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The United States (U.S.) is such a country that has the strongest ideological viewpoints in the world, which inevitably have a deep impact on its foreign policies. The refugee policy, one of the most significant foreign policies of the US, has been taken advantage for years by the U.S. government to slander the image of socialism and regarded as the major means to overturn the regimes of socialism. This fully exposes its strong anti-communist ideology and cold war mentality since World War Ⅱ. At present, the U.S. ideology reflected through its refugee policies has brought obvious negative influence to a wide range of fields to our country. Therefore, it is critical to reinforce the safety construction of China's ideology and resist the ideological invasion from the U.S.
     This thesis starts from the fundamental theories of ideology and introduces the characteristics and structure of the U.S. ideology, on the basis of which, discusses the relationship between the U.S. ideology and its foreign policies. An example of the demonstration of the U.S. human rights diplomacy and abroad affairs intervention in the foreign polices is utilized to expose how the U.S. government exerts its influence on diplomatic practices.
     Furthermore, this thesis probes into the evolution of the refugee policies since the establishment of the U.S. It also undergoes the case studies of the receiving polices of socialist refugees based on the examples of the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, Cuba, Vietnam and China, thus restores the original historical appearance and reveals the evil intention of the U.S. government dominated by its anti-communist ideology to peacefully evolve the Chinese government. In addition, the means and ways which the U.S. attempts to rely on to overturn socialist regimes through refugees are discussed, including the provision of funds and weapons, the exploitation of refugees to do espionage in their respective home countries and undertaking negative propaganda against socialism or even directly plotting to take military actions.
     On the basis of precedent research, the nature of the U.S. policies towards socialist refugees is in depth analyzed and proved the logical mechanism. Conclusion is reached that the dominant principle of the U.S. policies towards socialist refugees is the anti-communist ideology.
     Finally, this thesis discusses how to reinforce the safety construction of China's ideology and points out that the Marxist views of human rights and international politics are the most effective weapons against the invasion of the negative perspective of the Western culture and its infiltration of ideology. Meanwhile, it also probes into how to uphold the construction of Marxist ideology, strengthen the building of national ideological and political education as well as properly treat the ideological differences in the conflicts of the two systems and strengthen the fortress of patriotism. Corresponding countermeasures are also proposed on how to put "refugees" and illegal emigrants under control.
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