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There are no borders among the global environmental issues, and these issues are related to the future of the earth and the human beings living on this planet. Since 1960s, the international society has made continual endeavors in order to cognize and cope with these issues. On one hand, a clear series of Global Environmental Discourse (GED) system have been constructed, showing the mainstream belief, value, general rule, and consensus. On the other hand, the global environmental governance regimes centered at the United Nations (UNGEGR) came into being during the United Nations conference on human environment in 1972, and there has been a continual development to the UNGEGR in the past thirty years. The two aspects all make well-known successes, and the correlation between their successes begin to get concerns of international society. The intention of the author lies in researching the correlation problem between the GED and UNGEGR, namely, making an attempt to make it clear that there is some correlation or not between the GED and UNGEGR, the nature of the correlation, and how this correlation forms or evolves.
     In order to ensure a scientific and precise research process, the author describes the evolvements of the GED and UNGEGR respectively at first, then compares their evolvements and get a qualitative judgment that there is a correlation between them. On this basis, the author tries to analyze those relevant indicators of the GED and UNGEGR, affirm that there is a correlation between them quantitatively in the sense of statistics. So, he can reply the question that there is some correlation or not between the GED and UNGEGR. Second, on the basis of description to the way and content of their interaction, the author reduces this interaction to the nature of construction according to the basic conception of constructivism. So, he can answer the question about the nature of their correlation. At last, the author analyzes the correlation between them dynamically by the perspective of constructivism, tries to make clear those primary variables which influence the constructive interaction between them and their process of construction. So, he can answer the question ultimately that how the correlation forms or evolves.
     As a result of the above research path, the thesis consists of three parts. The first part named by introduction brings out the main problem, value for research, review, perspective and research path, defines the main objects and their conceptions which will be discussed in the next part. As the main body, the second part contains three chapters, and tries to describe and analyze the main problem presented in the first part according to the path defined by the introduction. The first chapter aims at affirming there is a correlation between the GED and UNGEGR. The second chapter illuminates the correlation is constructive in the sense of nature on the basis of the first chapter. The third chapter strives for analyze the constructive interaction process between the GED and UNGEGR in order to make clear the question that how this constructive correlation forms or evolves. The last part named by conclusion sums up the whole research, provides a thought and outlook about the current environmental problems and affairs.
     Finally, the author comes to a conclusion via research. Since 1960s, the central content of GED has renewed continually, and shows a trend of evolution from trying for survival to seeking sustainable development and further to confident theory and practice of ecological modernization. The GED promote the United Nations to make progress on constructing the global environmental governance regimes via affirming threat, providing blueprint, defining expectation for action, and construct the relative identity for the United Nations on the global environmental affairs, so, the UNGEGR are improved and strengthened continually. Contrarily, the GED are impacted by the UNGEGR. The United Nations and its special agencies promote the formation and development of the GED by launching and organizing discussion on the global environmental issues, setting up topic for discussion and transforming the thought paradigm on environment, advancing the environmental education. So, there is a correlation between the GED and UNGEGR, they construct each other and co-evolve.
     Furthermore, the context of problem, actors who can transcend the different borders, and the various rules are the main variables, they carry out more functions in the constructive correlation between the GED and UNGEGR. The context of problem is the background parameter of the constructive correlation. Politicians, experts, enterprisers and actives act as the agents of the construction process. The rules of the directive, the instructive and the affirmatory are the media of the constructive correlation. The process of construction can be decomposed into three aspects including the political, the scientific, the economic and social aspect. In the political process, the agents should do best to establish a new governance authority under the circumstances of the global environmental crisis. In the scientific process, the agents need to eliminate the uncertainty of the global environmental problems, provide more precise knowledge and suggestions. In the economic and social process, the agents should turn the environmental value into an indispensable part of the life of mankind.
     Altogether, by the affirmation to the correlation between the GED and UNGEGR in the quantitative analysis, the description about the way, content and nature of their interaction, especially the analysis to their construction process, the author give a demonstration of interactive mode for their co-evolution, clarify or make up the viewpoint of some scholars that the environmental discourse and the environmental regime can co-evolve, but also provide a general framework for international societies to cognize the global environmental issues and offer some references for the environmental decision and action of different international actors. For the developing countries, that is probably helpful to enrich the research field of their scholars about the environmental discourse and the international environmental governance regime, enhance their discourse power and expression ability in this field.
    [1]See Book review of Alexander Wendt for "Ideas and foreign policy:Beliefs,institutions,and political change,"American Political Science Review 88/4(December 1994),pp.1040-1041.
    [2]See John Ruggie,"What makes the world hang together:Neo-utilitarianism and the Social Constructivist challenge," International Organization 52/4(Autumn 1998),pp.855-885.
    [3]See Maja Zehfuss,Constructivism in International Relations(Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2002).
    [4]Richard Ashley,"Untying the sovereign state:A double reading of the anarchy problematique," Millennium 17(1988),pp.227-262.
    [1]此处关于全球环境话语的阶段划分及其相应内容,主要是参照了约翰·德赖泽克教授和郇庆治教授有关环境话语或环境政治思考范式的分析和研究。但本文可能在分析或描述的维度上有所不同,此处的分析或描述基线试图能够依次说明以下问题:话语是在什么背景下形成和确立的,针对什么样的问题,到底想说或说了些什么,表达了一种什么样的情绪或态度。同时,绿色激进主义由于其过多的激进色彩而很难被纳入主流话语之内。可参见郇庆治:《环境政治国际比较》,第35-54页;John S.Dryzek,The Politics of the Earth:Environmental Discourses.
    [1]Courtney Riordan,"Acid deposition:A case study of scientific uncertainty and international decision making",in Polish Academy of Sciences and National Academy of Sciences(eds.),Ecological Risks:Perspectives from Poland and the United States(The National Academies Press,1990),p.342;Miranda A.Schreurs,"The politics of acid rain in Europe ",in Gerald R.Visgilio,Diana M.Whitelaw(eds.),Acidin the Environment(Springer US,2007),pp.119-149.
    [2]See Rachel Carson,Silent Spring,anniversary edition(Boston:Houghton Mifflin Company,2002).
    [3]See Otis L.Graham Jr.(ed.),Environmental Politics and Policy,1960s-1990s(University Park,Pennsylvania:The Pennsylvania University Press,2000),pp.7-9.
    [4]See Garrett Hardin,"The tragedy of the commons",Science 162(1968),pp.1243-1248.
    [2]See Eduard Pestel,"Abstract for'The limits to growth":available at http://www.clubofrome.org/docs/limits.rtf,accessed on 24 April 2007.
    [4]See UNCHS,An Urbanizing World:Global Report on Human Settlements 1996(New York:Oxford University Press.1996).
    [5]UN,We the Peoples:The Role of the United Nations in the 21st Century(New York:United Nations,2000),p.30.
    [1]1984年,印度博帕尔的一家化学工厂所发生的泄露事故导致3000多人死亡和20000人受伤:同年埃塞俄比亚饥荒导致100多万人被饿死;1986年,前苏联乌克兰共和国切尔诺贝利核电站爆炸,对东欧乃至其它欧洲地区造成了可怕且难以祛除的污染危害;1991年海湾战争造成数百万桶石油被烧或倾倒,数万海洋鸟类死亡。See UNEP,Global Environmental Outlook 3.pp.9-14.
    [2]See IUCN,UNEP,WWF,FAO,UNESCO(eds.),The World Conservation Strategy(Gland:IUCN,1980).
    [5]See David A.Munro-IUCN,UNEP,WWF,Caring for the Earth:A Strategy for Sustainable Living(Gland:Published in partnership by IUCN,UNEP and WWF,1991).
    [6]工商业团体、第三世界社会、环境主义者可能对其解释各有侧重,而且不同的组织都试图通过各种研究项 目澄清可持续发展概念的学科含义,甚至如加拿大学者布鲁克斯(D.B.Brooks)所指出的,自布伦特兰提出可持续发展概念后至少出现了40种有关“可持续发展”的定义,但无论如何,其核心部分或者说核心概念应该是一致的、连贯的,即“可持续”。See John S.Dryzek,The Politics of the Earth:Environmental Discourses,pp.143-161.And see D.B.Brooks,"The challenge of sustainability:Is environment and economics enough?",Policy Sciences 26(1992),pp.401-408.
    [2]John S.Dryzek,The Politics of the Earth:Environmental Discourses,p.167.
    [4]John S.Dryzek,The Politics of the Earth:Environmental Discourses,p.155.
    [5]See Marrten A.Hajer,The Politics of Environmental Discourse:Ecological Modernization and the Policy Process,pp.8-41.And see John S.Dryzek,The Politics of the Earth:Environmental Discourses,p.167.
    [2]John S.Dryzek,The Politics of the Earth:Environmental Discourses,p.146.
    [4]哈杰尔在界定生态现代化的“可靠和有吸引力的剧情”时即认为,环境管制本身是作为一种正和游戏出现的;污染即意味着无效率;自然的平衡应当受到尊重:预先防备胜于事后治理;并且可持续发展是对以前污染式增长道路的一种替代。See Marrten A.Hajer,The Politics of Environmental Discourse:Ecological Modernization and the Policy Process,p.65.
    [1]See Arthur P.J.Mol and David A.Sonnenfeld,"Ecological modernization around the world:An introduction",Environmental Politics 9/1(Spring 2000),pp.3-16.
    [2]See WBCSD,"About WBCSD",available at http://www.wbcsd.ch/templates/TemplateWBCSD5/layout.asp.gtype =p&Menuld=NjA&doOpen=1&ClickMenu=LeftMenu,accessed on 11 May 2007.
    [3]See WSSD,"Johannesburg declaration on sustainable development",available at http://www.johannesburgsum mit.org/html/doeuments/summit_does/1009wssd._pol_declaration.htm,accessed on 28 December 2006;WSSD,"Plan of implementation of the World Summit on Sustainable Development",available at http://www.un.org/esa/su stdcv/documents/WSSD_POI_PD/English/WSSD_PlanImpl.pdf.accessed on 23 September 2006.“执行计划”对生态取向下的技术手段、工商界参与、伙伴合作做了较为细致的说明,生态问题的解决已经与绿色经济和绿色科技紧密地结合起来。
    [4]See John S.Dryzek The Politics of the Earth:Environmental Discourses,pp.167-177.
    [6]See John S.Dryzek,The Politics of the Earth:Environmental Discourses,p.169.Also see Peter Christoff,"Ecological modernisation,ecological modernities",Environmental Politics 5/3(Autumn 1996),pp.476-500.
    [1]See General Assembly,Problems of the Human Environment,the General Assembly Resolution 2398(ⅩⅩⅢ),at the 1733rd Plenary Session,3 December 1968.
    [2]See UNEP,Global Environmental Outlook 3,pp.3-4.
    [3]See UNEP,Register of International Environmental Treaties and other Agreements in the Field of the Environment,UNEP/Env.Law/2005/3,Nairobi,30 December 2005.
    [1]See UNCHE,"Declaration of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment",available at http://www.unep.org/Documents.multilingual/Default.asp?DocumentID=97&ArticleID=1503,accessed on 23September 2006.
    [2]See UNEP,Organization Profile,2006,p.9.And see UNEP,Global Environmental Outlook 3,p.4.
    [3]See UNEP,Global Environmental Outlook 3,p.3.
    [1]See UNEP,Register of International Environmental Treaties and other Agreements in the Field of the Environment.UNEP/Env.Law/2005/3.其中较为重要的有1985年《保护臭氧层维也纳公约》、1987年《关于消耗臭氧层物质的蒙特利尔议定书》、1989年《国际贸易中对某些危险化学品和农药采用事先知情同意程序的鹿特丹公约》、1992年《生物多样性公约》、1992年《联合国气候变化框架公约》等。
    [4]See UNCED,"Rio declaration on environment and development",available at http://www.unep.org/Docum ents/Default.Print.asp?DocumentID=78&ArticleID=1163,accessed on 26 November 2005;UNCED,"Agenda 21",available at http://www.un.org/esa/sustdev/documents/agenda21/english/agenda21toc.htm,accessed on 26November,2005.
    [5]See UNEP,Organization Profile,pp.19-24.
    [6]See GEF Council Meeting,Gef Council:A Proposed Statement of Work,GEF/C.1/2,12-13 July 1994.
    [1]See UNCSD,"About UNCSD",available at http://www.un.org/esa/sustdev/csd/aboutCsd.htm.accessed on 23 September 2006.
    [2]See UNEP,Global Environmental Outlook 3,pp.11-14.And see UNCED,"Rio declaration on environment and development","'Agenda 21".Also see UNCSD,"About UNCSD".
    [3]UNCED,"Rio declaration on environment and development",principle 3.
    [4]See WSSD,"Plan of implementation of the World Summit on Sustainable Development".
    [5]这些议题可以从联合国有关“里约+5”的会议资料、联合国秘书长在联合国千年大会上的报告、《联合国千年宣言》、UNEP《全球环境展望-3》以及有关国际环境机制的研究报告中体现出来,相关研究曾在导论第 二节中做过简要描述。See UN,"Special session of the General Assembly to review and appraise the implementation of Agenda 21",New York,23-27 June 1997.Available at http://www.un.org/esa/earthsummit/,accessed on 28 December 2006.And see UN,We the Peoples:The Role of the United Nations in the 21st Century,2000;General Assembly,United Nations Millennium Declaration,A/RES/55/2,8 September 2000;UNEP,Global Environmental Outlook 3,pp.402-410.
    [1]See WSSD,"Johannesburg declaration on sustainable development".
    [2]See GEF Council Meeting,,Scope and Preliminary Operational Strategy for Land Degradation,GEF/C.3/8,22-24February 1995.And see GEF Council Meeting,,Initial Guidelines for Enabling Activities for the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants,GEF/C.17/4,9-11 May 2001.
    [3]它们一方面针对发展中国家或地区有关环境与可持续发展方面的项目进行评价、贷款和资助,并开始把环境考虑注入到经济发展项目当中;另一方面又通过开展有关世界环境与发展方面的调研并发表报告来引导、协调世界各国的环境努力。See World Bank."Topics in development".available at http://www.worldbank.org /html/extdr/thematic.htm,accessed on 11 May 2007;UNDP,"UNDP jobs",available at http://jobs.undp.org/i ndex.cfm,accessed on 11 May 2007.
    [4]世界工商理事会的有关内容笔者已在本章第一节中做过描述;而世界经济论坛也曾开发过一套可持续发展指标体系,对142个国家的可持续状况做了一番评定,并且它还有更广泛的全球议程。See WBCSD,“About WBCSD",available at http://www.wbcsd.ch/templates/TemplateWBCSD5/layout.asp?type=p&Menuld=NjA &doOpen=1&ClickMenu=LeftMenu,accessed on 11 May 2007.And See John S.Dryzek,The Politics of the Earth:Environmental Discourses,pp.157-169;WEF,"Shaping the global agenda",available at http://w ww.weforum.org/en/events/index.htm,accessed on 12 May 2007.
    [5]UNEP,International environmental governance:Report of the executive director,UNEP/GC.23/6,23 December 2004.
    [1]UNEP,Global Environmental Outlook 3,p.ⅹⅳ.
    [1]See Eduard Pestel,"Abstract for 'The limits to growth".
    [3]See Garrett Hardin,"The tragedy of the commons",pp.1243-1248.
    [1]See Garrett Hardin."The tragedy of the commons",pp.1243-1248.
    [3]See Eduard Pestel,"Abstract for 'The limits to growth'".
    [3]See WSSD,"Plan of implementation of the World Summit on Sustainable Development",pp.3-62.
    [1]General Assembly,United Nations Millennium Declaration,A/RES/55/2.
    [2]WSSD,"Plan of implementation of the World Summit on Sustainable Development",pp.57-60.
    [3]WSSD,"Johannesburg declaration on sustainable development",paragraph 29.
    [4]See Steinar Andresen and Ellen Hey,"The effectiveness and legitimacy of international environmental institutions",International Environmental Agreements 5(2005),pp.211-226.
    [1]See UNCSD,Matters Related to the Organization of Work during the World Summit on Sustainable Development:Draft Decision Submitted by the Chairman on Behalf of the Bureau,A/CONF.199/PC/L.7,6 June 2002.该安排包括与各类利益有关者合办的一系列活动、由主要群体和各国政府最高级别代表参与的简短活动以及在国家元首或政府首脑一级举行的圆桌会议的具体细节。
    [3]关于全球公民社会论坛与全球部长级环境论坛的总体介绍,See UNEP."The Global Civil Society Forum",available at http://www.unep.org/civil_society/GCSF/index.asp,accessed on 2 July 2007;"Goveming Council/Global Ministerial Environmental Forum",available at http://www.unep.org/resources/gov/overview.asp,accessed on 2 July 2007.
    [4]Donna Craig and Michael I.Jeffery,"Global environmental governance and the United Nations in the 21~(st)century",p.2.
    [1]UNCHE."Declaration of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment".proclaimation 4-6.
    [3]UNCED,"Rio declaration on environment and development",principle 4.
    [4]See UNCHE,"Action plan for the human environment",available at http://www.sovereignty.net/unotreaties/STOCKHOLM-PLAN.txt,accessed on 2 July 2007.
    [1]See M.KASSAS,"Environmental education:Biodiversity",The Environmentalist 22(2002),pp.345-351.
    [2]UNCED,Agenda 21,chap.36.
    [3]See M.KASSAS,"Environmental education:Biodiversity",pp.345-351.
    [4]UNESCO,The International Workshop on Environmental Education,Belgrade,Final Report,IEEP,Paris,ED-76/WS/95,1975.
    [5]“环境世界观”主要是指共同构成个人对环境以及人类与环境关系的感知的信念、价值、概念,关于其具体阐述,See J.F.Disinger and J.L.Tomsen,“Environmental education research news",in The Environmentalist 15/1(1995),pp.3-9.
    [6]See M.Hawthorne,and T.Alabaster,“Citizen 2000:Development of a model of environmental citizenship",Global Environmental Change 9/1(1999),pp.25-43.他们认为,环境公民的要素包括信息、认识、利害、态度、信念、教育和培训、知识、技能、教养、负责任的行为。
    [2]D.B.Brooks,"The challenge of sustainability:Is environment and economics enough?",Policy Sciences 26(1992),p.408.
    [3]See John S.Dryzek,The Politics of the Earth:Environmental Discourses,pp.1-5.
    [4]Ronnie D.Lipschutz,Global Environmental Politics:Power,Perspective,and Practice(Washington,D.C.:CQ Press,2004),p.4.
    [1]See Steinar Andresen and Ellen Hey,"The effectiveness and legitimacy of international environmental institutions",pp.218-220.
    [2]See Maurice F.Strong,Hunger,Poverty,Population and Environment.
    [2]See Steinar Andresen and Ellen Hey,"The effectiveness and legitimacy of international environmental institutions",pp.220-223.
    [4]See Sylvia Karlsson,"The North-South knowledge divide:Consequences for global environmental governance",in Daniel C.Esty and Maria H.Ivanova(eds.),Global Environmental Governance:Options & Opportunities(Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies,2002),p.62.
    [1]See Sylvia Karlsson,"The North-South knowledge divide:Consequences for global environmental governance",pp.56-63.
    [1]See UNCSD,Matters Related to the Organization of Work during the World Summit on Sustainable Development:Draft Decision Submitted by the Chairman on Behalf of the Bureau,A/CONF.199/PC/L.7.
    [1]See UNEP,Global Environmental Outlook 3,p.270.
    [1]See UNEP,Global Environmental Outlook 3,p.274.
    [1]Marvin S.Soroos,"The tragedy of the commons in global perspective",in Charles W.Kegley,Jr.and Eugene R.Wittkopf(eds.),The Global Agenda:Issues and Perspectives,6~(th)edition,reprint edition(Peking:Peking University Press,2003),p.497.
    [1]See Centre for Science and Environment,Green Politics:Global Environmental Negotiations 1(New Delhi: Centre for Science and Environment,1999).
    [2]See General Assembly,Programme for the Further Implementation of Agenda 21,GA Res.S/19-2,19 September 1997;UNEP,Nairobi Declaration on the Role and Mandate of the UNEP,UNEP/GC.19/1,7 February 1997.
    [3]See Donna Craig and Michael I.Jeffery,"Global environmental governance and the United Nations in the 21~(st)century",p.8.
    [1]See WSSD,"Johannesburg declaration on sustainable development",paragraph 120-144.
    [1]参见新华网,“八国峰会就气候变化等议题发表联合声明”,http://news.xinhuanet.com/world/2007-06/08/cont ent_6213282.htm,2007年8月8日。
    [2]参见新华网,“法总统希拉克倡导建立联合国环境组织”,http://news.xinhuanet.com/world/2007-02/02/conten t_5688375.htm,2007年8月8日。
    [3]See Ronnie D.Lipschutz,Global Environmental Politics:Power,Perspective,and Practice,p.5.
    [1]O.L.Loucks,"Looking for surprise in managing stressed ecosystems",Bioscience 35(1985),p.428.
    [2]See D.Ludwig,R.Hilborn and C.Waiters et al.,"Uncertainty,resource exploitation and conservation:Lessons from history",Ecological Applications 3/4(November 1993),reprinted by permission from Science 260:17-36,p.547.
    [2]See General Assembly,Institutional and Financial Arrangements for International Environmental Cooperation,General Assembly Resolution 2997(ⅩⅩⅦ),1972.
    [3]See UNEP,"Activities in environmental assessment",available at http://www.unep.org/themes/assessment/,accessed on 11 August 2007;UNEP,"Science initiative",available at http://www.unep.org/scienceinitiative/sy stems.asp,accessed on 11 August 2007.
    [1]IPCC,Climate Change 1995:Impacts,Adaptations and Mitigation of Climate Change:Scientific-Technical Analysis.Contribution of Working Group Ⅱ to the Second Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change(Cambridge and New York:Cambridge University Press,1996).Quoted in UNEP,Global Environmental Outlook 3,p.215.
    [2]IPCC,Climate Change 2001:The Scientific Basis.Contribution of Working Group Ⅰ to the Third Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change(Cambridge and New York:Cambridge University Press,2001).Quoted in UNEP,Global Environmental Outlook 3,p.214.
    [3]See Working Group Ⅰ of IPCC,"The fourth assessment report(AR4)'The physical science basis of climate change'",available at http://ipcc-wg1.ucar.edu/wg1/wg1-report.html,accessed on 19 September 2007.
    [1]See M.Porter and C.Van der Linde,“Green and competitive:Ending the stalemate”.Harvard Business Review 73(1995),pp.120-134.转引自郇庆治:《环境政治国际比较》,第47-48页。
    [2]Julia Hertin,Frans Berkhout(eds.),Producing Greener,Consuming Smarter(ESRC Global Environmental Change Programme,2000),p.3.
    [3]绿色激进主义主要包括激进的绿色意识和绿色政治运动两个层面。See John S.Dryzek,The Politics of the Earth:Environmental Discourses,p.181.
    [1]See Julia Hertin,Ian Scoones,and Frans Berkhout(eds.),Who Governs the Global Environment?(ESRC Global Environmental Change Programme,2000),p.11.
    [2]Julia Hertin,Frans Berkhout(eds.),Producing Greener,Consuming Smarter,p.3.
    [1]参见联合国环境规划署:《联合国环境署、全球环境基金和私有部门社论》,载《Industry and environment》(中文版),1998年第4期,第71页。
    [2]UNECOSCO,Implementing Agenda 21:Report of the Secretary-General,E/CN.17/2002/PC.2/7,20 December 2001,paragraph 179.
    [3]UN,"Monterrey consensus of the International Conference on Financing for Development,the final text of agreements and commitments adopted at the International Conference on Financing for Development Monterrey",Mexico,18-22 March 2002,paragraph 39-43.Available at http://www.un.org/esa/ffd/Monterrey/M onterrey%20Consensus.pdf,accessed on 18 August 2007.
    [1]UNECOSCO,Implementing Agenda 21:Report of the Secretary-General,E/CN.17/2002/PC.2/7,paragraph 229.And see UN,"Monterrey consensus of the International Conference on Financing for Development",paragraph 43.
    [2]See UNCED,"Agenda 21",chap.37.
    [3]See WSSD,"Plan of implementation of the World Summit on Sustainable Development".
    [4]See UNEP,Bali Strategic Plan for Technology Support and Capacity-building,UNEP/GC.23/6/Add.1,2005.
    [1]See Lynton K.Caldwell,Between Two Worlds:Science,the Environmental Movement and Policy Choice (Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1990),p.49;C.C.Joyner,Governing the Frozen Commons:The Antarctic Regime and Environmental Protection(Columbia,SC:University of South Carolina Press,1998),pp.40-41.
    [2]See Henrik Selin and Noelle Eckley,"Science,politics,and persistent organic pollutants:The role of scientific assessments in international environmental co-operation",International Environmental Agreements:Politics,Law and Economics 3(2003),p.21.
    [1]See Henrik Selin and Noelle Eckley,"Science,politics,and persistent organic pollutants:The role of scientific assessments in international environmental co-operation",p.21.
    [2]See John O'Neill,"Representing people,representing nature,representing the world",Environment and Planning C:Government and Policy 19(2001),pp.485-497.
    [3]See Lynton K.Caldwell,International Environmental Policy:From the Twentieth to the Twenty-First Century,3~(rd)edition(Durham and London:Duke University Press,1996),pp.350-432.
    [1]See SCEP,Man's Impact on the Global Environment,Study of Critical Environmental Problems(Cambridge,Massachusetts:MIT Press,1970).
    [1]See UNEP,Global Environmental Outlook 3,p.216
    [3]See UNEP,"Status of ratification",available at http://unfccc.int/essential_background/convention/status_of_r atification/items/2631.php,accessed on 11 September 2007.
    [1]See UNCHE,"Action plan for the human environment",Recommendation 70,79,102,available at http://w ww.sovereignty.net/un-treaties/STOCKHOLM-PLAN.txt,accessed on 2 July 2007.
    [2]See the First World Climate Conference,"Declaration('An appeal to nations')and supporting documents",available at http://www.wmconnolley.org.uk/sci/iceage/wcc-1979.html,accessed on 21 September 2007.
    [1]See ICSU,The Assessment of the Role of Carbon Dioxide and of Other Greenhouse Gases in Climate Variations and Associated Impact,Villach,9-15 October 1985.
    [1]See "The Toronto and Ottawa conferences and the 'Law of the Atmosphere",available at http://www.cs.ntu.e du.au/homepages/jmitroy/sid101/uncc/fs215.html,accessed on 17 September 2007.
    [2]See General Assembly,Protection of Global Climate for Present and Future Generations of Mankind,A/RES/43/53,6 December 1988.
    [3]See UN,United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change,FCCC/INFORMAL/84 GE.05-62220(E)200705,1992.
    [1]IPCC,Climate Change 1995:Impacts,Adaptations and Mitigation of Climate Change:Scientific-Technical Analysis.Quoted in UNEP,Global Environmental Outlook 3,p.215.
    [2]IPCC,Climate Change 2001:The Scientific Basis.Contribution of Working Group Ⅰ to the Third Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.Quoted in UNEP,Global Environmental Outlook 3,p.214.
    [3]See Working Group Ⅰ of IPCC,"The fourth assessment report(AR4)'The physical science basis of climate change'".
    [4]UNEP,Global Environmental Outlook 3,p.272.
    [1]See UNEP,"Informal thematic debate:Climate change as a global challenge",available at http://www.un.org/ga/president/61/follow-up/thematic-climate.shtml,accessed on 11 September 2007.
    [2]See UNEP,"Vienna climate change talks 2007",available at http://unfccc.int/meetings/intersessional/awg_4_and_dialogue_4/items/3999.php,accessed on 11 September 2007.
    [3]See UNEP,"COP 13,CMP 3,SB 27 & AWG 4",available at http://unfccc.int/meetings/cop_13/items/4049.php,accessed on 16 December 2007.
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    [2]BCC Research,"The global market for energy management information systems",available at http://ww w.bccresearch.com/RepTemplate.cfm?ReportID=178&cat=egy&RepDet=SC&target=repdetail.cfm,accessed on 20 September 2007.
    [3]“碳中和”(carbon neutral)主要是指计算二氧化碳的排放总量,然后通过植树等方式把这些排放量吸收掉,以达到环保的目的。自1997年问世以来,“碳中和”的概念在西方逐渐走红,并实现了从“前卫”到“大众”的转变。2007年版新牛津美国字典(New Oxford American Dictionary)公布该词为2006年年度词汇,并将其列入新版字典。
    [4]See Tesco,"Measuring our carbon footprint",available at http://www.tesco.com/climatechange/carbonFootp rint.asp,accessed on 20 September 2007.
    [5]See HSBC,"HSBC wins environmental performance award",available at http://www.banking.hsbc.com.hk/hk/aboutus/press/content/07feb06e.htm,accessed on 20 September 2007.
    [1]UNEP,Global Environmental Outlook 3,p.297.
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    [2]See WSSD,"Johannesburg declaration on sustainable development",paragraph 34-35.
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