifty percent of the water resources in the world are polluted with varying degrees. Eighty countries, with 40 percent of the world’s population are facing the problem of water shortage; 110 million people can hardly drink clean water; and each year, 3.1 million people die of diseases caused by drinking unclean water. China is a country which is scarce of water resources, the amount of water resources take only about 6% of that of the world , but water consumption accounts for 12% of the world’s water in-taken, the amount of freshwater resources per capita is only one fourth of the world's average, ranking over 100 in the world. In recent years, the environmental incidents such as the Huanghuai stop, and the pollution in Taihu Lake and Chaohu Lake have further deepened the country's water crisis, thus, the legal protection of water resources should be strengthened without delay.
     Water is a vital natural resource and it is included in the scope of public law adjustment for the nature of scarcity and publicity. For a long time in China, it is also dominated by the public power. Due to the concerning about the value of water resources, that is, the natural attributes,ignoring the property value of water resources, that is the social attributes, emphasizing the public law regulation, ignoring the private law regulation, stressing the ownership of water resources, ignoring of the beneficial use of water resources, stressing on the country's direct control of water resources, ignoring of the market in the allocation of water resources, and with more and more problems exposed during the social and economical development, problems concerned with water resources has never been eased, but even made Aristotle’s "the Tragedy of the Commons" happened repeatedly in the contemporary world. This is caused by the deny of the property attributes of water resources. Water resources, as property, they share both value and use value. The adjustment of public law does not reject to that of Private Law particularly the Civil Law (Real Right Law). Private Law adjustment can precisely remedy the deficiencies and gap areas when water resources are adjusted by public law, and optimize the resource allocation.
     Scientifically analyze the connotations, values and characteristics of water resources, and the existing problems of our country, fully aware of the natural attributes of water resources, at the same time, deepen the understanding on the social attributes, that is, the property attribute, further explore the feasibility of property rights of water resources for intervention and protection incentive function, thus we can design the suitable property rights system in accordance to China's actual situation. In a sound legal system, the legitimate rights of the property make people have the reasonable expectations of property interests, and without a complete property rights system, and failing to form a complete set of rules to recognize and protect the property, the realization of property rights and the attainment of interests is uncertain. It will not form a reasonable interest expectation, and it is difficult to make people have the confidence to invest, the desire to purchase and the motivation for industry. Thus, the driving force of people to create the wealth will not be fully released, and the wealth of our society can hardly increase. Therefore, in some sense, there is a close relationship between the improvement of property rights system and property creation, and the generation of wealth largely depends on the rational use of resources. The law itself is a kind of ideology; it can not create social material wealth directly, but it can maintain the wealth creation and wealth protection through recognizing and protecting property. Through the construction of legal system to clarify the ownership and the channel of usage, so that the ownership can be distinguished and the disputes can be eliminated. However, this function of law is mainly achieved through the property rights system.
     Water resources ownership is the basic real rights of water resources, and it is the source of other rights. Water resources is regulated by the Constitution, the General Principles of Civil Law, the Water Law, the Real right law, and the country’s attributes of Public Law of water resources and the only entity for the water resources ownership are emphasized. Taking water resources into the adjustment scope of the Property Rights Law, it is necessary to make more detailed design to these declarative provisions of the property rights system. The premise of the design of the water property rights system is the return of the private ownership of water resources. Defining the ownership of water resources, clarifying the subject, object and content of the ownership of water resources, analysis of the problem of water resources ownership and the inadequate design of the system in our country, breaking the traditional model of state ownership, advocating to entrust the limited ownership of water resources to the rural collective organizations and corporate, so that we can diversify the ownership of water resources in China, and lay the foundation for the market of water resources in China.
     The usufiuct right of water resources is the main target in the market transactions of water resources. The legislation of the Real Right law in various countries is shifting from ownership-centered to that of the use-centered. While emphasizing the ownership of water resources, it is necessary to pay attention to the use and benefits of water resources for the purpose of setting up the usufiuct right. How to identify the usufiuct right is a major issue for the legislation of water resources protection in China. With the establishment of marketing economy in China, the value and use value of water resources is relatively separated, the country as the owner will not lose ownership to water resources, and obtains the gains of the ownership rights through the direct use of water resources by the none-owner, so as to abandon the outdated water resources protection concept which emphasize the ownership and ignores the utilization. In legitimating, usufiuct right should first define the initial allocation system of water resources, that is, the beneficial use of water resources of the property rights system, open the usufiuct market of water resources, clear all kinds of connotations of usufruct rights, improve the change system of usufiuct right of water resources, establish the view that the ownership of water resources should be strictly control and the usufiuct right of water resources market allocated through markets.
     Under the theory of water resources responsibility constitution, water environment tort theory, that is, the special tort theory of water resources, though it is still not perfect, it has been basically established, and this reflects the demanding for the building of ecological civilization. For the lack of insufficient understanding of the general tort liability theory of water resources on property and the blank of the correlated real right legislations, or because of the specialty and sensitivity of water resources, once the general tort theory was replaced by special tort theory, or the two were jumbled together, which has not only caused the theoretical confusion but also harmed the protection of water resources. Therefore, improving the general tort theory of water resources, distinguishing between general tort liability and special tort liability of water resources are complementary to each other, and they together, constitute China's civil liability theoretical system of water resources infringement.
     The development, utilization and conservation of water resources are an extremely complicated and systematic project due to its special circumstance. The allocation, development and utilization of water resources must take consideration of fators as resources, the environment and the harmonious economic development, so as to maintain the high unity of ecological, economical and social benefits. Based on the safety of water resources protection, the efficiency of water resources utilization can be maximized with both the function of the government and the market.
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    34 崔建远,准物权研究,法律出版社,2003 年版,第 255 页。
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    37 经济理性是新古典经济学实证经济研究中的一个重要的假设前提。该假设认为:市场经济中,当事人非常明确自己的行为和目标,在经济决策时,具有充分的理性,总是深思熟虑、工于计算,反复权衡比较,找到最佳方案,以获得尽可能大的利益。
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    44 科斯,财产权利与制度变迁,上海三联书店,1989 年版,第 20 页 。
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    48 周林彬,物权法新论——一种法律经济分析的观点,北京大学出版社,2002 年版,第 463 页。
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    52周林彬著,物权法新论——一种法律经济分析的观点,北京大学出版社,2002 年版,第 437 页。
    53 理查德·A·波斯纳,法律的经济分析,中国大百科全书出版社,1997 年版,第 43-47 页。
    54 周林彬,物权法新论——一种法律经济分析的观点,北京大学出版社,2002 年版,第 441 页。
    55 斯密德,财产、公共权利和公共选择,上海三联出版社,1999 年版,第 68 页 。
    56 全国首例水权交易,2000 年 11 月 24 日浙江义乌市政府和东阳市政府共同签订的有偿转让用水权的协议,义乌出资 2 亿元向东阳购买其境内横锦水库 5000 万立方米的水资源的永久使用权,2005 年实际履行。虽然该交易中涉及的有关法律问题亟待厘清,但在当前我国采用行政手段统一分配水资源,各地政府争着控制国有水资源以及努力向中央政府多要配水指标的情况下,无疑具有创新精神。参见范黎、王舒曼:《水资源市场化的经济分析及实现途径——义乌、东阳水权交易引发的思考》,载《云南地理环境研究》(第14 卷第 1 期)2002 年 3 月。
    57 马俊驹、梅夏英,财产权制度的历史评价和现实思考,中国社会科学,1999 年第 1 期 。
    58 周林彬著,物权法新论——一种法律经济分析的观点,北京大学出版社,2002 年版,第 571 页。
    59 蔡守秋,论水权体系和水市场, 中国法学,2001 年增刊。
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    61 理查德?A?波斯纳,法律的经济分析,中国大百科全书出版社,1997 年版,第 96 页。
    62 理查德?A?波斯纳,法律的经济分析,中国大百科全书出版社,1997 年版,第 212 页。
    63 理查德?A?波斯纳,法律的经济分析,中国大百科全书出版社,1997 年版,第 218 页。
    64 张帆.,环境与自然资源经济学,上海人民出版社,1998 年版,第 165—170 页。
    65 金瑞林、汪劲,20 世纪环境法学研究综述,北京大学出版社,2003 年版,第 85 页。
     66 王小军,我国环境侵权法律制度的经济学分析,来源于中国环境资源法网,2005-11-14。
    67 丁以升,侵权行为法的经济学分析,法律科学,2004 年第 1 期。
    68 [美]罗伯特?D.考特,托马斯?S.尤伦,法和经济学,上海财经大学出版社,2002 年版,第 260 页。
    69 曹明德,环境侵权法,法律出版社 2000 年版,第 166~185 页。
     70 张帆.,环境与自然资源经济学,上海人民出版社,1998 年版,第 158 页。
    71 梁慧星、陈华彬编,物权法,法律出版社,1997 年版,第 102 页。
    72 魏振瀛,民法,北京大学出版社,2000 年版,第 226 页。
    73 裴丽萍,水权制度初论,中国法学,2001 年第 2 期。
    74 如《水利百科全书》对水权的定义即为“部门和个人对于地表水、地下水的所有权、使用权”。
    75 转引自黄锡生,水权制度研究,科学出版社,2005 年版,第 69 页。
    76 崔建远,水权与民法理论及物权法典的制定,法学研究,2002 年第 3 期
    77 崔建远,准物权研究,法律出版社,2003 年版,第 255 页。
    78 黄锡生,水权制度研究,科学出版社,2005 年版,第 77 页。
    79 史尚宽,物权法论,中国政法大学出版社 2000 年版,第 61 页-62 页;谢在全,民法物权论,上册,中国政法大学出版社,1999 年版,第 120-121 页;梁慧星、陈华彬,物权法,法律出版社,1997 年版,第102-104 页。
    80 裴丽萍,论水资源国家所有的必要性,中国法学,2003 年第 4 期。
    81 崔建远,准物权研究,法律出版社,2003 年版,第 33-38 页。
    82 鲍尔.施蒂尔纳著,张双根译,德国物权法,上册,法律出版社,2004 年版,第 603 页。
    83 裴丽萍,水权制度初论,中国法学,2001 年第 2 期。
    84 Aristotle, Politics and poetics, B. Jowett, trans., Oxford, 1885.
    85 G Hardin, The tragedy of the commons,(1968) 162 Science 1243.
    86 E. Ostrom, Governing the Commons. The evolution of institutions for collective action,Cambridge, 1990, p1-18.
    87 吕忠梅,环境资源法视野下的新水法,法商研究,2003 年第 4 期。
    88 梁慧星,不宜设立国家对水资源和野生动物的所有权,经济参考报,2003 年 12 月 3 日。
    89 贺骥,水权及其制度建设的现实性初探,中国水利,2002 年第 1 期。
    90 崔建远,准物权研究,法律出版社 2003 年版,第 259-260 页。
    91 裴丽萍,论水资源国家所有的必要性,中国法学,2003 年第 4 期。
    92 崔建远,准物权研究,法律出版社,2003 年版,第 301 页。
    93 王利明,物权法论,中国政法大学出版社,1998 年版,第 232 页。
    94 黄锡生,水权制度研究,科学出版社,2005 年版,第 71 页。
     95 吕忠梅,环境资源法视野下的新水法,法商研究,2003 年第 4 期。
    96 崔建远,准物权研究,法律出版社,2003 年版,第 172-173 页。
     97 关涛,民法中的水权制度,中国民商法律网。
    98 Jan G. Laitos, Water Rights, Clean Water Act Section 404 Permitting, and the Takings Clause, University of Color ado Law Review.(1989).
    99裴丽萍,水权制度初论,中国法学,2001 第 2 期。
    100崔建远,物权:生长与成型,中国人民大学出版社,2004 版,第 303 页。
    101冯尚友,水资源持续利用与管理导论,科学出版社,2000 版,第 189 页。
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    103 [美 J 里昂德·伯蛔、[新西兰]克里斯·库克林,杜群译,新西兰水资豫管理与环境管理政策改革,外国法译评,1998 第 4 期。 王凤春,美国联邦政府自然贷糠管理与市场手段的应用,中国人口·资源与环境,1999 第 4 期。
    104 米健,用益权的实质及其现实思考,政法论坛,l999 第 4 期。
    105钱明星,论用益物权的客体,中外法学,1998 第 1 期。
    106谢在全,民法物权论,中国政法大学出版社,1999 版,第 50 页。
    108 United States v. Willow River Power Co. ,324 U.S. 499, 510,1945。.
    109孙宪忠,德国当代物权法,法律出版社,1997 版,第 36 页。
    110尹田,法国物权法,法律出版社,1998 版,第 400—401 页。
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     115 John R.,刘斌译,美国日本水权水价水分配,天津:天津科学技术出版社,2000 版 32 页。
     116 文学容,水权转让法律制度研究,湖南大学硕士学位论文,中国知网优秀硕士论文库。
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    118 Rosegrant,Mark, Tradable Water Rights:Experiences in Reforming Water Allocation ,W and Renato Gazmuri Scheleyer,1994。
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    121崔建远,水权转让的法律分析,清华大学学报(哲学社会科学版),2002 年第 5 期。
    122 成龙,义乌东阳的水权交易,http://www.p5w.net.2001.1.26。
    123 因为学术界的一些文章多称水资源用益物权为‘水权‘,为了研究方便,本节中出现的水权一词皆与水资源用益物权通用。
    124 管哲晖,叩响水权市场的大门,浙江日报,2000.3.13。
    125 王磊,两亿元买清水一国内第一笔水权交易祥记,人民日报,2001.2.20。
    126 郑忠成、毛湘宏,开创水权制度改革先河,光明日报,2001.3.13。
    127 胡鞍钢、卜亚华,转型期水资源的优化配置,光明日报,2001.5.25。
    128 刘小玲,我国水权流转法律制度研究,中国农业大学硕士学位论文,中国知网优秀硕士论文库。
    130郑玲,对“东阳一义鸟水权交易”的再认识,水利发展研究,2005 年第 2 期。
    132王利明,物权法论,中国政法大学出版社,2003 年版,第 187 页。
    133黄立,民法总则,中国政法大学出版社,2002 年版 195 页。
     134陈德敏、于彦梅,浅谈水权交易及其法律规制,http://www.riel.whu.edu.cn/show.asp?ID=974, 2003.9.16。
     135刘斌,日本水权制度介绍,http://www.h2o-china.com/report/shuiquan/llyj-rbsqzdd.htm, 2005.3.18。
    137赵国青,外国环境法选编,中国政法大学出版社,2000 版,第 219 页。
    138 魏衍亮、周艳霞,美国水权理论基础--制度安排对中国水权制度建设的启示,比较法研究,2002 年第 4 期。
    139 刘洪先,国外水权管理特点辨析,水利发展研究,2002 年第 6 期。
     140 Paul Hold,Mateen Thobani. Tradable water right: A property rights approach to resolving water shortage and promoting in-vestment [R].The World Bank ,1996.
     141 傅春、胡振鹏,国内外水权研究若干进展,中国水利,2000 第 6 期。
     143 F.H.LawsonandB.Rudden,财产法,施天涛、梅慎实、孔祥俊译,中国大百科全书出版社,1998: 20
    144 :John R. Teerink and Masahiro Nakashima 著, 刘斌、高建恩、王仰仁等译,美国日本水权水价水分配[M].天津科学技术出版社,2000.3
     145 裴丽萍,水资源市场配置法律制度研究,环境资源法论丛,第1卷,法律出版社,2001年版,第137页、109页。
    147 Jan G. Laitos.,Water Rights, Clean Water Act Section 404 Permitting, and the Takings Clause, University of Color ado Law Review.(1989)。
    148才惠莲,中国水权制度的历史特点及其启示, http://www.chinalww.com/20060914/115824900648415_1.shtml, 2006.9.14。
     149 马俊驹、余延满,民法原论,法律出版社,1998 年版,999 页。
    150 曹明德,环境侵权法,法律出版社,2000 年版,第 9 页。
    151 曹明德,环境侵权法,法律出版社,2000 年版,第 18 页。
    152 资源环境法词典,中国法制出版社,2005 年版,第 625 页。
    153 资源环境法词典,中国法制出版社,2005 年版,第 637 页。
    154 吕忠梅,沟通与协调之途——论公民环境权的民法保护,中国人民大学出版社,2005 年版,第 18-19页。
     155吕忠梅,沟通与协调之途——论公民环境权的民法保护,中国人民大学出版社,2005 年版,第 17 页。
    156 吕忠梅,沟通与协调之途——论公民环境权的民法保护,中国人民大学出版社,2005 年版,第 19-20页。
    157吕忠梅,沟通与协调之途——论公民环境权的民法保护,中国人民大学出版社,2005 年版 ,第 20 页。
    158吕忠梅,沟通与协调之途——论公民环境权的民法保护,中国人民大学出版社,2005 年版,第 24、36、39、262 页。
    159 关于环境法学者对传统民法以“人类中心主义”构建民法理论和体系的批评,可参见蔡守秋,从对<德国民法典>第 90a 条的理解展开环境资源法学与民法学的对话 ,南阳师范学院学报,2006 年第 4 期。
     160 郭明瑞,民商法原理(三),中国人民大学出版社,1999 年版,第 406 页。
    161 该条规定:“因故意或过失,不法侵害他人之权利者,负损害赔偿责任。故意以背于善良风俗之方法,加损害他人者亦同。违反保护他人之法律,致生损害于他人者,负赔偿责任,但能证明其行为无过失者,不在此限。”
    162 林诚二,民法债编总论——体系化解说,中国人民大学出版社 2003 年版,第 146 页。
    163 此问题牵涉甚广,非三言两语即可论述清楚,况且在此处着墨甚多,可能有些偏离文章主题。
    164 王卫国,过错责任原则:第三次勃兴,中国法制出版社,2000 年版,第 222-232 页。
    165 佟柔,中国民法,法律出版社,1990 年版, 第 564 页。
    166 魏振瀛,民法,北京大学出版社、高等教育出版社,2000 年版, 第 686 页。
    167 参见魏振瀛,民法,其中对第 125 条、第 126 条、第 127 条的规定,该书没有明确表明态度,但从行文中可以看出所持观点。
    168王卫国,过错责任原则:第三次勃兴,中国法制出版社,2000 年版,第 246-249 页。
    169 王利明,民法·侵权行为法,中国人民大学出版社,1993 年版,第 89-91 页。
    170王卫国,过错责任原则:第三次勃兴,中国法制出版社,2000 年版,第 243 页。
    171马俊驹、余延满,民法原论,法律出版社,1998 年版,第 1020 页。
     173 参见吕忠梅前引书;曹明德前引书;张梓太著《环境法律责任研究》相关章节,商务印书馆 2004 年版。
    174 前引曹明德书,第 153 页;张梓太书,第 76 页。也有学者认为我国现阶段并没有真正确立环境侵权的无过错责任原则,参见吕忠梅前引书,第 273-278 页。
    175 前引张梓太书,第 77 页。
     177 涂斌华,侵权法上因果关系理论研究,中国民商法律网,2007.10.1 日 。
    178 前引曹明德概念。
    179 前引吕忠梅概念。
    180周珂,生态环境法论,法律出版社 2000 年版,第 101—103 页。
    181 杨立新,特殊侵权损害赔,人民法院出版社,1999 年版,第 190- 193 页。
    182 钱水苗,污染环境侵权行为民事责任的特点,杭州大学学报,1993 年第 3 期 。
     183 王家福,中国民法学·民法债权,法律出版社,1999 年版,第 514 页。
     184 王立林,试探水污染责任纠纷案件的审理特点,山东法学,1999 年第 1 期。
     185 王利明,中国物权法草案建议稿及其说明,中国法制出版社 2001 年版,第 156-166 页。
     186 Deutshes Rechtslexikon,Band 2,Seite 1502,Verlag C.H.Beck,1992. 转引自孙宪忠,德国当代物权法,法律出版社,1997 年版,第 82 页。
    187 谢在全,民法物权论(上册),中国政法大学出版社,第 60 页。
    188 王利明,物权法论(上),中国政法大学出版社.,1998 年版,第 137 页。
    189 余能斌,现代物权法专论,法律出版社,2002 年版,第 37 页。
    190 如西班牙《宪法》第 45 条关于“国民有享受舒适环境的权利”的规定;韩国《宪法》第 35 条有“所有公民有在健康、舒适的环境中生活的权利,国家以及公民应当努力保护环境。”
    191 金瑞林、汪劲,20 世纪环境法学研究评述,北京大学出版社,2003 年版,第 39 页。
    192 张梓太,我国环境立法的误区及对策研究,环境导报,1995 年第 1 期。
    193 张梓太,经济转型与环境立法的嬗变,南京大学法律评论,1995 年春季号。
    194 吕忠梅,建立和完善环境法的综合调控体制,中南政法学院学报,1991 年第 4 期。
    195 邱聪智,公害法原理,台湾辅仁大学法学丛书,1980 年版,第 99 页。
    196 黄锡生,完善我国水权制度的若干构想,法学评论,2005 年第 1 期。
     197 黄锡生,完善我国水权制度的若干构想,法学评论,2005 年第 1 期。
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