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Career plateau is almost an unavoidable stage in the career development process. Career is not only a means to meet the material needs, but also a way to meet the sense of accomplishment, self-esteem and other psychological needs. However, the fierce market competition and the transform of organization structure restricted people’s vertical career development in a way, accordingly, the possibility of career plateau is increasing more and more.
     In academic, the research on career plateau was starting at the end of the 1970s with rich research results. At present, most of domestic articles only briefly introduce or transplant the foreign studies. There is no enough concern to such basic questions as connotation,influencing factors and consequences of career plateau in the environment of Chinese culture from the view of empirical. Therefore, the in-depth study to career plateau in the context of Chinese culture has important theoretical value and practical significance.
     This paper carefully discussed the staff’s career plateau with research methods including theoretical analysis, literature analysis, empirical research and mathematic statistic(ssuch as, descriptive statistics analysis, principal components factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis(CFA),correlate analysis, T-test, ANOVA and MANOVA, multiple regression, hierarchical multiple regression(HMR), structural equation modeling(SEM),et al.)
     The paper has a deep research to the following sub-topics: the dimensions structure of career plateau, the relationship between demographic variables and career plateau, the variables’impact on job performance and turnover with different types of career plateau, the specific mechanism that how staff’s plateau level has effect to job performance and turnover, the relative importance of different plateau dimensions to predicting job performance and the tendency of turnover. This paper attempts to reveal the connotation, structure, and formation mechanism of staff’s career plateau in the environment of Chinese culture, and tries to analyze its impact on job performance and turnover.
     Through the research, major achievements of this article are as follows:
     (1) career plateau of stuff is a multi-dimensional structure,career plateau structure is composed by three dimensions: the level plateau, content plateau and motivation plateau。
     (2) there is no consistency about the effectiveness of population variables between the difference of overall impact and the various dimensions impact of career plateau,at different types of occupational status of the career plateau, not all of the population variables on job performance and the impact of turnover intention exits significant differences t。
     (3) the level plateau has a stronger predictive power of job performance of employees than the content plateau; also the level plateau has a stronger predictive power of job performance of employees than the motivation plateau; while the motivation plateau has a stronger predictive power of job performance of employees than the content plateau. But there is no significant difference in all dimensions of the career plateau to explain the variation of turnover intention; Compared with the existing research, the innovation of this paper is to build and verify the structure model of native career plateau, to formulate the measurement instrument of career plateau with good reliability and validity based on the Chinese culture background, to examine the characteristic of demography variable in career plateau, and more important, to disclose the structure relationship among career plateau, job performance and turnover .
     Because of career plateau is a multi-interdisciplinary area of research, the study for career plateau and its related issues has become a new research hot spot, there is many of the key issue need to overcome urgently.
     Due to the constraints of time, resources, energy and others, this article only focus on the staff’s career plateau, job performance, the tendency to leave and some related issues. We hope this study will be contributed to the further research on the topic of career plateau, could give enterprises more understanding about the plateau’s impact on their staff, and last, provide reference for the enterprises’human resource management.
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