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As the oldest theoretical system on written texts, writing-studies possesses central topics in traditional Chinese translation discussions prior to the "May Fourth Movement". This academic lineage of traditional translation study reached its peak in the later Qing Dynasty(清朝)when its theoretical essentials were concluded into "wen zhang zheng gut"(文章正轨)by Yan Fu who synthesized a systematic Writing-intentioned Translation (Abbr., WIT) Theory. At the same time, WIT theory witnessed its most successful and systematic practice in the decent renderings of Western writings co-translated by the monolingual translator Lin Shu (1852-1924) and his multilingual partners, including fictions, academic works, and numerous news writings, thus presenting a worthy research subject. This dissertation argues that the transalation of Lin Shu (hereinafter Lin 's Translation) owns its success to the translators' exquisite accomplishments in writing-intentioned translation. It claims Lin s Translation emphasises Insights, Approaches, and Wording during its text-processing, and in nature is a successful integration of "Translation Proper""Rewording" and "Transmutation" into theories and methods of traditional writing-studies, which benefits its translations with a unique flavour.
     The purpose and significance of this research lies in attempting to explore the nature of Lin's integrated translation from the perspective of traditional Chinese writing-studies, to restore the academic position of WIT Theory in global translation studies, and to deepen the research on traditional Chinese translation theories, modern translation history and translation criticism. The important theories employed include theories of traditional writing-studies (mainly Lin Shu's theory), theories of Literati Painting, Chinese classical translation theories, translation typology, translation memes, and translation ethics. The dissertation is creative in its theoretical perspective, namely theories of traditional writing-studies, and it uses these to closely analyse the text-processing of Lin's TRANSLATION.
     This dissertation consists of seven chapters. Chapter Ⅰ A reacquaintance with Lin's Translation opens with an introduction to three aspects of Lin's Translation, its nature in both translation typology and WIT Theory, its ideological background in the WIT studies of the later Qing dynasty, and finally, its specific WIT system. The main content includes a new interpretation of Lin's integrated translation in translation typology and a theoretical exploration of WIT, which is followed by a detailed account of the features of the theories and translations of its two representatives during the later Qing period:Yan Fu and Lin Shu. After a systematic analysis of the connotation and function of the three key components in Lin's integrated translation, namely Insights. Approaches and Wording, efforts are made to investigate its unique system and memes inherited from Yan Fu's WIT theory. Not only do these efforts provide a new theoretical framework for deepening the research on traditional Chinese translation theories, they also offer a set of effective terms for communicating with global translation studies.
     Chapter II A WIT-based review of the literature on Lin's Translation assesses the strengths and weaknesses of related researches in China and abroad, with special reference to the evolution of Chinese modern translation theories and its comprehensive influence on modern translation criticism, including that of Lin's Translation. After unveiling the Western-sourced development of Chinese translationology since the "May Fourth Movement", the main content demonstrates the theoretical significance and necessity of this paper's main objective, discusses methods to be used as well as their intent, and asserts that a reappraisal of Lin's Translation can be a meritorious chance for reestablishing the academic position of WIT Theory in contemporary translationology discourse.
     Chapter III The Insights of Lin's Translation looks into the two aspects of Insights in Lin Shu's integrated translation,"shou zheng"(守正)a Confucianism-oriented translation ethic, and "li yan"(立言), an opinion-intentioned translation strategy, the two of which serve as the foundation of Lin's WIT Theory. The nature of these strategies is illustrated by abundant close readings of Lin's translations. Special attention is paid to Lin's passion for translating following a detailed discussion of the Confucianism-oriented translation ethic of Lin Shu and his most successful co-translator, Wei I, based on which attempts are made to explore the opinion-intentioned translation strategies Lin employed while conducting the noble task of enlightening the mass of his countrymen in rendering Western fictions. By emphasizing translators'passion and learning, the ideas of Insights should accord with the more analytical bent of Western translation theory.
     Chapter IV The Approaches of Lin's Translation focuses on Lin's integration of "Intralingual Translation", or Translation Proper."Interlingual Translation", or Rewording and "Intersemiotic Translation", or Transmutation. Lin's WIT approaches to textual processing are first presented by means of close reading carried out under the theoretical framework of traditional writing-studies, with which textural features in the independent translations of Wei I are compared in the hope of elaborating co-translators'contributions at a text level where "Intralingual Translation" and "Interlingual Translation" are integrated into Lin's WIT system. A further effort is made to elucidate the functionality of "'Intersemiotic Translation" in Lin's WIT system with examples from Lin's rendering of Dickens' illustrated fictions, and some others Victorian writings. The functionality of "Interlingual Translation" and "Intersemiotic Translation" in Lin's WIT system should help to liberate global translation typology studies, and is worthy in itself of another specific study.
     Chapter V The Wording of Lin's Translation dissects three major shi fa(师法:stylistic resources in writing), in the formation of a writing style. Rich examples of wording techniques stemming from gu wen (古文),among them classical prose and historical and biographical writings, are employed to determine Lin's acceptance of the stylistic rule of WIT Theory:shi gu(师古),that is. to build translation styles according to gu wen writing conventions. The stylistic comparisons among Lin's translations, source texts and his gu wen writings claim that the styles in Lin's translations are both effective and appropriate. A study of Wei I's contribution to the Western styles in Lin's translations indicates that Lin's integrated translation is all-encompassing in terms of style-building. Lin's WIT style methods would help in founding a specialized style theory for translation studies, which would be beneficial to professional translators.
     Chapter VI The Way to a Writing-intentioned translation endeavours to conclude the essence of Lin's integrated translation. Being the major contributor to Lin's Translation. Lin Shu's own ideas in writing-studies can be a valuable source for the future development of WIT Theory and even that of Western translation theories, especially his arguments on li jie(理解),he philosophical interpretation of writings, wen qi (文气),text principles for writing, and shen wei(神味)the stylistic taste based on shi-fa, all three of which would be appropriate for future study. Although much of the theoretical aspects of Lin's integrated translation will be discussed, it is also necessary to mention those parts of the dissertation that could be built upon:more examples of "Intersemiotic Translation" in Lin's translations are waiting to be discovered, there are more trends and traditions of WIT Theory than will be discussed here, and WIT Theory is only addressed insofar as it relates to Lin's Translation.
①参照图瑞绘制的“赫姆斯翻译研究基本路线图Holmes' bansic 'map' of translation studies "。根据这个图,林译的第一个内涵属于“翻译产品研究”,后一个内涵属于“翻译过程研究”。Toury, G. Descriptive translation studies and beyond. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2001, Page 10.
    ① Yakobson. R.(1959). On linguistic aspects of translation studies. In Venuti. L. (Eds). The translation studies reader. U. S. & Canada: Routledge.2004. P.138-143中文为笔者所译,原文作:For us. both as linguists and as ordinary word-users, the meaning of any linguistic sign is its translation into some further, alternative sign, especially a sign "in which it is more fully developed" as Peirce, the deepest inquirer into the essence of signs, insistently stated. We distinguish three ways of interpreting a verbal sign:it may be translated into other signs of the same language, into another language, or into another, nonverbal system of symbols. These three kinds of translation are to be differently labeled:
    1 Intralingual translation or rewording is an interpretation of verbal signs by means of other signs of the same language.
    2 Interlingual translation or translation proper is an interpretation of verbal signs by means of some other language.
    3 Intersemiotic translation or transmutation is an interpretation of verbal signs by means of signs of nonverbal sign systems.
    ② Translation Proper是个比较难译的术语,proper这个词置于名词之后,通常作“狭义的”,“自身的”解,李德凤等译作“严格意义上的翻译”,字而看不错,不过我觉得置于上下文略嫌不通。雅氏明确说了他的定义立足“符号”,rewording和transmutation都是针对语言符号而言的,不存在“严格”和“宽泛”之分,我译成“充分”的原因是希毕表达原文“某一语言符号自身被完整地译入另一种语言”之义;同理,李把transmutation译作“变形”也有些丢失语境,让人莫名其妙,变成什么形呢?李德凤的译文见于杰里米·芒迪著,李德凤等译,《翮译学导论》,商务印书馆,2007年第10页。
    ① Anthony Pym. Exploring Translation Theories. Taylor & Francis.2009:150中文为笔者所译.原文作:"intersemiotic translation" privileges verbal signs (like those of "translation proper") as the point of departure. In this. he was preceded by the Danish semiotician Louis Hjelmslev.whose view of intersemiotic translation was similarly directional: In practice, a language is a semiotic into which all other semiotics may be translated-both all other languages and all other conceivable semiotic structures. This translatability rests on the fact that all languages, and they alone, are in a position to form any purport whatsoever.笔者按:叶尔姆斯列夫用“符际翻译”方法描述语言的特性,很有新意。
    ③近年有学者用新思维研究《域外小说集》,把译著当作“潜文本”来研究,阐发其对现代译学、文学的影响。“比较林纾翻译小说的历史局限性,周氏兄弟的《域外小说集》,以系统、直译的风格和明确的思潮意识,宣告了中国文学翻译‘林纾时代’的结束,标志着文学翻译规范化、学术化的来临。”(杨联芬,2003:127)这个看法无论从事实、逻辑还是理论方法上讲,都难以让人接受。鲁迅确实伟大,但我觉得这样的研究似乎太过。诚如先生自己所说,这部译著彻头彻尾就是失败了,没必要掩饰,更不能夸大。杨的论调只是在给先生抹黑。事实上,即便是当下“80后”们在网络上掀起的“再读鲁迅/仿写鲁迅”热潮,也没有人提及《域外小说集》。从文章学的历史发展轨迹来看,我更愿意接受这种看法:“在中国历史上,如果要举出一位与鲁迅有可比性的人物,那应该是韩愈。他们都有聪慧的头脑、卓越的语言运用能力,激烈的好辩性格和文学创造力:此外他们两个的文笔都时而饶有风趣。鲁迅不喜欢韩愈的事实,与其说否定了这种相像,勿宁说是反方面的肯定。”David E.Pollard. The True Story ofLu Xun, Hong Kong: Chinese University Press. 2002:116-7.
    ①中文为笔者所译,原文作:[...]intralingual translation is not such a minor issue as the existing literature on translation might suggest (...) I know of no research that looks specifically at the phenomena of intralingual or intersemiotic translation. We do have classifications such as Jakobson's. which alert us to the possibility of such things as intersemiotic and intralingual translation, but we do not make any genuine use of such classifications in our research. (Baker,1998. p. xvii)
    ②Some memes encapsulate concepts and ideas about translation itself. and about the theory of translation. Let us eall them translation memes (ef. Chesterman.1996a). [...]]but first I shall introduce five supermemes of translation. They are ideas of such pervasive influence that they come up again and again in the history of the subject, albeit sometimes in slightly different guises. Some appear to be distinctly more beneficial than others.
    ①切斯特曼在提出“源-宿”(Source-Target)时也认为,在由此模因而来的翻译思想中,翻译是具有指向性的,但他没有说明方向为何:The source-target supermeme is the idea that translation is directional, going from somewhere to somewhere. The widespread acceptance of this supermeme has. in modern translation studies, given us the notions of Source Text (ST) and Target Text (TT). The dominant metaphor underlying this supermeme is that of movement along a path:cognitive linguistics would talk of a "path schema", with the translation itself being the "trajector" moving along this path. Translations are thus seen as "moving" from A to B. Belonging to this same meme-complex there is also the accompanying idea that translations are "containers" for something else:as they are formed. translations "carry across" something from A to B.(Chesterman.1997:8)特别强调一下.这是切氏“客观地”归纳出来西方译学思想本源之一种,他本人并不认同" Source-Target"所衍生的翻译思想的合理性。
    ③ 《撒克逊劫后英雄传略》到1947年都还是“中学国文读本”
    ③如钱锺书说:“后来我阅读能力增进了,我也听到舆论指摘林译的误漏百出,就不再而也不屑再看它。它 只成为我生命里累积的前尘旧蜕的一部分了。”钱锤书,“林纾的翻译”,钱锤书等,《林纾的翻译》,北京:商务印书馆,1981年,第23页。
    ① The translator must use the tools that he knows best how to handle. And this reflection reminds me at once of what Lin Shu. the great early 19th century translator of European fiction into Chinese, said when he was asked why he translated Dickens into ancient Chinese instead of into modern colloquial. His reply was:'Because ancient Chinese is what I am good at.' Arthur Waley. "Notes on Reanslation", The Atlantic Monthly, the 100th anniversary issue. Nov.1948. in Arthur Waley. Secret History Of The Mongols. House of Stratus.2008, page 199.中文为笔者所译,其中"early 19th century"本当作"early 20th century",原文有误。
    ②Ibid.page 201。中文为笔者所译,原文作:I have compared a number of passages with the original....The humour is there, but is transmuted by a precise, economical style:every point that Dickens spoils by uncontrolled exuberance, Lin Shu makes quietly and efficiently. You may question at this point whether it is right to call him a t translator at all. But at any rate in the case of the Dickens novels it would be misleading. I think, to use such terms as 'paraphrase' or 'adaptation'.
    ③Ibid, page 201:What made him so remarkable as a translator was the immense force and vivacity of his style and the intensity with which he felt the stories that were communicated to him....I have spoken or the lessons that can be drawn from Lin Shu's achievement. First, then, what matters most is that the translator, whether working at first or at second-hand, should be someone who delights in handling words.....中文为笔者所译,着重号对应原文的斜体。
    ①"As to the desirability of programmes and schedules, the question is one which has again come conspicuously to the fore. As part of a new pre-occupation with cultural propaganda, various government-sponsored organizations are busy drawing up lists of works that ought to be translated. Young men with linguistic knowledge but often without any literary gifts are roped in to translate, without any particular enthusiasm, works whose only claim to attention is that they have got into an officially compiled list of'master-pieces'. I have a feeling that this system is not going to work very well. What matters is that a translator should have been excited by the work he translates, should be haunted day and night by the feeling that he must put it into his own language, and should be in a state of restlessness and fret till he has done so.'Masterpieces' were not always masterpieces and may at any minute cease to be so." Ibid, page 203中文为笔者所译。
    Hawkes. David. "An Introductory Note", in Hawkes. David. Ed. John Minford. Siu-Kit Wong. Classical. modern, and humane: essays in Chinese literature. Hong Kong: Chinese University Press.1989. page 70.原文作;The voluminous output of the great translator Lin Shu included a good deal of modish trash. But the people who read his elegant classical renderings of Rider Haggard and Conan Doyle were not in search merely of entertainment. They were in conscious pursuit of the Occident, and were constantly reminded in the prefaces to these translations of the morals they might be expected to draw from them.
    ② Robert William Compton, A study of the translations of Lin Shu, PhD dissertation. Stanford Unversity,1971, page ⅲ原文作:It must be conceded that Lin Shu was not destined to play a major role in the intellectual or literary currents of modem China. Although he was well-known and his translations were widely read in the last years of the Ch'ing dynasty, his contributions proved to be minor in view of the tremendous upheavals that have shaken the Chinese literary world since his time.
    ②"Although his Confucian leanings prompted him embrace the all-encompassing "three bonds"(san-kang三纲).his own life experience denied him their fulfillment. Loyal to the emperor, he could not serve him in office:filial to his father, he suffered from his early death:devoted to his wife, he became widower at the age of forty-five. Then, in his middle age. the despairing scholar found a source of income and spiritual consolation in the world of his translations."Leo Ou-fan. "Lin Shu and His Translation:Western Fiction in Chinese Perspective". Papers on China. Volume 19. East Asian Research Center. Harvard University,1965. page163.括号内的中文为原文所有。
    ①"The Pandora's box of Lin Shu's translations has released a swarm of new legacies of which he himself was unware, just as his interpretation of Western novels have pointed toward new horizons perhaps beyond the range of recognition of Western authors and Western readers."Leo Ou-fan. "Lin Shu and His Translation:Western Fiction in Chinese Perspective". Papers on China, Volume 19. East Asian Research Center. Harvard University.1965. page 187
    "The purpose of this adaptation was to increase the readability so as to boost sales....As a dead language burdened with cultural associations, the literary language was not flexible or 'innocent' enough to recast foreign narrative without colouring it with Chinese culture.... Lin Shu...thought that turning foreign fiction into elegant literary language would strengthen the claim that these works of fiction were refined enough to be considered literature of high status."I-heng Zhao, The uneasy narrator: Chinese fiction from the traditional to the modern. London: Oxford University Press,1995, page 229-30.
    ① Yu Zhang对林译本的总体评价:Lin Shu first translated the novel with the help of his co-translators. His translation is characterized by its deletions and alterations. In his effort to make his work read more like a Chinese novel than a translation, he used vocabulary, images and allusions familiar to the Chinese audience. He even changed basic features of some of his characters to adapt to Chinese social conventions. Yu, Zhang. "Chinese Translations of David Copperfield: Accurracy and Acculturation". PhD dissertation. Southern Illinois University (Carbondale),1991.
    ②高万隆论文的总结:To conclude, Lin Shu was undoubtedly an initiator of modem Chinese literary translations as well as a pioneer of the New Culture Movement....Examined in its given cultural context, Lin Shu's translation practice and strategy were also successful, and fitted in with the needs of the Chinese culture and readers at that time....This is the goal of this thesis in recasting Lin Shu. Wanlong Gao, "Recasting Lin Shu: A Cultural Approach to Literary Translation". PhD dissertation. Griffith University.2003.
    ③吕立的结论The conclusion I reach is that Lin Shu's translation of Uncle Tom's Cabin is politically driven, with additional considerations of marketability and literary fame. Li Lu. "Translation and Nation:Negotiating China in the translation of Linshu. Yanfu. and Liang Qichao". PhD dissertation. University of Massachusetts (Amherst). 2007.
    ② 《巴黎茶花女遗事》的问世非林纾从事翻译之本意。
    ①Chesterman. Andrews (1997),转引自 Jeremy Munday, The Routledge companion to translation studies (ed.). New York:Routledg,2009, pp 96.
    ①原文引自Harriet Beecher Stowe, Uncle Tom's cabin, or Life among the lowly. Boston:John P. Jewett & Co..1893,第73页,括号为笔者添加,斜体原文已有。林纾的译文引自林纾、魏易,《黑奴吁天录》,北京:商务印书馆,1981年,第20-1页。下同。
    ②黄继忠,《汤姆大伯的小屋》,上海:上海译文出版社,1993年,第45页。下同。这是Uncle Tom's Cabin在中国最早的一个白话文译本。
    ①Taifel.Henri.Human Groups and Social Categories: Studies in Social Psychology,London:Cambridge university Press.1981,第147页.
    ①数字即该书在A descriptive guide to the best fiction. British and American中出现的贞码,下同。参见:Ernest Albert Baker. A descriptive guide to the best fiction. British and American. London: S. Sonnenschein,1903
    ②原作未入选,但作者的另外两部小说" A Dash for a Throne" " In the Name of a Woman "入选。根据Baker的评述,均为爱情小说。
    ①Ernest Albert Baker. A descriptive guide to the best fiction. British and American. London: S. Sonnenschein. 1903
    ②"It must not be thought that the literature which translators made available was always the best. The voluminous output of the great translator Lin Shu included a good deal of modish trash. But the people who read his elegant classical renderings of Rider Haggard and Conan Doyle were not in search merely of entertainment. They were in conscious pursuit of the Occident, and were constantly reminded in the prefaces to these translations of the morals they might be expected to draw from them. In introducing Allan Quatermain Lin Shu lectures his readers on the white man's love of adventure and innovation: and in his preface to People of the Mist he reflects that if an Englishman would endure the sufferings and hardships that its hero underwent for the sake of a bag of rubies, the outlook for China with her vast resources of gold, silver, silk, and tea was very poor indeed." Classical, modern, and humane: essays in Chinese literature. Ed. John Minford. Siu-Kit Wong. Hong Kong:Chinese University Press. 1989. Page 70.
    ①韦利有个精当的比喻形容林纾的翻译,“盲人观画”:Knowing no foreign language he was. as he more or less confesses in his analogy about footsteps, rather in the position of a blind man at a picture gallery,whose friends are able to tell him everything about the pictures except what they actually look like. (Waley.2008:190)
    1 《冰櫱余生记》1916年商务印书馆出版,文言文译出。译本版权页载“原著者法国勒东路易,译述者双石轩”,寒光、魏惟仪均认为是魏易所译,现在多采此说,除此之外没有其它佐证,魏易也没有再用“双石轩”这个名字译过其它著作。
    ① “这大概不能十分归咎于林先生,因为他是不懂得任何外国文字的,选择原本之权全操于与他合作的口译者之身上。如果口译者是具有较好的文学常识呢,他所选择的书便为较重要的,如果门译者没有什么知识呢,他所选择的书便为第二流的毫无价值的书了。林先生吃了他们的亏不浅,他的一大半的宝贵的劳力是被他们所虚耗了。这实是一件很可惋惜的事!(只有魏易及王庆通是他的较好的合作者。)”郑振铎,“林琴南先生”,钱锺书等,《林纾的翻译》,北京:商务印书馆,1981年。
    ①这里说的是一件很有名的故事,曾朴去北京探访林纾,劝他有计划地翻译西方名著。Arthur Waley在Notes on translation一文中引此事说明翻译选材不必搞“系统工程”。The Secret History of Mongos.第191-2页。
    Multilingual2010年12月(Volume 21 Issue 8)就translation ethics(?)故了一期专刊。大多数译者表示,在职业伦理与经济需要抵触时,他们会选择服从后者,理由是:“即便我不译也总会有人译。”
    ②笔者用的底本即是James H. Loewe的翻译本,J.M. Dent.1900年出版。
    ②《黑奴吁天录》中一共有八首歌,分别是:“Die in the Field ", " Bright Canaan ", " The Wings of the Morning", "A World of Spirits Bright", "The Hebrew Children", "Amazing Grace", " When I Can Read My Title Clear", " Blow Ye the Trumpet "。这些歌曲现在某些场合仍然诵唱,链接是弗吉尼业大学提供的wav,mp3和rm三种格式的录音:http://utc.iath.virginia.edu/christn/chsohp.html
    ①Dale Cockrell. Demons of Disorder:Early Blackface Minstrels and Their World. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1997:Dena Epstein. Sinful Tunes and Spirituals:Black Folk Music to the Civil War. Urbana: University of Illinois Press.1977:Richard Crawford. America's Musical Life:A History. New York:W. W. Norton. 2001.
    ② "Nearly every character in Uncle Tom's Cabin is defined by the sort of music he or she performs. prefers, or scorns... For Stowe and her readers, music was the supreme art of affection...it was a clue to character." The Music of Uncle Tom's Cabin BY DEANE L. ROOT. DEPARTMENT OF MUSIC. UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH. http://utc.iath.virginia.edu/interpret/interframe.html
    ③根据Stephen Railton的研究,这九种音乐题材是:1)Methodist hymns 2)Camp-meeting hymns.3)Psalm-singing.4) Catholic (Latin) hymns and organ pieces.5)Secular songs and piano pieces.6) Opera, theater music.7) Dancing.8) Whistling. Minstrel song & dance。
    ①这首歌叫"Wings of the morning":Oh, had I the wings of the morning./I'd fly away to Canaan's shore,/Bright angels should convey me home,/To the new Jerusalem./O Thou Almighty Father./Come help me now to praise thy glory./Methinks I hear the trumpet sound,/Before the break of day./Oh. had I the wings of the morning./I'd fly away to Canaan's shore./Bright angels should convey me home./To the new.Jerusalem.按:“/”为笔者所添加,表示换行。这首歌在基督教徒中仍然流行,笔者听到的是1999年知名歌剧表演者James Bryant在Virginia Arts Recording Studios录制的版本,见http://utc.iath.virginia.edu/christn/wingsfr.html
    ②原歌出自Charles Wesley的Funeral Hymns.second series,1759斯土活的引文稍有出入,原文应当作“I see a world of spirits bright. Who taste the pleasures there."全部歌词比较长,这里不引,可参见:http://www.cy berhymnal.org/htm/a/l/e/aletthis.htm。Wesley的这本唱诗集很有名,“the best Methodist hymn book which had appeared up to that." (J. Alfred Faulkner.A new History of Methodism, vol. ii. p.146.)
    ②Lin Shu was already famous as a writer of essays and criticism in a terse, clear, and vigorous style of literary Chinese when, more or less accidentally, his career as a translator began.... It is perhaps by his translation of Dickens that he is best known. He translated all the principal Dickens novels, and I have compared a number of passages with the original. To put Dickens into classical Chinese would on the face of it seem to be a grotesque undertaking. But the results are not at all grotesque. Dickens, inevitably, becomes a rather different and to my mind a better writer. All the over-elaboration, the overstatement and uncurbed garrulity disappear. The humour is there, but is transmuted by a precise, economical style: every point that Dickens spoils by uncontrolled exuberance. Lin Shu makes quietly and efficiently.
    ① Waley的见解在西方有不同意见。C T Hsia(夏志清)说"Granted that Lin Shu's 'precise, economical style' makes better reading than Dickens' 'uncontrolled exuberance,' shouldn't a translator's primary duty be fidelity to the spirit and style of the original? " (CT Hsia) R. M. Campton连Hsia这一点点的宽容也不允许,他在质疑Waley的同时批评Hsia上了Waley的当,‘'Incidentally this praise of Lin Shu by Waley has induced C T Hsia to comment:Granted that Lin Shu's precise...." (R. M. Camton,1971:1148)
    ②张世君认为这是受到了流浪汉小说的影响:事实上,西方创作实践中,并非都是严格遵守情节整一性的,它们有很多与情节整一性不相吻合的插曲式的描写。突出的例子是文艺复兴时期的流浪汉小说picaresque novels"。张世君:明清小说评点的空间性观念.载《明清小说评点叙事概念研究》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,2007年,第86页。
    ②原文太长,与本研究也无直接相关,略去不引。参见John Mullan. "Inset Narratives". How Novels Work. Oxford and New York:Oxford University Press.2006. p.165-6.
    ① Mark Ford说:Nicholas Nickleby is made up, nevertheless, of all manner of different kinds of writing—melodrama, political satire, class comedy, social criticism, domestic farce—while its loose, episodic narrative style allows Dickens to push the story at almost any moment in whatever direction happens to appeal. Its open, haphazard progress harks back to the picaresque traditions of the eighteenth century—particularly Smollett and Fielding—and contrasts absolutely with the nightmarish world of Oliver Twist, which was only half written at the time his manic schedule obliged him to begin work on his new serial. It is revealing that Dickens so arranged his contracts that for six months he was producing novels embodying such different visions of the world simultaneously." Mark Ford, "Introduction", in Charles Dickens. Nicholas Nickelby, ed. Mark Ford (London Penguin Books.2003). p.xiv此外,Paul Davis也有类似考证,参见Paul Davis, "Nicholas Nickleby. The Life and Adventures of Nicolas Nickleby", The Penguin Dickens Companion: The Essential Reference to His Life and Work (Harmondsworth: Penguin Books,1999).第331页。
    ①Since both oral and visual forms of information processing are involved, sight translation can be defined as a specific type of written translation as well as a variant of oral interpretation.
    ②Most expression failures were syntactic or grammatical...'subjucts seem to have suffered from coordination problems and short-term memory failures.
    ① Whereas the English novel often describes a scene or a person from an Olmpian angle or viewpoint, the Chinese describes it from the angle of a character. For example, the scene in which... At one point in the novel the English opens in this manner:'One morning, three men were seen entering Paris on foot through the Porte St. Denis. It was a fine day in spring.' The translator could not accept the impersonal'were seen', characteristic though it is of traditional English narrative. He changes the order and the angle of view, beginning with the date and the weather, and only then remarks that'the soldiers guarding the wall saw three men entering the Tianni gate." Patrick Hanan. "On the First Novel Translated into Chinese". In Patrick Hanan, Chinese Fiction of the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries. New York: Columbia University Press,2004.韩南没有交代到底是哪部小说,笔者只能按自己的理解翻原文所及的一句引文。
    ① 《文心雕龙·丽辞》在提出“至于诗人偶章,大大联辞,奇偶识变,不劳经营”之前有“夫心生文辞,运裁百虑”
    ③林纾魏易用的底本是Cheap Edition参见黄俊贤.叙事与视野融合:重述林译狄更斯小说,香港大学图书馆,2010年学位论文。我数过David Copperfield的Cheap Edition一共配有39幅插图。
    ④狄更斯的小说里的配图,贡献最多的是Browne参见Robert Patten. "Browne. Hablot Knight", in Paul Schlicke ed..Oxford Reader's Companion to Dickens. Oxford & New York: Oxford University Press.2000).第58页。
    ①John Harvey. Victorian Novelists and their Illustrators, London: Sidgwick & Jackson,1970,第12页
    ②Ibid, pp 13.
    ③Paradoxically, when Stowe wrote Unde Tom's Cabin, she was not particularly familiar with blacks or the conditions of their existence. Phrenology helped mitigate that want of knowledge by supplying information about mental orientation and its consequences on outward appearances. The importance of the latter for Stowe is suggested by the contention that her "vocation is simply that of a painter, and my object will be to hold up in the most lifelike and graphic manner possible slavery, its reverses, changes, and the negro character, which I have had ample opportunities for studying. There is no arguing with pictures and everybody is impressed by them whether they mean to be or not." Charles Colbert, A measure of perfection: phrenology and the fine arts in America. New Baskerville:UNC Press Books,1997,第241页.
    ②图画来源:全景博物馆丛书编辑委员会,《中国名画博物馆》,郑州:海燕出版社,2002年,第47页。说来有趣,这部画集、评画集是笔者在University of Massachusetts Amherst Translation Center发现的,Edwin Gentzler说看这些画作可以最便利地了解中国的文艺思想。
    ②参见Basil Hatim. Jeremy Munday. Translation: an advanced resource book, New York:Psychology Press.2004
    ③狄更斯小说中的配图外部原因极其重要,究其源起而言,外部功能甚至超过内部功能,但本研究从文章学的角度考量林纾的翻译,与其在本土的出版情况关涉不大,因此省略。可参见:John Harvey. Victorian Novelists and their Illustrators, London:Sidgwick & Jackson.1970
    ④这是就现在已经“结集成书”的小说文本而言,庄“连载”的时候,第二种功能依然很重要。参见:Leavis、Q. D.. The Dickens Illustrations: Their Function. IN Leavis, F. R. and Leavis. Q. D. Dickens the Novelist. London: Chatto & Windus,1970. P429-78.
    ① “插图”对狄更斯的小说有着决定性的影响,他的第一部插图连载小说The Pickwick Papers(《匹克威克外传》)的出版方式和销售奇迹彻底改变了英国十九世纪小说的发行甚至创作模式。《外传》的问世实由“插图”而来,当时著名的捅而家Robert Seymour提议出版商为他的连载漫画Nimrod Club找作家配上文字,出版商接连被几个作家拒绝后找到了刚出道的狄更斯。然而狄更斯却成功说服了出版商让他自由写作然后配上插较,Symour勉强与狄更斯合作了一期即自杀弃世.第四期开始狄更斯终于遇到他最满意的搭档,Hablot Knight Browne《外传》从1836年3月开始发行,前三期如出版商所预料,每期售出约500份,但从第四期开始销量剧增,到1837年2月销量达14000份,年底最后一期竟然售出40000。狄更斯由此走上小说创作的道路。Paul. Schlicke. "The Pickwick Papers". In Paul Schlicke ed.. Oxford Reader's Companion to Dickens. Oxford & New York: Oxford University Press.2000:P451-5.
    ①有研究说这是因为笔译也涉及到" short-term memory ", Agrifoglio,2004
    ① 《先秦诗鉴赏辞典》,上海:上海辞书出版社,1998年,第84页。
    ⑤这二十则故事分别为:《肉券》The Merchant of Venice,《驯悍》The Taming of the Shrew《挛误》The Comedy of Errors《铸情》Romeo and Juliet《仇金》Timon of Athens,《神合》Pericles, Prince of Tyre,《蛊征》Macbeth《医谐》All's Well that Ends Well,《狱配》Measure for Measure,《鬼诏》Hamlet, Prince of Denmark《环证》Cymbeline《女变》King Lear)《林集》As You Like It《礼哄》Much A do about Nothing《仙狯》Midsummer Night's Dream,《珠还》The Winter's Tale《黑瞀》Othello,《婚诡》Twelfth Night:or. What You Will, 《青惑》The Two Gentlemen of Verona,《飓引》The Tempest。英文底本用的是:Charles Lamb. Mary Lamb. Winston Stokes. All shakespeare's tales: Tales from Shakespeare by Charles and Mary Lamb, and Tales from Shakespeare by Winston Stokes, New York:Frederick A. Stokes company,1911。顺便插一句,国学扶轮社出《林严合钞》时.林纾从二十则故事里选了八则送去,取名《泰西故事八则》。钱锺书在《林纾的翻译》里,举《春觉斋论文·论文十六忌·忌糅杂》中林纾批评自己写《洪罕女郎传·序》用了佛典,说明“这充分证明林纾认为翻译小说和‘古文’是截然两回事。”这个结论有两点值得商榷。第一曲解引文,钱氏所引曰“糅杂者,杂佛氏之言也。……适译《洪罕女郎传》,遂以《楞严》之旨,掇拾为序言,颇自悔其杂。幸为游戏之作,不留稿。”“游戏之作”明显指“序文”而不是整部译著,钱误会了。第二,就笔者举的《林严台钞》而言,林纾亲—把他的译文选进了“文钞”,可见翻译对他来说,与“古文”并无差别。不少学者被钱氏误导。我仔细看过钱锤书先生的注释,他可能的确没有看到过《林严合钞》,不过此公素来引西文详注出处,征引中文则不然。
    ③吴汝纶的意思是林纾学的是韩愈,且学得像。得到这样的赞誉,也难怪林纾后来成了铁杆遗老。《清史稿》载:“纾所作务抑遏掩蔽,能伏其光气,而其真终不可自閟。”笔者注意到,一些文章引吴汝纶的话作“抑遏掩蔽,能伏光气者”,或“是抑遏掩蔽,能伏光气”,除了文理不通,人概也没有细想吴氏和《清史稿》的言外之意。臧博平、王震亚著,《二十世纪中国小说发展史》,北京:首都师范大学出版社,1997年,第 34页;汤哲声,《中国文学的现代化转型》,南京:南京大学出版社,1995年;朱碧森,《女国男儿泪 林琴南传》,中国文联出版公司,1989年,第188页。
    ①英文选自Stowe. Harriet. Uncle Tom's Cabin. Boston:Houghton Osgood and Company.1879. Page 7;译文选自黄继忠译本,《汤姆大伯的小屋》,上海:上海译文出版社,1982年,第8页
    ③这本书的语言难度比UTC并不容易很多,不妨试观开头:‘①Love laughs at locks and bolts and bars and every other kind of obstacle, and so Celia and I were sitting hand-locked on a bit of rock on Moreby Point, watching the waves as they dashed against the cliffs below us. and churned themselves into foam on which the thin April sunlight danced and sparkled brilliantly. "Arthur Williams Marchmont. For love or crown: a romance. New York: A.L. Burt,1901, P1
    ②Gile特别强调"=does not mean 'equality', but refers to the result of the interaction between KL and EKL."; "+means 'addition by interaction' rather than arithmetic additions." (Gile,1995:78)
    ① "In any case he was the transmitter, on the grandest possible scale, of European fiction to China, and through him Chinese fiction (which had been tied down to ancient storyteller's conventions that no longer fitted what the contemporary novelist wanted to say) was revitalized when it was at its last gasp."(Waley,2008:191)
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