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The Canadian young writer Yann Martel is best known for his Man Booker Prize winning novel Life of Pi. Ever since its publication in 2002, the book has gained great populatirity and high critical acclaim. However, much of the criticism done so far (mostly book reviews) concentrates either on the mere exploration of the book's general theme or on the explication of the truth of the story. Regrettably, little attention has been paid to the tiger Richard Parker, one of the dominant roles in the story. Here I argue that without a proper understanding of the true colours of this tiger, elucidation of the novel would be definitely out of the question.
     This paper is divided into four parts. The first part deals with the definition of a tiger. A close reading of those chapters pertaining to the tiger in the story reveals not only the absence of tigerish traits, but also the pervasiveness of anthropomorphism in Richard Parker. The second part goes on to question and examine whether this tiger is ever in existence. Through tracing the animal in chronological order, I find that the tiger is purely Pi's fabrication, whose existence cannot be really attested. The focus of the third part is on the interpretation of what the tiger is, combined with the analysis of Pi's particular drifting life and psychoanalysis of Pi's mental stage. In the last part, reasons why there is such a tiger are given. My contention is that, with the absence of the Other, Pi needs to construct a new Other in order to survive. Under such circumstances, he unwittingly has to take the desire of the Other as his own desire. To conclude, it is Richard Parker as the fourth ring of repair that pulls Pi through his disaster.
     Life of Pi is thus more than a castaway novel. With Richard Parker, it explores the psychological struggles of common people in the modern society. It is also an interpretation of our reality.
1 Before Life of Pi, Yann Martel had published The Facts behind the Helsinki Roccamatios and Other Stories, a collection of four short stories in 1993, and his first novel Self in 1996.
    2 The boy's original name was Piscine Molitor Patel, but he changed his name to Pi for some reasons mentioned in Chapter 5, p.26-32.
    3 Atwood, Margaret. Review of Life of Pi, Sunday Times,28 May,2003.
    4 Wood, James. "Credulity", London Review of Books,24.22(2002),10 Dec.
    5 http://www.curledup.com/lifeofpi.htm.
    6 Then the elderly man said, "I have a story that will make you believe in God." Author's Note, Life of Pi, Toronto:Alfred A. Knopf Canada,2001; New York:Harcourt,2001; Edinburgh:Canongate,2002, p.ⅩⅢ.
    7 Mishra, Pankaj. "The Man, or the Tiger?" Review of Life of Pi, New York Review of Books,27 Mar.2003, p.17-18.
    8 http://www.januarymagazine.com/fiction/lifeofpi.html, December 2002.
    10 http://www.reviewsofbooks.com/life_of_pi/review.
    11 Q:I finished Life of Pi today. So— which is the real story? Was Richard Parker in fact Pi all along? His evil side (or real side)? YM:You decide which is the real story? "May Richard Parker be always at your side ", Yann Martel Q& A, Tuesday November 26,2002. http://boooks.guardian.co.uk/departments/generalfiction/story/0,,848131,00.html.
    12 "An interview with Yann Martel", Michael Cart ed. Rush Hour, Volume VI-Reckless, New York: Delacorte Press,2006, p.92-107.
    13 "So tell me, since it makes no factual difference to you and you can't prove the question either way, which story do you prefer? Which is the better story, the story with animals or the story without animals?" Mr. Okamoto:"That's an interesting question..." Mr. Chiba:"The story with animals." Mr. Okamoto:"Yes. The story with animals is the better story." Pi Patel:"Thank you. And so it goes with God." p.424.
    14...you present the protagonist Piscine Molitor Patel's story as one that will "make you believe in God." To me it seems, though, that the story you book presents makes one believe not so much in religion, but in fiction. Sielke, Sabine."'The Empathetic Imagination':An Interview with Yann Martel", Canadian Literature 177(2003):12-32.
    15 So to say that the book will make you believe in fiction, to me, isn't very far from saying it'll make you believe in God. I think it's acceptable to say that God is a fiction, if you understand that this doesn't necessarily mean that this fiction doesn't exist. It just exists in a way that is only accessed through the imagination, (p.24-25)
    16 Cole, Stewart, "Believing in Tigers:Anthropomorphism and Incredulity in Yann Martel's Life of Pi", 2004, http://www.lib.unb.ca/Texts/JSW/number27/cole.htm.
    17 Cole, Stewart, "Believing in Tigers:Anthropomorphism and Incredulity in Yann Martel's Life of Pi", 2004, http://www.lib.unb.ca/Texts/JSW/number27/cole.htm.
    18 Wood, James. "Credulity", London Review of Books,24.22 (2002) 10 Dec.
    19 Stratton, Florence. "'Hollow at the core':Deconstructing Yann Martel's Life of Pi.",2004.
    20 Martel, Yann. "How Richard Parker Came to Get His Name." http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/feature/-/309590/104-4043985-5498364.
    21 Then the elderly man said, "I have a story that will make you believe in God." (p.ⅩⅢ) ...It was as I listened to that tape that I agreed with Mr. Adirubasamy that this was, indeed, a story to make you believe in God. (p. XV)
    22 "... Was Richard Parker in fact Pi all along? His evil side (or real side)? http://books.guardian.co.uk/departments/generalfiction/story/0,,848131,00.html.
    23..., each one a function of a human trait I want to embody, the hyena cowardliness, the orang-utan maternal instincts and the zebra exoticism. Martel, Yann. "How I Wrote Life of Pi.'http://www.powells.com/fromtheauthor/martel.html.
    24 Martel, Yann. "How Richard Parker Came to Get His Name." http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/feature/-/309590/104-4043985-5498364.
    25 Dowd, Liisa. "Fiction, Culture and Theology:A Contemporary Study of Imagination, Faith and Stories", Thesis (M.A.), Andover Newton Theological School,2005. p.47-48.
    26 Cooper, Pamela. "Life of Pi, by Yann Martel." Booker Prize Novels:1969-2005, Ed. Merritt Moseley. Dictionary of Literary Biography Vol.326. Detroit:Gale,2006.p.338.
    27 Cole, Stewart, "Believing in Tigers:Anthropomorphism and Incredulity in Yann Martel's Life of Pi", 2004, http://www.lib.unb.ca/Texts/JSW/number27/cole.htm.
    28 Trumble, W. R.& Stevenson, A. ed. Shorter Oxford English Dictionary 5th ed, Oxford University Press. 2004. p.3268.
    29 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiger
    30 http://www.indiantiger.org/bengal-tigers, http://www.seaworld.org/animal-info/animal-bytes/animalia/eumetazoa/coelomates/deuterostomes/chord ata/craniata/mammalia/carnivora/bengal-tiger.htm.
    31 Wood, James. Wood, James. "Credulity", London Review of Books 24.22 (2002) 10 Dec.
    Empson, William. Seven Types of Ambiguity. New Directions Press.1947. p.1
    33 Martel, Yann. Life of Pi, Toronto:Alfred A. Knopf Canada,2001; New York:Harcourt,2001; Edinburgh: Canongate,2002, p.127-131.
    34 Wood, James. "Credulity", London Review of Books 24.22 (2002) 10 Dec.
    35 A bit of a MacGyver of the high seas, Pi relies on earthbound lessons (including the danger of anthropomorphism) to survive 227 days of staring Richard Parker down. Jean Smith, "Yann Martel. Life of Pi. (Book Review)", The Review of Contemporary Fiction,22 Mar, 2003,p.l58.
    36 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bengal_Tiger.
    37 Wood, James. "Credulity", London Review of Books 24.22 (2002) 10 Dec.
    38 http://www.indiantiger.org/bengal-tigers/, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bengal_Tiger.
    39 I started worrying about Richard Parker in the late afternoon. Now that the setting, the territory, had changed, I wasn't sure how he would take to me if he came upon me. (350)
    40 Wood, James. "Credulity.'London Review of Books 24.22 (2002) 10 Dec.
    41 http://www.indiantiger.org/bengal-tigers.
    42 Empson, William. Seven Types of Ambiguity. New Directions Press.1947. p.192.
    43 Cooper, Pamela. "Life of Pi, by Yann Martel", Booker Prize Novels:1969-2005, Ed. Merritt Moseley. Dictionary of Literary Biography Vol.326. Detroit:Gale,2006.
    44 But although Pi presumably sees quite clearly the fallacy in daring to attribute fellow feeling to a tiger, the reader is not explicitly told that Richard Parker is a tiger until much later, on Page 124, and so would not recognize the contradiction on first reading. Cole, Stewart, "Believing in Tigers:Anthropomorphism and Incredulity in Yann Martel's Life of Pi", 2004, http://www.lib.unb.ca/Texts/JSW/number27/cole.htm.
    5 Besides, the rhetorical importance of the passage far outweighs the logical contradiction it embodies, as the narrative impact of Richard Parker's appearance in the lifeboat as "a wet, trembling, half-drowned, heaving and coughing three-year-old adult Bengal tiger" (124) entirely depends on the reader having naturally assumed that Richard Parker is human. Cole, Stewart, "Believing in Tigers:Anthropomorphism and Incredulity in Yann Martel's Life of Pi", 2004, http://www.lib.unb.ca/Texts/JSW/number27/cole.htm.
    46 Cooper, Pamela. "Life of Pi, by Yann Martel", Booker Prize Novels:1969-2005, Ed. Merritt Moseley. Dictionary of Literary Biography Vol.326. Detroit:Gale,2006.
    Cole, Stewart, "Believing in Tigers:Anthropomorphism and Incredulity in Yann Martel's Life of Pi", 2004, http://www.lib.unb.ca/Texts/JSW/number27/cole.htm.
    48 "Anthropomorphism." Oxford English Dictionary.2nd Ed.1989, p.1858.
    49 Cole, Stewart, "Believing in Tigers:Anthropomorphism and Incredulity in Yann Martel's Life of Pi" 2004, http://www.lib.unb.ca/Texts/JSW/number27/cole.htm.
    50 Guthrie, Stuart Elliott. Faces in the Clouds:A New Theory of Religion. New York:Oxford UP,1993, p.90.
    Cole, Stewart, "Believing in Tigers:Anthropomorphism and Incredulity in Yann Martel's Life of Pi" 2004, http://www.lib.unb.ca/Texts/JSW/number27/cole.htm.
    52 "You can't prove which story is true and which is not. You must take my word for it." (424)
    53 Wood, James. "Credulity", London Review of Books 24.22 (2002) 10 Dec.
    54 Suddenly his brute strength meant only moral weakness. It was nothing compared to the strength in my mind. (299)
    55 Richard Parker was forever hungry. (260)
    56 It came as an unmistakable indication to me of how low I had sunk the day I noticed, with a pinching of the heart, that I ate like an animal, that this noisy, frantic, unchewing wolfing-down of mine was exactly the way Richard Parker ate. (302-303)
    57 Cooper, Pamela. "Life of Pi, by Yann Martel", Booker Prize Novels:1969-2005, Ed. Merritt Moseley. Dictionary of Literary Biography Vol.326. Detroit:Gale,2006.
    58 When the Japanese investigator Mr. Chiba said that his uncle as a bonsai master had one little tree of over three hundred years old, with the purpose of trying to help, Pi's reaction to it proved self-contradictory. He insisted that such trees were "botanically impossible" and he only believed what he saw. In this way, we could also hold that Richard Parker is biologically or zoologically impossible since we did not see him with our own eyes, and we did not believe his existence with those evidences unfavorable as discussed in Part II and III. (395-396)
    59 Cuning, Magaret. "Famously Adrift", January Magazine, December 2002.
    60 I have already noted how Life of Pi, in claiming to be a story that "will make you believe in God," both presumes and to some extent depends upon the reader's initial disbelief in Him. This readerly disbelief is more explicitly analogized in the initial skepticism of the two Japanese interviewers when faced with the story of Pi's survival for 227 days in a lifeboat with the tiger Richard Parker. In its treatment of the two central motifs of God and animal —Pi's apparently incongruous double majors of religious studies and zoology — the novel dramatizes disbelief in order to suspend it. Central to this tensile movement is the concept of anthropomorphism, Cole, Stewart, "Believing in Tigers:Anthropomorphism and Incredulity in Yann Martel's Life of Pi", 2004, http://www.lib.unb.ca/Texts/JSW/number27/cole.htm.
    61 Guthrie, Stuart Elliott. Faces in the Clouds:A New Theory-of Religion. New York:Oxford UP,1993, p.l.
    62 Cole, Stewart, "Believing in Tigers:Anthropomorphism and Incredulity in Yann Martel's Life of Pi", 2004, http://www.lib.unb.ca/Texts/JSW/number27/cole.htm.
    63 Given the prevalence of anthropomorphism as a strategy for combating perceptual uncertainty, disbelief or doubt, Pi's tendency to humanize the animals that surround him— despite the zoological knowledge that affords him insight into the drawbacks of such a tendency— takes on a special significance, especially in light of his apparently incongruous and excessive engagement with religion. Cole, Stewart, "Believing in Tigers:Anthropomorphism and Incredulity in Yann Martel's Life of Pi", 2004, http://www.lib.unb.ca/Texts/JSW/number27/cole.htm.
    64 "I turned to God. I survived." (417)
    65 Pi decided to try his hand at fishing the first time in his life, after reading what the survival manual had to say on the subject. As a result, he failed to get any fish and lost the whole tackle. (237-239)
    66 Jacques Lacan, Ecrits:A Selection, trans. Alan Sheridan, New York; Norton, see Donald Hall, Subjectivity, NY:Routledge,2004.
    67 Cooper, Pamela. "Life of Pi, by Yann Martel", Booker Prize Novels:1969-2005, Ed. Merritt Moseley. Dictionary of Literary Biography Vol.326. Detroit:Gale,2006.
    68 Lacan, Jacques. Ecrits, Editions du Seuil, Paris,1966.
    69 "... I turned to God. I survived." (417)
    70 When Pi told the Japanese officials the second story, after he finished the dog-eat-dog part, there's only a brief conclusion of his later castaway life:"Solitude began. I turned to God. I survived." (417)
    71 Martel, Yann. "Meeting the Other:the Animal in Western Literature".22. November 2002. http://www.complit.fu-berlin.de/archiv/kvv/lv-wise2002-2003/16457.html.
    72 Pi spent a whole chapter describing the origin of the name Richard Parker. From his narration, we get to know that the tiger got a human's name by mistake. (175-177) The author Yann Martel later had a further explanation on it by posting an article on the internet by defining the name as a symbol of victim. See Martel, Yann. "How Richard Parker Came to Get His Name." http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/feature/-/309590/104-4043985-5498364.
    73 "You can't prove which story is true and which is not. You must take my word for it." "I guess so."(424)
    74 "In both stories the ship sinks, my entire family dies, and I suffer.' "Yes, that's true." "So tell me, since it makes no factual difference to you and you can't prove the question either way, which story do you prefer? Which is the better story, the story with animals or the story without animals? Mr. Okamoto:"That's an interesting question..." Mr. Chiba:"The story with animals." Mr. Okamoto:"Yes. The story with animals is the better story." Pi Patel:"Thank you. And so it goes with God."(424)
    75 Mr. Okamoto:"We'll be careful when we drive away. We don't want to run into Richard Parker." Pi Patel:"Don't worry, you won't, he's hiding somewhere you'll never find him." (425)
    76 And so, in that Greek letter that looks like a shack with a corrugated tin roof, in that elusive, irrational number with which scientists try to understand the universe, I found refuge.(32)
    77 "He's a victim, too-or is he?" Martel, Yann. "How Richard Parker Came to Get His Name." http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/feature/-/309590/104-4043985-5498364.
    78 According to Louis Armand, the term "Borromean" comes from the Borromeo family of Renaissance Italy, who used the three interlocking circles on their coat of arms. There is another interesting historical context in which the image of the rings arises. The diagram was found in picture-stones on Gotland, an island in the Baltic sea off the south-east coast of Sweden. These are dated to some period in the ninth-century and are thought to record tales from the Norse myths. To the Norse people of Scandinavia, a drawing of the Borromean knot using triangles instead of rings is known as "Odin's triangle" or the "Walknot" (or "valknut", the knot of the slain). The symbol was also carved on bedposts used in sea burials. http://www.lacan.com/sympmach.htm
    79 "I love you!" the words burst out pure and unfettered, infinite. The feeling flooded my chest. "Truly I do. I love you, Richard Parker. If I didn't have you now, I don't know what I would do, I don't think I would make it. No, I wouldn't. I would die of hopelessness. Don't give, Richard Parker, don't give up. I'll get you to land, I promise, I promise!" (317)
    80 It was Richard Parker who calmed me down. It is the irony of this story that the one who scared me witless to start with was the very same who brought me peace, purpose, I dare say even wholeness. (216)
    Richard Parker has stayed with me. I've never forgotten him. (7)
    I think the book connects with people in two ways:1, it's a great yarn,2, it goes deep, talks about spirituality in a real, serious, concrete way, untainted by cynicism. http://www.bookbrowse.com/author_interview/full/index.cfm?author-number=823.
    83 Lacan, Jacques. "The Mirror Stage as Formative of the Function of the/as Revealed in Psychoanalytic Experience", Twentieth Century Western Critical Theories, Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2001, p.122-126.
    84 http://www.pbs.org/newshour/conversaton/july-dec02/marteel_11-11.html,11 Nov,2002
    Jameson, Fredric. "Postmodernism, or the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism", New Left Review 146 (1984),p.62-64.
    Helong, Zhang. The Self in a Postmodernist Context:A Critical Study of John Fowles'Fiction, Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2007.5, p.31.
    88 William Faulkner's banquet speech at the Nobel Banquet at the City Hall in Stockholm, December 10, 1950 from Nobel Lectures, Literature 1901-1967, Editor Horst Frenz, Elsevier Publishing Company, Amsterdam,1969. The speech was apparently revised by the author for publication in The Faulkner Reader. http://nobelprize.org/nobel_orizes/literature/laureates/1949/faulkner-speech.html.
    Martel, Yann. Life of Pi, Toronto:Alfred A. Knopf Canada,2001; New York:Harcourt,2001; Edinburgh: Canongate,2002. —Self, Toronto:Alfred A. Knopf Canada,1996; Great Britain:Faber and Faber Limited,1996. — The Facts Behind the Helsinki Roccamatios, Toronto:Alfred A. Knopf Canada,1993; Great Britain: Faber and Faber Limited,1993; USA:Harcourt, Inc.,1993.
    Atwood, Margaret. Review of Life of Pi, Sunday Times.28 May 2003.
    Blackstock, Colin. "Book Winner in Plagiarism Row", Review of Life of Pi, The Guardian, November 8, 2002. www.books.guardian.co.uk
    Booker, Keith M. A Practical Introduction to Literary Theory and Criticism, New York:Longman Publisher USA,1995.
    Boyagoda, Randy. "The Life of Pi", Review of Life of Pi, First Things. May 2003.
    Brooks, Cleanth& Penn Warren, Robert, eds. Understanding Fiction, Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching & Research Press,2004.9.
    Burns, Marilyn. "Interview with Yann Martel", Trent,34, No.1 (2003):7-8.
    Cart, Michael ed. "An interview with Yann Martel", Rush Hour, Volume VI·Reckless, New York:Delacorte Press,2006.
    Cole, Stewart. "Believing in Tigers:Anthropomorphism and Incredulity in Yann Martel's Life of Pi", Studies in Canadian Literature, Vol.29,2004.
    Conlogue, Ray. Brazil's Masterful Fabulist, The Globe& Mail, October,2003:R3.
    Cooper, Pamela. "Loving the animal in Life of Pi", PAC Conference-March 18-20,2004 University of North Carolina at Charlotte. "Life of Pi, by Yann Martel", Booker Prize Novels:1969-2005, Ed. Merritt Moseley. Dictionary of Literary Biography Vol.326. Detroit:Gale,2006.
    Cuning, Magaret. "Famously Adrift", Review of Life of Pi, January Magazine, December 2002.
    Derrida, Jacques. "Faith and Knowledge", Acts of Religion, Ed. Gil Anidjar, New York and London: Routledge,2002.
    Dowd, Liisa. "Fiction, Culture and Theology:A Contemporary Study of Imagination, Faith and Stories." Thesis (M.A.), Andover Newton Theological School,2005.
    Donald, Hall. Subjectivity, NY:Routledge,2004.
    Eagleton,Terry. Literary Theory:An Introduction, MN:The University of Minnesota Press,1996.
    Edemariam, Aida. "Third Time Lucky", Review of Life of Pi, The Guardian,23 October 2002.
    Evans, Dylan. An Introductory Dictionary of Lacanian Psychoanalysis, Routledge,1996.
    Foster, Phoebe Kate. "Everything is Best", Review of Life of Pi, Popmatters Books, Sep.2002.. www.popmatters.com/books/reviews/1/life-of-pi.shtml
    Fuery, Patrick& Mansfield, Nick. Cultural Studies and Critical Theory, Oxford:Oxford University Press, 2000.
    Gang, Zhu. Twentieth Century Western Critical Theories, Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2001.
    Gunning, Margaret. "Famously Adrift", Review of Life of Pi, January Magazine. Dec.2002.
    Guthrie, Stuart Elliott. Faces in the Clouds:A New Theory of Religion, New York:Oxford UP,1993.
    Herbert, Marilyn. Discusses Yann Martel's Novel Life of Pi, Toronto:Bookclub-In-A-Box,2005.
    Iser, Wolfgang. The Act of Reading, Baltimore:Johns Hopkins UP,1978.
    Jameson, Fredric. "Postmodernism, or the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism", New Left Review 146 (1984).
    Kaveney, Roz. "Guess Who's for Dinner", Review of Life of Pi, Times Literary Supplement,19 July 2002.
    Krist, Gary. "Taming the Tiger", Review of Life of Pi, New York Times.11 Jul.2007.
    Lacan, Jacques. Ecrits:A Selection, trans. Alan Sheridan, New York:Norton,1977.
    Lacan, Jacques. "The Mirror Stage as Formative of the Function of the I as Revealed in Psychoanalytic Experience", Twentieth Century Western Critical Theories, Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2001, p.122-126.
    Levinas, Emmanual. Time and the Other, Duquesne University Press,1987.
    Mansfield, Nick. Subjectivity:Theories of the Self from Freud to Haraway, New York:New York University Press,2000.
    Martel, Yann. "How Richard Parker Came to Get His Name", http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/feature/-/309590/104-4043985-5498364.
    Martel, Yann. "Yann Martel on Tigers, Cannibals and Edgar Allen Poe", www.canongate.net.
    Martin, Sandra. "The Luck of the Audacious", Review of Life of Pi, The Globe& Mail, October 24,2002: R10.
    Mishra, Pankaj. "The Man, or the Tiger?", Review of Life of Pi, New York Review of Books,27 Mar.2003.
    Mullan, John. "Paper Tigers." Review of Life of Pi, The Guardian,22 Sep.2007.
    Peperzak, Adriaan. To the Other, West Lafayette:Purdue University Press,1993.
    Sabine, Sielke."'The Empathetic Imagination':An interview with Yann Martel", Canadian Literature, Summer 2003, Issue 177.
    Smith, Jean. "Yann Martel. Life of Pi. (Book Review)", The Review of Contemporary Fiction,22 Mar,2003.
    Stratton, Florence. "Hollow at the core:Deconstructing Yann Martel's Life of Pi", Studies in Canadian Literature, Vol.29,2004.
    Trumble, W. R.& Stevenson, A. ed. Shorter Oxford English Dictionary 5th ed, Oxford University Press. 2004.
    Van Pelt, Tamise. The Other Side of Desire:Lacan's Theory of Register, Albany:State University of New York Press,2000.
    Victor E. Taylor and Charles E. Winquist, eds. Encyclopedia of Postmodernism, London and New York: Routledge,2001.
    Wood, James. "Credulity", London Review of Books,24.22(2002),10 Dec.2004. http://www.bookerprize.co.uk.
    http://books.guardian.co.uk/departments/generalfiction/story/0,,848131,00.html, "May Richard Parker be always at your side", Tuesday November 26,2002.
    http://www.lib.unb.ca/Texts/JSW/number27/cole.htm,27 July,2005.
    http://news.bbc.co.uk/l/hi/talking_point/forum/2350807.stm, "Ask Booker Prize Winner Yann Martel", BBC News,24 October 2002.
    http://news.bbc.co.Uk/l/hi/entertainment/arts/2351847.stm, "Martel's Quirky Path", BBC News,23 October 2002.
    http://news.bbc.co.Uk/l/hi/entertainment/arts/2352437.stm, "Yann Martel Relishes Booker Boost", BBC News,24 October 2002.
    http://www.powells.com/fromtheauthor/martel.html, "How I Wrote Life of Pi".

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