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     首先,针对一系列连续时间的模糊大系统,基于Lyapunov理论,同时采用分散的设计方法,分别分析了系统的H_∞, H_ 2,混合H_∞H_2滤波问题。将滤波器设计的充分条件转化为一系列的线性不等式。从而得到了连续系统的模糊滤波器设计。
     其次,针对离散时间的模糊大系统,同样采用分散的设计方法和Lyapunov理论,设计了系统的H_∞, H_ 2滤波器,同时采用带有线性矩阵不等式约束的凸优化方法设计混合H_∞H_2滤波器,在保证预定H_∞性能的同时使得H_ 2的性能指标最小。
Many real-life systems such as: power systems, nuclear reactor systems, space systems, process control systems, etc., have increasingly large in scale and complex in structure. And these systems are nonlinear systems. Two problems of such systems are the large-scale features and nonlinear. The methodologies of large-scale systems provide techniques through the manipulation of system structure in some way to overcome these problems. The large-scale systems are divided into numbers of subsystems which have connection between each other. Considering the nonlinear problems, due to the unique advantages of fuzzy modeling, fuzzy systems theory has gradually become the analysis method of nonlinear systems. As a dual problem of control, the filtering problem has an important significance for signal estimation, output feedback control system and so on. In this paper, by combining large-scale systems theory and fuzzy systems theory, we have studied the filter design problem of complex nonlinear large-scale system. The main work is as follows: our works are based on three kinds of systems: continuous time fuzzy large-scale system, discrete-time fuzzy large-scale system, and discrete-time fuzzy large-scale system with time-varying delay.
     1. We present the filter design for continuous time fuzzy large-scale system. Based on Lyapunov theory, we have analyze the H_∞, H_2, mixed H∞H_2filtering problem respectively with the decentralized approach. It will be shown that the resulting error system is asymptotically stable with guaranteed H_∞and generalized H_2 performance by solving a set of linear matrix inequalities.
     2. Based on Lyapunov theory and decentralized approach, we concerned with decentralized H_∞, H_2、H∞H_2filter design for discrete time fuzzy large-scale systems. The main objective is to design stable filters that minimize a guaranteed cost index and achieve a prescribed H_∞performance. The sufficient conditions are established by solving a convex optimization problem with linear matrix inequalities constraint.
     3. We have studied the problem of delay-dependent H_∞filter design for a class of discrete-time nonlinear interconnected system with time-varying delays. Based on the delay-dependent piecewise Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional and with an improved free weighting matrix technique, the delay-dependent stability and a pre-scribed H_∞performance are guaranteed for overall filtering error system. A sufficient condition for the existence of such a filter is established by using linear matrix inequalities that are numerically feasible.
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