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To research remediation effect of aquatic plants on heavy metal pollution in marsh, the native dominant plant Zizania latifolia Turcz. in the Dongting lake was selected for this experiment. Endurance test and accumulation test of Z. latifolia Turcz. were conducted under two different treatment soils: soil polluted only by heavy metal Cd and soil polluted by Cd and organic pollutant p,p '-DDT. Cd effect on plant development、physiology and Biochemistry were studied under amendment addition of lime and organic manure to research amendments'effect on heavy metal accmulation, Main conclusions were listed as follows:
     With increase of the concentration of Cd, Z. latifolia Turcz. growth was severely inhibited under single Cd polluted. The inhibited effect showed in follow aspects: chlorophyll content decreased; Soluble sugar content increased in the lower Cd concentration treatment and decreased in the higher Cd concentration treatment; Potassic content in both aboveground part of plant and underground part of plant were stimulated in lower concentration and which were inhibited in higher concentration; Zinc concentration in both aboveground part of plants and underground parts of plant decreased as the Cd concentration increased.
     With increase of the concentration of Cd, the plant height, dry weight of aboveground biomass and underground biomass in treatment with organic pollutant p,p '-DDT and heavy metal Cd were lower than that in the treatment with single heavy metal Cd. The results indicated that complex pollution was more toxic than single pollution for Z. latifolia Turcz.
     Underground part of plants had more Cd content than that in aboveground part. Cd migrating capacity changed in complex polluted treatment. Cd content in Z. latifolia Turcz increased as the Cd concentration increased and the increased extent was more under high concentration Cd than under low concentration Cd treatment.
     Amendments addition can not completely eliminate but partly decrease Cd toxicity on Z. latifolia Turcz. The reasons were that amendments(lime and organic manure ) can increase soil pH and mitigate available heavy metal content in the soil. And Cd migrating capacity significantly inhibited from underground part of soil to aboveground part of soil,accumulation of Cd in aboveground part of soil decreased, which improved development and growth condition of Z. latifolia Turcz. Meanwhile, lime had a better effect than organic manure in pollution remediation.
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