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After the implementation of the household contract responsibility system, there has been an earth-shaking change in rural economy. The output of agricultural products has doubled and redoubled. By the late of 1990s, agricultural products had entered the phase of relative surplus instead of being shortage. In the course of this development appeared the new tough problems on agricultural, rural areas and farmers, such as the bad selling of agricultural products. and the slow growth of rural incomes, etc. Solving problems facing agricultural, rural areas and farmers becomes a top priority we have to confront. Currently, the lagging logistical system of agricultural products becomes the bottleneck of agricultural and rural development in our country. According to this situation, through thorough description and analysis of the logistical system, we would like to build up a modern logistical system of agricultural products.
     This dissertation is constituted by seven chapters, including the introduction. Chapter 1: Introduction; Chapter 2: Comparative research on international agriculture-product logistics; Chapter 3: The theory of agriculture-product logistics ; Chapter 4: Promoting a new model of agriculture-product logistics; Chapter 5: Construction and solution to the selected location model of agricultural product physical distribution center; Chapter 6: Construction and solution to the multi-target agricultural logistics and distribution model; Chapter 6: Supportive system for the development of agriculture-product logistics. This dissertation might be innovative in the following three aspects:
     Firstly, according to the analysis of the agriculture product logistics theory, a new model of agriculture-product logistics is producted. The center of this new model is the TPL.
     Secondly, Construction and solution to the selected location model of agricultural product physical distribution center. Logistics center is agricultural products from production to marketing of agricultural products to the logistics of the most important intermediate nodes. Logistics center and the location of agricultural products directly determine the merits of the efficiency of agricultural logistics and logistics in the process of corruption. Therefore, agricultural logistics park for the selection is very important. This dissertation established a goal of the first layer, top policy-making level, the lower deck of the decision-making and programmers, such as AHP four-story structure, after the construction of a logistics park, including the total cost of building the smallest, more than the total supply of total demand, alternative points weight as close as possible One of these three objectives of the 0-1 planning issues. Then use LINGO software to solute the model.
     Thirdly, Construct and solute the multi-target model of agriculture-product logistics and distribution. Agricultural products in process from the logistics center to the point demand of the distribution, based on its three objectives: the total cost (including the cost of goods and transportation costs) at least, the customer response to agricultural products in the shortest time and logistics in the process of corruption in as little as possible, the establishment of an agricultural products distribution of multi-objective mixed integer programming model. Solving in the process of using genetic algorithms tool kit of MATLAB software for accurate.
     Thirdly, in this dissertation, the supportive system of Chinese modern agriculture-product logistics industry is thoroughly constructed. With explaining the developing trend of world logistics industry roundly, this dissertation puts forward the fundamental principles of developing modern agriculture-product logistics industry and the rudimentary thoughts of organization innovation; furthermore, it constructs the supportive system of Chinese agriculture-product logistics industry from the aspects of infrastructure construction.
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