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     高分辨率遥感影像压缩具有一般图像压缩所不具备的特点,压缩算法的设计必须考虑到以下限制条件:a)高分辨率推扫式光学CCD像机幅宽达到两万像素以上;b)压缩算法复杂度应尽可能地降低,以便硬件实现;c)星上缓存空间有限;d)数据传数系统的码率固定不变;e)压缩算法的效率必须比现有基于DCT变换的明显更高。整数小波变换的出现为上述条件的满足提供了一个理想的工具。参考其他小波编码算法,本文提出了子带比特平面编码算法Sub-band Bit-plane Coding(SBC),该算法采用整数小波变换,最优比特平面编码和上下文相关熵编码,可用于实现高分辨率遥感影像的快速编码。SBC算法支持多分辨率、多信噪比的嵌入式码流结构,可实现从无损到有损任意码率或多种质量的图像压缩。和其他压缩算法相比,SBC算法简单高效,很容易移植到硬件,而且可以并行运算,非常适合于压缩高分辨率单色或彩色遥感影像。在压缩质量上,SBC算法在低码率压缩下重建图像的质量略逊于EBCOT算法,在高码率压缩下重建图像的质量则略优于EBCOT算法。
The earth observation Technique of high-resolution remote sensing is critical to nation security and sustainable development. From 1980's on, all the developed country in the world hold up a serious of research plan in this fields. Faced on such international situation, China proposed definetly in "tenth-five" 863 high-tech development plan: Pay more attention to research the advanced technique of acquiring high-resolution information in Multi-dimension space. At present, not only the increase in spatial, spectral and time resolution but also stereo image technique, which has been primarily carried out by the sent remote sensing satellites, become main tendencies in the fields of the earth observation Technique of remote sensing.
    As an important technique to acquire and process information, the data compression has achieved great progress in past years, however, generally it is still the beginning of wide application in space-flight remote sensing because some related research just located in optical high resolution remote sensing image, and the current adopted techniques exist space to develop further. With the development of small size remote sensing satellite, the number of space data will augment unremittingly, and the conflict between acquiring information and transmitting data will be more and more sharp. The present available compression technique can't meet the demands of application in the aspects of efficiency and speed so that it is difficult to transmit the data, which in turn cause not to improve further image resolution.
    In this paper, we aim to research high fidelity compression of high-resolution remote sensing image, stereo image pair and three-lined CCD image. According to the logic relationship among research objects (one breadth-two breadth-three breadth), this paper is separated to three parts: the first part, high-resolution remote sensing image compression, focus on real time compression of single breadth; the second part, stereo image pair compression based on the first part, is the estimation of disparity between the left frame and the right frame, a problem similar to the estimation of motion vectors in video coding; the last part, three-lined CCD image compression, is the extension of the second part. The main work of this paper is concluded as following several aspects. 1) Propose the remote sensing image compression scheme (SBC) based on integer
    wavelet transformation
    Since high-resolution remote sensing compression possesses the special character that the other type image compression have not, the design of compression scheme is restricted within the following limits: a) the swath of high-resolution push-broom optional CCD is beyond 20,000 pixels; b) the compression scheme complexity is as
    possible as low so as to be realized in the way of hardware; c) the on-board memory is limited; d) the code rate of data transmitting is fixed; e) the compression efficiency is much higher than that based on DCT. Integer wavelet transformation provides an ideal tool for meeting the above limits. Referencing the other wavelet coding scheme, this paper presents Sub-band Bit-plane Coding (SBC), which adopt integer wavelet transformation, most priority Bit-plane Coding and related context entropy coding, and be applied to realize the fast compression coding of high-resolution image. SBC supports embedded coding enabling arbitrary Rate-distortion control. Contrasted with the other compression approaches, SBC is low complexity, efficient, easy to transplant to hardware, and can parallel computer. In low code rate, the reconstructed image quality of SBC is lightly worse than that of EBCOT, but in high code rate, the result is reverse.
    2) Propose error-resilient image compression coding scheme based on virtual partition .
    Wireless communication system holds relatively high rate of error code, so error code rate of satellite communication system rise greatly under the condition of intensive electromagnetism interruption. On the basis of SBC, we propose a simple and efficient error-resilient imag
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