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     HR212是由本实验室构建的一种膜融合抑制剂,前期研究证实此蛋白能够有效的抑制HIV-1假病毒感染细胞,并且其结构稳定,能耐受蛋白酶酶切作用。此蛋白具有和T20相似的抗病毒活性,且能够对T20耐药株也具有良好的抑制效果。HR212除了能够抑制HIV-1外,还对HIV-2具有部分抑制效果。前期HR212是以融合表达的形式进行表达的,由于其氨基端存在非目的片段,故不能正确表明其膜融合性质。为向将来的药物临床应用提供资料,我们拟非融合表达了HR212,同时也检测HR212的免疫原性。将HR212基因连接于pBV220上,经诱导表达、纯化后免疫小鼠。经间接ELISA验证HR212按照传统方法免疫能够得到抗体滴度,而以10倍治疗剂量按照治疗程序多次注射时,却仅在1/1000时检测到抗体滴度,此结果为下一步降低其免疫原性的方法探讨具有重要意义。此外,为了研制治疗性疫苗,我们构建了HR212的腺病毒表达体系。通过将HR212连接到穿梭质粒pDC315上,然后与骨架质粒共转染239细胞,经过7天后获得具有复制缺陷的重组腺病毒rAd-TPA-HR212。经Western Blot验证,成功得到了13.3 kd的目的蛋白。经假病毒抑制试验证实,经腺病毒表达的HR212能有效的抑制假病毒介导的膜融合过程。为下一步研究奠定了基础。
Acquired immune deficiency syndrome is human immudeficiency syndrome induced by human immunodeficiency virus. Currently, most approved anti-HIV drugs target two viral enzymes: reverse transcriptase and protease. Although clinically effective when used in combination, none of the existing drugs represent ideal therapies due to the long term toxic effects, and the ascendance of drug-resistant mutants. It is very important to research new inhibitors to inhibit virus reproduction in vivo.
     HR212 constructed by our laboratory is a kind of membrane fusion inhibitor , which can effectively inhibit HIV-1 pseudotype virus infecting cells and can endure the enzyme digestion because of its stable structure. Further studies indicates that it have similar antivirus activity with T20 and it has better effect to T20-persister virus. Otherwises, it can also inhibit HIV-2. Virus fusion inhibition experiments can not completely confirm its activity because there are no aim fragment in its N-terminus with fusion expression. In order to afford information for clinical utilization , we expressed HR212 with direct expression and detected its immunogenicity. Gene HR212 was linked to pBV220, and induced to express at 42℃. HR212 was then purified and immunized mice.Results of indirect ELISA show that it can get antibody titer at 1/4000 according to the traditional immunization method, whereas it can get can get antibody titer at 1/1000 when immunized at 10 times of therapy does ,which will lay the foundation to future study. In order to deplore remedial vaccine, we constructed adenovirus expression system of HR212. we linked HR212 to pDC315 to form pDC315-HR212, and then cotransfect cells with bone plasmid. After 7 days recombinant adenovirus rAd-TPA-HR212 was obverted. The result of Western blot shows that it successfully expresses 13.3 kd aim protein , and pseudotype virus inhibition research proved that HR212 expressed by adenovirus can effectively inhibit virus fusion , which will lay the foundation for further study.
     The artificial constructed 5-helix can inhibit the formation of trimer during the course of HIV-directed membrane fusion ,therefore it can inhibit virus infecting aim cells. However, 5-helix is apt to be expressed as inclusion body when directly expressed in prokaryocyte and is difficult to renature , which cause inconvenience to future research. By homology modeling ,we simulated the most possible two conformations of 5-Helix in vectors pGEX-6P-1 and pET44b. The contrast of conformations showed that the energy of salvation of its fusion protein with NusA in vector pET44b was higher than its fusion protein with glutathione-S-transferase(GST) in pGEX-6P-1 and its restriction site lay on the surface of its fusion protein in vector pET44b. Therefore HR212 was linked topET44b to construct recombinant vector pET44b-PSP-5Helix.When transformed ,induced and purified ,5-helix was used to detect its inhibition activity of HIV pseudotype virus .The results showed that it can obviously inhibit HIV pseudotype virus.
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